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saintswhodi 06-29-2007 02:24 PM

Actually, I believe that has been discussed. Nagin had a casino plan. Setting up about 6 Casinos downtown sorta like a mini-Vegas or something to create revenue and bring jobs and tourism. Although, I believe it was shot down though by Blanco. But I am all on board with that idea.
Here's the plan anyway:

redjem25 06-29-2007 02:38 PM

of course she objected, why would she want to do anything to help with the recovery? There was no direct benefits for her. I think in theory it was a great idea but I dont think at the time we could really support casinos, at least that many. I know people still waiting on or fighting with their insurance co, fema and road home.

Nemesis 06-29-2007 02:42 PM

I see 65% voted no, but this sounds good to me. When we first proposed casinos, I felt it would be best to have them all on one strip with water parks, etc. That would force people to spend at other businesses downtown. My other proposed site was along the lake.

NO has too many sights and cultural offerings going for her to be so raggy. Orlando and Vegas aren't like this. We should squeeze every nickle from hapless tourists, but send them off giddy and wanting to retrn. NO is at a crossroads.

Nemesis 06-29-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by redjem25 (Post 132890)
of course she objected, why would she want to do anything to help with the recovery? There was no direct benefits for her. I think in theory it was a great idea but I dont think at the time we could really support casinos, at least that many. I know people still waiting on or fighting with their insurance co, fema and road home.

The strip probably wouldn't even be completed yet, if approved back then. But we can still do it, since creating more good paying jobs would help lessen the blow of Katrina. Relatively low skill jobs but decent pay would keep young people out of trouble, and out of the heat. Many youngsters don't want to work in construction or offshore in that sun all day. I've done it, and it's no joke.

I'm going to look into how Vegas diversified, etc. We already have many family oriented sights to visit. Let's get back to basics. Sin. Any auto or steel plants we happen to bag would be great, but I'm not holding my breath. I see Dominion Oil this week joined the long list of HQs moving out of town.

WhoDat205 06-29-2007 03:16 PM

A rising tide...

Originally Posted by Nemesis (Post 132888)
Know what? We should've kicked Biloxi while they were down, and became Vegas South. We haven't shown any sort of penchant for luring business and jobs, so why not capitalize on our Sin City rep? That extra tourism revenue could've gone a long way towards helping solve our ills. Then, we could've diversified from there. No resistance about a new dome from me, then.

That's what I'm talking about. NO needs more casinos. First, the tax revenue from them is ridiculous. Second, they bring in tourists by the thousands. Third, they create tons of well-paying jobs which means people are moving back to NO and making and spending more which means more tax revenues which means more money for schools, roads, sewers, housing and...wait for it....big fancy new stadiums. Oh, and then there are more big businesses that have the $$$ to buy the luxury boxes in the aforementioned big fancy new stadium.

You just can't tell me that the people of LA have some moral objections to more casinos in New Orleans. Seriously, if they were built, why would anyone living east of the MS ever go to Vegas again? Harrahs must be bank-rolling gov't officials to keep any competition out of NO.

On a side note: As a South MS native who now lives in Ala., I have to say that compared to Bob Rielly and Haley Barbour, Blanco didn't do jack*&^% in the wake of the storm. NO and LA are luck she's not running for re-election.

Nemesis 06-29-2007 03:26 PM

Yep. We had the chance to be the home of Disneyland, but we now know our niche and limitations. This can be done. Even residents settled elsewhere come back to vsit their people. Jack them up,too. They come with money. Progress will attract new residents, and bring most back. NO has something for everyone. We just need focus.

redjem25 06-29-2007 03:38 PM

Well, whatever they do they need to do it fast. The boat is still sinking. More and more businesses are leaving. I work for an employment agency and so many people have called me wanting come back but cant afford it and then some want to leave but cant sell their house or afford insurance. (thank you allstate!) They have to do something to get the ecomony booming and fast!

Nemesis 06-29-2007 04:06 PM

I understand. I'm trying to sell my home and a rental. I'd like to be able to return in a decade to a better enviornment. I'll visit twice a year, though. I'd adding crime to your list of why others like me are fleeing, but perhaps that should've gone without saying?

blacksaint 06-29-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi (Post 132859)
I disagree with you fully due to what I said previously, and due to the fact that I of course watched the finals being a spurs fan and you are greatly overexaggerating everything the commentators said, and interviews with "fans" on the riverwalk. I had a feeling though what you were saying was not based in hard numbers but based in "impressions." I live here, trust me you are wrong about how the fans feel about the Spurs.

I also disagree cause the NFL is the best, most loved, and most watched sports programming on the planet. There is almost no comparison at this point between NFL and NBA attendance and fan loyalty. You put a football team anywhere with people and it will ALWAYS outdraw the NBA. Football has done a beautiful job of creating one huge impression with fans that will keep people law til the end of time, parity. The fact we could go from 3-13 to the NFC championship game is a testament to the statement "An Given Sunday." You don't have that in basketball. You have the have, and have nots, and poor marketing. It's a league not on par with the NFL. So trying to compare what fans would be like between the two is almost irrelevant anywhere outside of Los Angeles, where the indifference is palpable. You'd also have to consider all the people who may be Cowboys fans in the area, but can't drive all the way to Dallas for a game, but love football. You'd also have to consider people coming from Mexico for games, where they sold over 100,000 tickets to see the Cards and the 49ers. So don't let that "impression" you got fool you. The NBA is not on the same level is the NFL, and would get more than enough support from this area. I just don't want it to be the Saints. I love going back home for games. But if more people think like you and so boo on a new stadium cause you think another area couldn't support the team as the Gulf South does, you'd be mistaken IMO. Difference of opinion I guess.

First of all, what the commentators were saying was pretty cut and dry, there's no mistaken anything, you said yourself that San Antonians didn't have money to waste on a Championship game that they knew the Spurs were going to win. Name any other city or Sporting event that the fans have that type of mentality, like I said before, San Antonio would not support the New Orleans Saints period, if they were so ready for an NFL franchise they would have one. The Houston Oilers moved to Tennessee not San Antonio, don't you think if San Antonio was ready for an NFL franchise they would have gladly put the Oilers in another part of Texas, I think so. The Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore, not even a hint about San Antonio, TX., why do you think that is? Because they not ready. The NFL introduced two expansion teams into the league, Jacksonville and Carolina, again none in San Antonio, you said it would work because of all the people who are Cowboys fans who can't travel to the games and the 100,000 fans that watched the Cardinals and 49ers game in Mexico. If that were the case don't you think San Antonio would've landed an NFL franchise by now with all the movement that went on in the last 10 years or so. The NFL don't trust cities like San Antonio, if they can get bored with a Championship basketball team, what in God's green earth makes you think the Owners would vote on putting a franchise there. Like I said it's nothing personnal against San Antonio, but IMHO, the Saints just wouldn't survive in San Antonio, TX.

9thWardDesire 06-30-2007 01:05 PM

Stick with the Dome. Why? LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!!! Easy access from hotels.
Shot at 2007-06-30

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