04-09-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: Darren Sharper says that a possible return
Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
Hold on a second...
No one is saying Sharper didn't make the plays he made:he's a very astute player and has a knack for being around the ball, and I doubt you'll find a Saints fan who doesn't want Sharper back for at least another year.
you cannot deny the fact that Sharper greatly benefited froim GW's defense, because it was GW's scheme who put Sharper in a situation where he could make use of his skills, and you cannot deny that Sharper also benefited from playing in the middle of Tracy and jabari, knowing he could take chances and be sure the CBs were going to hold their own.
If you are going to look at the 9 INTs this year and that he made the popularity contest bowl 4-5 years ago, well, let me bring my dear old Jason David into the conversation. Why am I bringing back Jason David? Did you know that Jason David had more INTs than Darren Sharper the previous 3 years?
Check this out:
2006 4 INTs
2007 4 INTs
2008 1 INT
2006 2 INTs
2007 3 INTs
2008 5 INTs
and David played in 4 less games than Sharper in that 3 year span
DON'T GET ME WRONG NOW! I'm not saying Jason David is better than Sharper or that I want to have David back. Hell, no! What I am simply saying is that, if it was all Sharper, then he would be intercepting balls more consistently every year; if it was all Sharper, then he wouldn't have a year with a single INT in 16 games.
You simply cannot deny that Sharper landed on the perfect situation for him, i.e., a Gregg Williams defensive scheme and 2 CBs who don't need babysitting.
wow..well put...the JD thing is kinda scarey to see though.