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AsylumGuido 02-24-2024 05:56 PM

Re: The NFL is rigged

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 993517)
Okay, just for fun, I will chime in here.

As far as the refs go, I would lean towards bias before rigging. Mainly because no matter what the refs do, it's still on the players to perform. To actually catch the ball, to make the field goal, to not fumble, to tackle, etc. And yes I understand that the refs can call or ignore a penalty on a big play, but it is still on the players to make that big play.

But that's just the opinion of an old guy on his sofa, so what does it mean? :)

Old guys on sofas have the advantage of many years of perspective and the time to accurately apply it.

BakoSaint 02-24-2024 07:04 PM

Re: The NFL is rigged
In all seriousness, I kid around about golf. But I think its a legitimate question to ask why football must be the sport that is rigged. It does seem easier to rig a slow one player sport without a lot of moving parts, if you had to rig something. I just don't like golf or soccer much as serious mens athletic sports because I think they are kind of sissy. I could play them, but that also makes them kind of lame that people pay a lot to watch that is low intensity and sort of boring if you aren't the one playing it. Football is interesting enough on its own, it does not need manufactured drama. Golf and Soccer definitely do.

I agree that the NFL is biased not rigged. I think the refs give other teams the benefit of the doubt against the Saints because they feel the Saints fans and team challenged their authority and sacred brotherhood when we gave them grief about the no call. They feel they are the hardest workers in America and every fan and player should thank them and kiss their boots for getting out of bed in the morning and gracing them their benevolent services.

Long term I would like to see sports officiated by open sourced AI code where any fan could download the code, feed in the same game footage and data that was broadcast live to subscribers, and their computer would make the same call on any given play that was made in the game by the AI live. To rig the officiating in that kind of system, someone would have to edit 10 camera of video footage in real time while it is being broadcast out. The way technology is going, AI officiating could be very feasible in 10 years and as long as the code is open, it would be perfectly fair, and while close calls would still occur there would never be bias.

AsylumGuido 02-25-2024 08:36 AM

Re: The NFL is rigged

mapcow 02-25-2024 09:03 AM

Re: The NFL is rigged

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 993468)
A hold can be called on virtually every play. That doesn't mean anything is rigged.

sure it does..... the refs decide when to call it. :beatnik:

mapcow 02-25-2024 09:05 AM

Re: The NFL is rigged

Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 993476)
A person who appears absolutely certain about what they know nothing about, knows less than a person who knows that they know nothing.

especially when they ignore.... are claim to... :beatnik:

mapcow 02-25-2024 09:10 AM

Re: The NFL is rigged

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 993506)

I knew this would be good!

:rofl: :roflmao: :rofl:

:popcorn: :jester: :doh:

:crazy: :hallucinate:

.....posting a rumor about food poisoning for a QB was just as hysterical. :beatnik:

darksoul35 02-26-2024 09:16 AM

Re: The NFL is rigged
Idk about rigged but we missed the Super Bowl on the worst no call ever after the bs bountygate . There were several other games they robbed us on so there is 100% bias.

AsylumGuido 02-26-2024 11:02 AM

Re: The NFL is rigged

Originally Posted by darksoul35 (Post 993556)
Idk about rigged but we missed the Super Bowl on the worst no call ever after the bs bountygate . There were several other games they robbed us on so there is 100% bias.

I believe that was more incompetence than bias. The officials were so scared to throw a flag fearing they would be blamed for affecting the outcome of the game that they ended up doing exactly what they were so fearful of doing.

I found it interesting when I read recently that the same crew has never called another Saints game to this day. Perhaps the league isn't totally blind.

stickman 02-26-2024 02:37 PM

Re: The NFL is rigged

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 993563)
I found it interesting when I read recently that the same crew has never called another Saints game to this day. Perhaps the league isn't totally blind.

Well, I would understand if those guys didn't want to come back to New Orleans. I'm thinking a mix of shame and fear.

AsylumGuido 02-26-2024 03:19 PM

Re: The NFL is rigged

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 993572)
Well, I would understand if those guys didn't want to come back to New Orleans. I'm thinking a mix of shame and fear.

I don't believe it is up to them. The league's making that call. The NFL probably doesn't want the reaction from the crowd. It would be relentless.

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