AsylumGuido |
02-14-2022 09:32 AM |
Re: Pete Carmichael maybe out as OC
Originally Posted by BakoSaint
(Post 944795)
If he did not like him he could take the head coach interview, and then if passed over ask to be released, and go elsewhere. Thats common when one coordinator gets the head gig the other asks to move on, its respected. He could prove elsewhere that he is good without Payton. I just think refusing an interview and asking for a demotion is a weird strategy for anything. If he wants to go back to being Paytons OC how does asking for a demotion help? And what kind of plan is that having no idea where Payton will end up or whether Payton will love broadcasting or whether the jobs Payton wants will come open?
I keep seeing people around here mentioning Carmichael asking for a demotion. I'm not sure where that came from. All that has been said is that he would not be the OC, yet will remain with the team in an offensive capacity. Nowhere that I can find states that the decision to separate Carmichael from the OC spot was his. I have also not been able to find anywhere that the position moving forward was going to be a demotion.
As you just mentioned, Bako, that makes no sense. The refusing an interview part, however, makes sense if he already knew that Allen was getting the job and that another position was reserved for him.
Does anyone have a reliable source where either or both of these has been shared as fact?