12-04-2023, 03:03 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 10,975
Originally Posted by BakoSaint
I think many of the players actually do have character issues, and their battling back is actually consistent with the character issues they have. Listening to some of the players in their press conferences, I think Mickey Loomis and Dennis Allen have assembled a roster with many players who have the same attitude they do about winning and losing, that it doesn't matter, that we should not get down on ourselves or take it hard ever, and we can always work on it next week. Listening to the players post game press conferences last week and this week, hardly any of the players seem upset. Derek Carr did not care last week, he was laughing off what an incredible unexpected play the defender made to intercept him, when he answered with 0 TDs. Jameis Winston seems like the nicest guy in the world. Its like having Fred Rodgers as your backup QB. He didn't fight benching last year, doesn't want to go somewhere he could start, and in todays press conference he just stressed that the Saints coaches, players, and fans are all one family and just have to stick together to be happy. He can't fathom the concept that fans could be angry about bad management, coaching, and play, he just wants us to cheer happily forever so maybe they can win 8-9 games. We have seen in interviews that Kamara cares, and I bet that makes him a cap casualty or trade bait in the offseason. We don't see Kamara put in front of the camera on press conferences. So many of our players are just like Dennis Allen, glass is half full, we'll work on it, there are a lot of positives. CGJ would have none of this, he would put his reputation on the line trash talking St Brown and be mad as hell for a loss, thats why he was labeled a cancer, why he is gone. I think Dennis Allen is infecting the entire team with players who share his loser mentality, and we need to clean house as soon as possible.
The one upside of stacking the roster with players who don't care about winning or losing is that they can't be broken because they are always bending. If they get behind 21 points they won't stop trying as much as they always tried, because many of them don't care at all. Just like Jameis did not care about being benched. Just like Carr does not care about throwing interceptions. I have not heard Haener talk after a loss but I would guess he was drafted for the same mentality and likely shares it. Tom Brady would have none of this. He would not be all sunshine after a loss. We need winners, not a bunch of losers thinking the glass is half full at 5-7. Kamara is one of the only winners we have. And I respect Olave for showing some frustrations when we have struggled, it shows maybe he cares too.
The fact they didn't fold down 21-0 says a lot about the character of the team. Minus many starters they still battled back.