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excellent article on brees!!!

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Originally Posted by FanNJ Frenzy, Nice post, I appreciate you bringing some personal reality to the injury. Like I stated elsewhere I have seen what happens with the injury. Just curious how long did it take to get the strength ...

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Old 04-04-2006, 04:47 PM   #31
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 406
Originally Posted by FanNJ

Nice post, I appreciate you bringing some personal reality to the injury. Like I stated elsewhere I have seen what happens with the injury.

Just curious how long did it take to get the strength and motion back into the sholder and arm?

And for all of the optimists out there I too hope that Brees can return to pre injury form, however I suspect that boosting ticket sales had alot to do with the signing. I hope he can return intime for the season, but do not want to watch a one year stop gap player all season, when there are some great prospects there in the draft.
I don't mean to imply that my injury was as serious as Brees'. In truth I have no clue how bad his was, I just know that mine was bad. The first time I walked on real snow was when I was 22 years old, spending a winter in Boston, MA. Slipped on some wooden steps, and went through a wooden railing. Landed where my shoulder was bent back towards my spine. Dislocated, rotator cuff torn, arm dead.

I spent fourteen months doing pretty faithful physical therapy when all was said and done. To be honest, and with all the (un)wisdom of youth, I stopped working it before I should have and never got back all the mobility. I can reach my left hand to roughly the center of my back from below. With my right (injured) arm, I can reach a bit above my beltline. Since my main concerns at the time were push-ups, bench press, etc. I didn't notice any real loss. I had stopped pitching years before and my current sport was Rugby, so again I didn't notice any real loss. I sure noticed when I tried to play catch. My whole throwing motion felt like it was "wrong." When I tried to put the kind of zip on the ball I was used to, it was like I was trying to throw with my off-hand...just wrong and shortly thereafter, painful.

Funny how when you're young, you can accept those things. Thanks for asking. I recognize that Brees has much better doctors than I had access to. He makes a ton more money and his full-time job is about physical fitness, so he can devote a lot more time to recovery than I can. In my opinion, his recovery will be all about how much be puts into it and what kind of man he is. What I've read so far is encouraging.

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