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Don't judge

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I see a lot of frustration on the boards from people who feel they have seen this all before and don't want to put themselves it again. These are people who are just worn out and can't handle another disappointment. ...

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Old 12-28-2009, 05:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 37
Don't judge

I see a lot of frustration on the boards from people who feel they have seen this all before and don't want to put themselves it again. These are people who are just worn out and can't handle another disappointment.

I am one of those people, and to all the other people out there, I would say, DON'T JUDGE.

I have been one of the biggest Saints fans you will ever meet for about 24 years. I have emotionally invested myself to the hilt. I have literally cried tears of frustration.

Today was probably the peak of that frustration. Maybe I'm dead wrong. Maybe they will go win the whole damn thing. But my personal experience says this will end in yet another disappointment.

As I said in another post, I am moving across the country in a few months, and looking forward to separating myself from all this. I will probably still be a casual fan, but I know that it won't be possible to follow the team as closely, and eventually I will probably totally lose interest. And that comes as a relief.

Because: It's not that I don't care enough. It's that I care *too much*. I have let the fortunes of a football team, a bunch of millionaires who care nothing about me or my "fan loyalty" dictate far too much of my life. And that's not healthy.

Because today I had an ephiphany. I realized that, with very few exceptions over the years, being a Saints fan makes me unhappy.

And I'm just tired of being unhappy.
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Old 12-28-2009, 08:46 AM   #2
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Re: Don't judge

I'm sure Bronco fans in 1998 felt the same was you do. I'm not judging, and I know you love the team...but give them a chance.
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:55 AM   #3
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Re: Don't judge

If being a Saints fan makes you unhappy, it isn't the Saints fault.

It is a game. A game that most of the world doesn't pay any attention to and means nothing in the end.

I suspect your unhappiness has deeper roots than the Saints win - loss record.
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Old 12-28-2009, 10:12 AM   #4
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Re: Don't judge

Originally Posted by gumbeau View Post
If being a Saints fan makes you unhappy, it isn't the Saints fault.
I don't know about that...he is not the first person in my years following the Saints that I have heard make these comments. 2 of my family I grew up with have made these comments and have sworn off the Saints.

With all due respect...if you don't see where the OP is coming from, then I'm going to suggest that possibly you haven't been around for the whole ride or possibly haven't been paying close attention.
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Old 12-28-2009, 11:16 AM   #5
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Re: Don't judge

People and fans are built differently. Everyone wants to see their team win so I can definitely understand how someone who has had such high hopes for a very long time gets tired of the less than stellar seasons. I'm not anywhere near giving up on watching and taking an active interest in what the team does but I can certainly appreciate and understand why someone else might.
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