BakoSaint |
11-04-2022 12:05 PM |
Re: Denver Will Be Payton’s Next Job
Originally Posted by TheOak
(Post 962468)
Number of years is moot and you are still missing the problem in most scenarios. I’ll make it a simple question so you don’t have to suffer the mental gymnastics of accuracy or relevance.
Why does Sean Payton want to go to a team that just gave their picks to the Saints?
Your scenario was New Orleans getting 2 first round picks. You have lost your mind in these forums over Loomis giving up first round picks and you think Sean Payton is going to agree to go to a team that just gave two years worth of first rounders away.
You your self said we wouldn’t be able to attract talent because we traded away draft picks.
This is a Kobayashi Maru.
I have never said we must hold out for two first round picks. I hope we get two first round picks and I think it is possible we will, but if we get one first round pick, I will live with it. Maybe even a package of a second rounder and additional picks. What I would not do is pull a CGJ and trade Payton for a late 3rd rounder or whatever ‘because its better than nothing.’ At that point I would call their bluff because two years is a long time to wait. The last team to trade two first rounders for a coach won the super bowl though, so I think that could still happen.
I don’t think Payton would want to go to a rebuilding team that just gave up its only 1st round picks for 2023 and 2024 and has a busted salary cap like us. But I also dont think he would rather wait 2 more years than go to a team that gave up anything. Some teams have extra picks from previous trades. Some teams have a loaded win now roster and could just need a coach. Matt Stafford went to a team that gave up all its picks and didnt care about the future too much because he got a quick ring. Plenty of college coaches go to teams that pay their buyout which means less money to upgrade facilities etc. Gruden went to Tampa and got a ring without picks. Also if Payton waits 2 years he can go to a team with more picks but thats not the only variable that changes. In 2 years that teams QB is 2 years older, maybe gets injured, maybe loses his take for running and loses a dimension of his play, maybe gets a new contract and leaves much less money in the cap for other talent. Is it better to go to San Diego now and deal with less draft picks or to go in 2 years and deal with two key starters being lost in free agency because Hebert got a record deal that cramped the salary cap? Also in 2 years Payton is 2 years older. The older you get the harder it is to spend late nights in the tape room and start from scratch with a new team and offense.
Also I am not sure how much Payton values draft picks. Under his tenure we traded a lot away and also drafted raw long term prospects in what should have been win now years. He might value a team with lots of cap space to add veterans. Remember he was supposedly going to go to Miami who was going to trade draft picks for Brady. That does not sound like a long term build through the draft model. The Dolphins who maybe he liked in terms of owner and GM had lots of cap space and have proceeded to show that much of their style is being willing to unload draft picks for veterans.