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Possible Darren Sharper suitors

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; in regards to Bush vs. Sharper, is it possible that if we aren't overpaying for Bush, than paying a competitive price for Sharper is not such an issue? It's not that complicated and y'all are being too sensitive. We are ...

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Old 04-09-2010, 07:11 PM   #21
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

in regards to Bush vs. Sharper, is it possible that if we aren't overpaying for Bush, than paying a competitive price for Sharper is not such an issue?

It's not that complicated and y'all are being too sensitive. We are overpaying for Bush and can't afford the much needed and worth it Sharper.... why is it tragic to compare the two together? I just can't stand reading about salary limits preventing Sharpers return, knowing how much Reggie is robbing the saints for..... don't know how y'all can, but that's you .....sometimes, ignorance is bliss!

If we were talking about salary balance between any other players on the roster vs. Sharper, etc.... no one would be reaching for their shotguns. Why, because it's appropriate. It's what teams do, balance budget vs. volume of quality per player vs. priority, etc. But, because it's Reggie Bush (face of the saints), everyone wants to put on their stubborn caps.

I also think it's hypocritical that everyone's got something to say about Sharper along the lines of "just shut up and take what you can get", and "you're lucky they even want you here".... and at the same time, express no concern for the ridiculous chunk of change Reggie is set make. So everyone cares that Sharper (NFL defensive MVP caliber player) is looking for more money, but could care less what Reggie (high draft disappointment) is making. It just seems backwards, ignorant, hypocritical.... what have you.

Last edited by HintOfLogic; 04-09-2010 at 07:20 PM..
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Old 04-09-2010, 07:59 PM   #22
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

It isn't hypocritical to say "Sharper stop tryin to milk a famished cow". its about Sharper not Reggie, Sharper. Sharper wasn't drafted in 06 with the #2 pick was he? Reggie Bush is the driver in negotiations, The organization and coaches wanted him back, and to keep him that meant paying his $8mil salary.
He's not robbing the Saints, is he worth 8 mil a year i think its questionable but those were the terms of engagement. He's already re structured his deal b4.
Charles Grant robbed the Saints. Sharper was expecting to get a monster payday but the market isnt there so until he accepts the fact that teams will only want him at the right price, he'll be on the NFL Network. The Team does not owe him anything.

wrong sharper thread fyi.
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Old 04-09-2010, 08:21 PM   #23
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

Originally Posted by HintOfLogic View Post
in regards to Bush vs. Sharper, is it possible that if we aren't overpaying for Bush, than paying a competitive price for Sharper is not such an issue?
Possible? Maybe. But highly unlikely since they have shown they are willing to cut players rather than pay them more than what they think they are worth (see Grant). There is no evidence at all to suggest what the team is paying Bush, or any other player for that matter, has anything to do with them being willing or able to pay Sharper what he thinks he is worth. You are jumping to wild conclusions in order to support your Bush bashing. There is no way I believe that if Reggie was making less, or if he was cut from the team that the Saints would then say "Here you go Darren. Here is that franchise tag you wanted and the enormous paycheck that goes with it. We can afford it now that we don't have Reggie". Let's have everyone sound off to see if they think that would happen or not.

Originally Posted by HintOfLogic View Post
It's not that complicated and y'all are being too sensitive. We are overpaying for Bush and can't afford the much needed and worth it Sharper.... why is it tragic to compare the two together? I just can't stand reading about salary limits preventing Sharpers return, knowing how much Reggie is robbing the saints for..... don't know how y'all can, but that's you .....sometimes, ignorance is bliss!
Again, jumping to conclusions. You are being too sensitive to how much he makes. He was paid according to what his draft position was. The Saints did not have much flexibility with that. That is how the draft and associated pay scale work. You are being ignorant when you dismiss Bush as nothing but a "decoy". Obviously SP and the organization feel differently. Do you claim to know more about it than they do?

Originally Posted by HintOfLogic View Post
If we were talking about salary balance between any other players on the roster vs. Sharper, etc.... no one would be reaching for their shotguns. Why, because it's appropriate. It's what teams do, balance budget vs. volume of quality per player vs. priority, etc. But, because it's Reggie Bush (face of the saints), everyone wants to put on their stubborn caps.
This thread was not about salary balance. You brought it up as an excuse to bash Bush yet again and concoct some rumor about him being the reason we don’t give Sharper what he wants.

Originally Posted by HintOfLogic View Post
I also think it's hypocritical that everyone's got something to say about Sharper along the lines of "just shut up and take what you can get", and "you're lucky they even want you here".... and at the same time, express no concern for the ridiculous chunk of change Reggie is set make. So everyone cares that Sharper (NFL defensive MVP caliber player) is looking for more money, but could care less what Reggie (high draft disappointment) is making. It just seems backwards, ignorant, hypocritical.... what have you.
Sharper was lucky to hook up with the Saints last off-season. His services were not in great demand and he did not seem to be getting many offers from other teams. He caught on with us, got his ring and gave his career a big shot in the arm thanks to the style of defense we played. Sure he played very well and earned the accolades he received. But it was a team defensive effort last year. The entire secondary had improved play.

Reggie's performance also does not add up to a disappointment, as you seem to feel. Look at Jamarcus Russell and Alex Smith if you want to see high draft pick disappointments. Bush has averaged 8 TDs per season since he has been in the league with a 4.0 YPC average. His best rushing season was last year where he averaged 5.6 YPC. Those are hardly hall of fame numbers, but they are not bust numbers either.

We get it. You don't like Bush and think he is overpaid. Your constant harping on it and wild assertions that he is the reason for lack of signings is getting old.

Last edited by SAINT_MICHAEL; 04-09-2010 at 08:29 PM..
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Old 04-09-2010, 08:32 PM   #24
Merces Letifer
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

Originally Posted by HintOfLogic View Post
in regards to Bush vs. Sharper, is it possible that if we aren't overpaying for Bush, than paying a competitive price for Sharper is not such an issue?

It's not that complicated and y'all are being too sensitive. We are overpaying for Bush and can't afford the much needed and worth it Sharper.... why is it tragic to compare the two together? I just can't stand reading about salary limits preventing Sharpers return, knowing how much Reggie is robbing the saints for..... don't know how y'all can, but that's you .....sometimes, ignorance is bliss!

If we were talking about salary balance between any other players on the roster vs. Sharper, etc.... no one would be reaching for their shotguns. Why, because it's appropriate. It's what teams do, balance budget vs. volume of quality per player vs. priority, etc. But, because it's Reggie Bush (face of the saints), everyone wants to put on their stubborn caps.

I also think it's hypocritical that everyone's got something to say about Sharper along the lines of "just shut up and take what you can get", and "you're lucky they even want you here".... and at the same time, express no concern for the ridiculous chunk of change Reggie is set make. So everyone cares that Sharper (NFL defensive MVP caliber player) is looking for more money, but could care less what Reggie (high draft disappointment) is making. It just seems backwards, ignorant, hypocritical.... what have you.
Did Reggie bang your pretend-girlfriend or something?
a) It is not your money.
b) the Sharper situation has NOTHING to do with the cap. There is no cap, moron.
c) Sharper IS lucky he's wanted here.. so far NO ONE has even talked to him.
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Old 04-09-2010, 08:36 PM   #25
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

I think it Could be Sharper in disguise!! 0_o
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:04 PM   #26
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper View Post
Did Reggie bang your pretend-girlfriend or something?
a) It is not your money.
b) the Sharper situation has NOTHING to do with the cap. There is no cap, moron.
c) Sharper IS lucky he's wanted here.. so far NO ONE has even talked to him.
This one takes the cake!
a) OK, I can't comment on Reggie's money he's making, but everyone's got something to say about what Sharper's money. Brilliant!

b) Yes, there is no cap, I know, this makes us both geniuses, right! Did I ever say "cap"? What are you having arguments with yourself (and I'm a "Moron")? However, you have Loomis on TV saying "he's got all the Love in the world for Sharper, he just doesn't have all the money in the world for him". Apparently, it's not about cap space, but it's about bank accounts right? Is it possible that Reggies huge hit on the bank could be a factor on the rest of the money to go around? Don't think too hard..... Not many teams out there have 8 million dollar a year guys.... and have to carry other sallary's like Brees' righteous one now.

c) OK, you know Sharper is not getting interests from any other teams HOW???

Seriously, I'm serious here..... slow down and take a deep breath: How come you are getting so worked up and offended if Bush even comes up in a debate. I really think y'all over compensate in defense for him because his play is so controversial.

I have been and very well may continue to be a Bush critic. At this point, with so many years under his belt, many questionable, and really still trying to find just what it is he does really well..... is it really that hard to fathom that he may have critics? I truly, I MEAN TRULY can not believe how quick fans get their panties in a wad and in most typical fashion make personal insults on the poster opposed to opinion vs. opinion or even fact vs. fact based on the comments in question. Its ironic that Reggie's loyalist insult his critics with far fetched, school yard teen talk, when they know it's not true, but it's ironic that he is most often supported by some accomplishment not related to his football accolades... like "banging". I think "YOU" are more fixated on his celebrity status than anything. I don't think like that.'re just a tool!

Good lord all mighty, why do y'all get so god daym offended at the mention of Bush. He's not your little brother. He will come and go, and continue to be mediocre at every thing he does, so lighten up.

Last edited by HintOfLogic; 04-09-2010 at 09:06 PM..
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:32 PM   #27
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

Originally Posted by SAINT_MICHAEL View Post
Possible? Maybe. But highly unlikely since they have shown they are willing to cut players rather than pay them more than what they think they are worth (see Grant). There is no evidence at all to suggest what the team is paying Bush, or any other player for that matter, has anything to do with them being willing or able to pay Sharper what he thinks he is worth. You are jumping to wild conclusions in order to support your Bush bashing. There is no way I believe that if Reggie was making less, or if he was cut from the team that the Saints would then say "Here you go Darren. Here is that franchise tag you wanted and the enormous paycheck that goes with it. We can afford it now that we don't have Reggie". Let's have everyone sound off to see if they think that would happen or not.

Again, jumping to conclusions. You are being too sensitive to how much he makes. He was paid according to what his draft position was. The Saints did not have much flexibility with that. That is how the draft and associated pay scale work. You are being ignorant when you dismiss Bush as nothing but a "decoy". Obviously SP and the organization feel differently. Do you claim to know more about it than they do?

This thread was not about salary balance. You brought it up as an excuse to bash Bush yet again and concoct some rumor about him being the reason we don’t give Sharper what he wants.

Sharper was lucky to hook up with the Saints last off-season. His services were not in great demand and he did not seem to be getting many offers from other teams. He caught on with us, got his ring and gave his career a big shot in the arm thanks to the style of defense we played. Sure he played very well and earned the accolades he received. But it was a team defensive effort last year. The entire secondary had improved play.

Reggie's performance also does not add up to a disappointment, as you seem to feel. Look at Jamarcus Russell and Alex Smith if you want to see high draft pick disappointments. Bush has averaged 8 TDs per season since he has been in the league with a 4.0 YPC average. His best rushing season was last year where he averaged 5.6 YPC. Those are hardly hall of fame numbers, but they are not bust numbers either.

We get it. You don't like Bush and think he is overpaid. Your constant harping on it and wild assertions that he is the reason for lack of signings is getting old.
holy wow, thanks for taking the time to actually respond... I'm serious! You do realize it would have been easier to just call me a few names though right ???

I see all of your points and they are valid. I still can't help but feel the way I do. I think you probably feel like I'm over exaggerating and I think you're over exaggerating.... a little both ways.... and yes, both version tailored a little more to fit our personal opinions I'll agree to disagree. I think if Loomis is sitting in his office and not looking at $8 million next to #25 on the rooster, satisfying other pivotal guys Sharper wouldn't require as much banging heads on desk. Not many teams have to deal with a bug chunk like that, and the more affordable vets. aren't such an issue to lock in.

Of course everything I say is hypothetical, that's why we're talking... in forums.... expressing opinions. We don't work for the NFL. I know you know this, but you also know I'm not spreading rumors, I'm just speaking my view. That's what fans, as spectators do.

I've got a lot of respect for Sharper, I think he should be locked in for 2-3. I don't like the fact that he feels entitled to a big contract by default, but the bottom line is.... if we keep losing these pro-bowl caliber players, it adds up...... ask the Patriots.
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:34 PM   #28
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

It's not a case of being offended. And you are certainly welcome to have and express your opinions. You are getting this response because many of the posts you make circle back to your feelings about Bush. The first few times you mentioned it no problem. When you turn a thread about other teams interested in Sharper into a Bush ***** fest again, then you are going to get a response. If you hear your favorite song over and over you'll get sick of it. When you hear a constant gripe you do too.
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Old 04-09-2010, 09:43 PM   #29
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

Originally Posted by SAINT_MICHAEL View Post
It's not a case of being offended. And you are certainly welcome to have and express your opinions. You are getting this response because many of the posts you make circle back to your feelings about Bush. The first few times you mentioned it no problem. When you turn a thread about other teams interested in Sharper into a Bush ***** fest again, then you are going to get a response. If you hear your favorite song over and over you'll get sick of it. When you hear a constant gripe you do too.
Listen, the only time I've brought up woe's with Bush was in comparison to problems appeasing Sharper, money wise. Whether you agree with me or not, it's a valid point (theoretical or not). Sharper IS the hot topic right now and the primary concern.

The fact is, I brought up my take to be met by a wave of contradiction and hostility. I've continued to respond.... If I ignore indifferent opinions, then everybody's wasting their time.

As long is Bush is set to be the highest paid RB in the NFL with what, a Brees' like salary.... and Loomis and front office are scratching their heads with a closed checkbook, I'll be here. I'm glad y'all got it all figured out, but it baffles me.
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Old 04-09-2010, 10:45 PM   #30
Merces Letifer
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Re: Possible Darren Sharper suitors

Originally Posted by HintOfLogic View Post

Seriously, I'm serious here..... slow down and take a deep breath: How come you are getting so worked up and offended if Bush even comes up in a debate. I really think y'all over compensate in defense for him because his play is so controversial.
Offended? I am not offended, and I am not defending Bush...I have to admit, it does get tiresome to hear the same "OMG Bush is making this much bla blah blah draft bust blah blah blah gimmick blah blah blah" when talking about other players.

.. enough.. another Billy.
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