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Thank you, Mr. Benson!

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Hi all, long time no talk to. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Benson for going out and spending the money, picking the right personnel, and bringing a winner to New Orleans. I have not been around ...

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Old 01-17-2007, 08:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2,894
Thank you, Mr. Benson!

Hi all, long time no talk to.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Benson for going out and spending the money, picking the right personnel, and bringing a winner to New Orleans.

I have not been around here much lately. One of the last times I posted I was complaining about the team not being legitimate and how it was unfair for the people of New Orleans to have to put up with a profit hungry owner. Well, I can't say that anymore. This team, to be sure, is now legitimate, and I just wanted to say thanks to Tom. Also....IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! LOL

One more thing, though, Mr. Benson. If you sale this team to L.A. for a billion dollars, (which you could probably do at the drop of a hat if it weren't for the fact that the NFL has to approve it)...then I take it all back.
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