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Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

this is a discussion within the NOLA Community Forum; Really, I think Obama was shocked when he got this. Makes no sense....

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Old 10-21-2009, 02:31 PM   #11
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Re: Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

Really, I think Obama was shocked when he got this. Makes no sense.
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Old 10-21-2009, 02:45 PM   #12
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Re: Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

I'd like to tell him in person where to stick that peace medal.
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Old 10-21-2009, 08:42 PM   #13
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Re: Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

Like a friend of mine said on Facebook - Obama watched a college football game this year so make him a Heisman finalist too
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:02 PM   #14
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Re: Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by Crusader View Post
Not being american gives me quite the different perspective of what he is doing. A lot of hate and animosity towards the USA had vanished during his first 8-9 month in office. Not only among extremists but among regular europeans like myself.

Make no misstake, I love USA and will go there atleast once a year but I didn't like the Bush administration at all. Starting two wars, one for revenge and one for oil doesn't sit really well with the ret of the world. Its kinda like being the biggest kid in the playground, either you be th ebully that harrasses the weaker or you be the champion who protects those in need. President Obama has brought that hope to the world that the USA will once again be that champion, country out to create peace and prosperity, not war and hate. If that ain't strenghtening the country I don't know what would be.

And he's not going to Iran kissing ass. He's actually trying something called diplomacy. You could bomb Iran back to the stoneage, that still would not help. They would build their nuclear weapons or by them either way. And then they would really have a reason to be hateful towards the US. Iran in reality is not mad directly at the USA but at USA helping Israel, but thats a subject I won't go in to right now.

And I just want to add, while I don't like the wars I support the troops. Sweden has troops in afghainistan too and I'm not happy about that either, a bunch of my friends and teammates (both swedish and american) has gone and I support them all.
Welcome to the Southeast, Crusader. Everyone down here thinks that International politics is a football game - our team against yours.

But I still have faith that one day my brothers down here will realize that we're all people on the same planet regardless of which imaginary lines we live inside of. There's no trophy at the end of the season for the team that consumes the most.

But I'm a hopeless, hippie, Marx-loving, 'Murica-hating, liberal fag.

(BTW - what happened to the politics forum?)
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