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saintswhodi 06-24-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nemesis (Post 132499)
When we build a new dome, it will fall short of others yet again. I don't see anyone taking about Houston or Det's stadiums anymore. It's all Phoenix and Dallas
We can add French Quarter style balconies, and make lots of improvements to bring the Dome back to glory. Some 700 mil is a lot of money for a rebuilding state to spend on a dome. Benson would have to kick in big time, before I'd gleefully support a new dome. Not that my opinion matters... My platform is more sentimental, but I'll give it a run.

The pre-Katrina Saints were one of the most profitable franchises in the league. I recall our former Commish expressing concerns about Benson's annual ransom/payment, or whatever. I'm sure Benson is doing just swell these days, with around 130 suites sold out and a waiting list rumored to be over 25k. I don't think additional suites are needed, considering our region's tenuous economy. Even Gillette only has 80 suites. I don't hear a peep out of Kraft about the lack of revenue in NE.

We aren't Dallas or Atl, either. Those business climates clearly trump ours. Our tourism is down by 1/2, and the oil biz isn't the most stable. People are laying down roots elsewhere, as we fail to get a handle on our education system and crime. Homes are becoming hard sells. I'm not sure how much more Joe six pack can absorb by paying higher ticket prices, and other fees that new domes always bring. A couple 5-11 seasons can quickly change demand for the Saints, while people are still struggling to recover from the storm. Some would find other priorities.

I don't agree with the first paragraph. Renovation isn't good enough. It seems pretty clear we aren't getting a Superbowl again til we get another stadium. Dallas, or Arlington, is already lined up for one and their stadium isn't even finished. I think we can use the revenue of Superbowls returning to the city.

Also, no one talks about Houston or Detroit's stadiums cause what's there left to say? They have new stadiums, with adequate suites. Reliant has 187. The dome has about 137. That's 50 suites. So let's say suites gor for $5,000 a piece on average per game. $5,000 times 50 is $250,000 per game. Times 8 games that's 2 millions dollars in revenue per year the Saints don't have. Not counting pre-season or any dollars people who can afford $5000 suites will spend in the dome. And that's a conservative estimate. A 12 person suite at Ford Field in Detroit is $5800, 20 person $7800. Ford Field only has 140 suites, but I am sure they can charge more due to their newness, and all the other amenities present at the stadium. New stadium in Dallas? 200 suites. You can do your own math on what Jerry Jones will charge to see his Cowboys in a suite, and the additional revenue he will be getting. Oh, Phoenix gets the Superbowl in 2008 and Detroit got it 4 years after opening their stadium. Reliant got one pretty quick as well.

There's plenty of economic reasons for the area to invest in a new stadium, paramount is retaining the Saints. Tom Benson has made it clear a renovation is not enough, so in 2010 we will learn how bad fans want to keep the team here for the long haul. Despite Benson's revenue in any year, I agree with the need for a new stadium. He's an owner, and a lot of other owners are getting are have gotten new stadiums, and Superbowls came with it. I'm on board.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 09:23 PM

Do you think it's possible to sell 50 more suites in this climate, as a Houston sized city can? 70 more,like Dallas? This was my main point. I'll agree that it seems the league is awarding SB to shiny new stadiums, but NO is already one of 4 favored sites, and I think renovations should be given a shot. I believe we would still bag SBs.

blacksaint 06-24-2007 10:27 PM

I think the New Orleans economy will be solid by the time a new stadium is built, and whatever the number of suites they have will sell like a bowl of gumbo at Jazz Fest.

Nemesis 06-24-2007 11:30 PM

I was fixated on our pre Katrina economy being nothing to crow about, and wish I could be as optimistic. However, NO has a few things in her favor.

The Saints have made marketing strides towards becoming a regional team, like the Pats. Our fans still spread out all over the country can hip others to the Saints.

Statewide voters may be more likely to ante up for a winning team. I'm reading that some far-flung citizens and Reps wonder what's in it for them. The stadium initiative may even be able to woe some Cowgirls fans from up north.

The league seriously frowns upon owners whining and seeking to move, while they have season ticket waiting lists. They have also stated their wish that NO remain a football town. Supporting the Saints is up to ya'll, and I think the league would bend an ear for the fans' plight over Benson's.

What happened to my edit button?

saintswhodi 06-25-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by blacksaint (Post 132506)
I think the New Orleans economy will be solid by the time a new stadium is built, and whatever the number of suites they have will sell like a bowl of gumbo at Jazz Fest.

Yup. I don't think there will be an issue as long as we continue the committment to winning. The product we were putting on the field through the Ditka and Haz administrations was embarrassing. We also have something we have never had before, a NATIONALLY recognized superstar in Reggie Bush. I think we absolutely could sell out additional suites.

hagan714 06-25-2007 07:56 AM

Well the city needs to get cleaned up and get its act together. The voters need to get rid of all the trash that has been office. The US goverment is trying to help with all the inditements (?) being handed down now. The next step is to get ride of all the rest. Buisness as usual in the City must change. You have to to focus on bringing company that are the wave of the future. The ranking of the lower 40's in education does not sell well to companies looking for skilled labor. High very high learning curve if on exsists at all. Then and only then can you have any hope of selling suites in the quantity you guys are talking.
Anarchy and open rebellion against the political structure is needed. Take no prisioners. Build a big new jail for all them and get them all to court on time under the stronge arm of a new prosecutor. Hang them high and burry them deep.

AssGrinch 06-25-2007 11:30 AM

One of my many pet peeves is this whole infatuation with the Superdome. For one it wasn't built for football, and you can see that because the seating is terrible. It hasn't had much of a winning history so stop comparing it to Soldier and Lambeau field. Sure it’s not the worst stadium, but it’s one of them. The only thing great about it is its location, which is why the Iberville projects are the best location for a new stadium. Think about what Canal Street would look like with a new stadium.

SapperSaint 06-25-2007 12:14 PM

I love the Dome, however there are times when a change is needed. Is there no big business out there that is willing to step in and help pick up part of the tab. I will agree that the Saints and the fans need a new stadium.

It is time for one.

Nemesis 06-25-2007 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 132543)
I love the Dome, however there are times when a change is needed. Is there no big business out there that is willing to step in and help pick up part of the tab. I will agree that the Saints and the fans need a new stadium.

It is time for one.

No, we don't have any more big businesses to foot part of the tab. We don't have Nissan plants, Delta Airlines, Nabisco, Coke, 3M, TBS, and Big Oil HQs around. This is why the other cities can sell upwards of 200 suites. Those major corps create major jobs. Our suite market has been tapped out for the forseeable future. We can't even hawk our naming rights.

Anyone's beef wih the Dome can be cured at 1/3 the price of a new one. We don't need another dome. We just want one. What we need is wetland protection, and streets, sewers & water lines repaired. We need to fix our hopelessly inept school and criminal justice systems. Civil servants need higher pay, so they can spend more money to create more jobs. We need to invest in attracting those major corps that always seem to skip over us for our neighbors.

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