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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

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Old 10-09-2003, 09:28 PM   #31
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

FYI, post the link. No problems with a link posted.
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Old 10-09-2003, 10:19 PM   #32
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

I\'m more of a reader than a poster, but the last couple of weeks\' banter on the board has me concerned. Many of you may not give a rat\'s rear end hair what I think, but here goes...

Every once in a while, it\'s nice to here a little, friendly, competitive testosterone-banter; however, the verbiage currently being exchanged between Billy and SDog has reached a new low. Personal attacks, name calling and genital-measuring contests may be entertaining for those involved, but like hockey and Nascar, neither are very must fun to watch. This board is a PUBLIC board, so those of us who watch do have a say in what the two of you say to and about each other. If you really must insult each other, then swap email addresses or phone numbers. Heck, if neither of those two options excites you, I\'m willing to start a collection to buy one or both of you a ticket to visit one another and work out your differences.

I (and I suspect many others on this board) view BandG as sort of a haven from the many other asinine Saints fan boards (NOLA comes to mind). I don\'t mind hearing people argue about what the team is or is not doing right, but the childish personal attacks just are not necessary.

Billy, you make some great points, perform admirably as a devil\'s advocate and newsreporter, and show us what being a true supporter of a player is all about. Just stop responding if this dude gets under your skin so badly.

Dog, the rules were here before you were. Please follow them. Stop the name-calling, the general insults and the arrogant banter. No, I\'m not in charge of anything. I\'m just trying to give you the viewpoint of third-party viewers. A little charisma goes a long way.

I\'m not trying to sound holier-than-thou. I really enjoy visiting this board, but if I wanted to listen to this kinda chatter and bs, I\'d go hang out at the playground at the local middle-school.

Just my two cents. Do with it what you will.
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Old 10-09-2003, 11:10 PM   #33
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

I knew when I read that this morning that you or BrooksMustGo was going to jump on it.
Wow, where is all this BMG hostility coming from? I don\'t understand?

I don\'t come onto this board attacking other posters. I do have an opinion, but I hope that I\'m expressing it lucidly and in a reasonable manner. I don\'t hate AB, I simply think that after 3 seasons as a starter that he\'s show about all he\'s going to show.

I know that Rick Gannon took a while to develop, as did Tommy Maddox, but neither of those guys had teams willing to spend years starting them until they could play the position.

However, the very argument that a lot of the pro-Brooks crowd uses is the same one I like for trading him. He\'s in his prime. I think that plenty of teams would give up way too much pursuing potential. I think that we could get great value for him. I\'m not saying to cut him. I\'m not even saying to bench him. I\'m totally OK to let him pad his stats all season long, keep losing and then trade him. As he doesn\'t seem to take much responsibility for anything, it shouldn\'t be too hard to get him to come out with some sort of \"diamond surrounded by trash\" comment at season\'s end and allow us to shop him and get great value for him.

At any rate, if I\'ve caused offense or hurt feelings, please accept my apologies. I have no desire to do that. I think we probably need a total rebuild and Brooks could be our very own Herschel Walker.

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Old 10-09-2003, 11:52 PM   #34
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

Billy ,
I think you are one up on Brooks .

Brooks - Trying to hit a receiver , usually high and off the mark
Billy - Making a post point , usually wide and off the point .

Brooks - Can\'t read defenses
Billy - has trouble reading a post throughly

Brooks - loses he has a horrible excuse
Billy - loses or is wrong admits it .

Yep Billy your one up ..... :P
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Old 10-10-2003, 09:16 AM   #35
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

BMG, there was certainly no hositlity intended towards you when I made that comment you quoted above. Fact is, your namesake fairly illustrates how you feel about Brooks and I\'ve never seen a post from you that has anything positive to say about him. Not that you haven\'t made one. I might have missed it.

The reason I said that was because in my mind there are two people here who are aggressively anti-Brooks - you and Swampdog. My intention was to say that there was something so wrong with what AB said there, that I figured his most aggressive detractors would jump right on it.

I apologize as well if you took that as an insult as that was definitely not my intention.

btw, I can\'t recall anything you\'ve ever posted that was offensive to me. I was just lumping you in with the anti-Brooks group.

[Edited on 10/10/2003 by ScottyRo]
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Old 10-10-2003, 09:48 AM   #36
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

but like hockey and Nascar, neither are very must fun to watch
Hockey is not fun to watch??? I take more offence to that statement than anything Swampy has posted
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Old 10-10-2003, 11:20 AM   #37
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

I agree, canucksaint, opening day was Wednesday and I had a freakin blast at the Stars game. I cannot imagine anyone saying that hockey is boring, unless they\'ve never been to a live game.
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Old 10-10-2003, 11:40 AM   #38
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

I\'ve been to 5 NHL games and 4 Brass games. I have to say that without a doubt, hockey is the most action deprived sport of the big four. Nothing personal, but sitting through a 1-1 tie is like watching paint dry. The only thing more boring is soccer.
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Old 10-10-2003, 11:41 AM   #39
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

That was a great game to watch. You guys walked all over the ducks. I can\'t wait for the Leafs/ Habs game.
I love this time of year. Football and Hockey... it can\'t get any better... well it only can get better when my teams start to win.
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Old 10-10-2003, 11:48 AM   #40
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Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

Swampy, it depends where you watch and who is playing. I don\'t know about the teams down there, and how the fans are. But up in Toronto, the games are huge, and the atmosphere is amazing. Hockey is as close to a religion as we get.
As for comparing the big 4 on action deprived, I think Homer Simpson said it best when talking about baseball \"I never realized how boring this game is without beer\"
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