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canucksaint 11-07-2003 09:49 AM

Will we have a new HC?
I saw on CBS Sportsline an article talking about how safe HC's jobs are this season.
And I was wondering what people are now thinking about our coaches and their stability? A couple of weeks ago many people were talking about getting rid of Haz, Venturi and McCarthy. Is this still what people feel would be best? If it is, then who, based on the Sportsline article (and names mentioned there) would be the best to fill the shoes, and what would be the probablity of getting them?

tweeky 11-07-2003 09:56 AM

Will we have a new HC?
It looks like this staff is getting it together. If we play lights out for the rest of the season I don\'t think a change will be made, or should be.

If we tank again, heads will roll, and they should.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 10:08 AM

Will we have a new HC?

A couple of weeks ago many people were talking about getting rid of Haz, Venturi and McCarthy. Is this still what people feel would be best?
Most of the folks that were screaming to get rid of Haslett and company, not only wanted the coaches gone, but about half of the players. Back in \"the day\" coaches were allowed more time to build a winning team. Now days it seems that a coach must have instant success or the fans want him gone. With free agency being what it is, it has changed the fan\'s expectations.

I\'ve had some to tell me that Haslett has had enough time and he will never be able to get the job done. This may or may not be true. There have certainly been coaches that didn\'t get the job done in their first 4-years that later went on to win the super bowl, so I can\'t buy into that theory. There is much more than just coaching that is responsible for the success of a team. Just look at Dan Reeves. He has been to multiple super bowls and everyone is calling for his head this year. I don\'t think this is a result of Reeves\' coaching skills. But, he get\'s blamed none-the-less.

Maybe I\'m more loyal to the coaches than most, but I\'m in favor or Haslett returning. I want to see him finish what he has started here in New Orleans and I believe he deserves the chance.

[Edited on 7/11/2003 by ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs-]

BlackandBlue 11-07-2003 10:28 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Haslett has had enough time. We know that this team is loaded with talent and is underachieving (overall). If he does not make the playoffs this year, consider it a failure, and the coaching staff should be purged. I\'ve already gone on record by stating that I would like to see Maurice Carthon brought in to be the head coach. If it is true that he is a Parcell\'s clone, that can only be a good thing. Let him hire his own coaching staff- no remnants from staffs of the past.
And nothing should be done with the current roster. Leave it for Carthon to decide what direction he wants to go.

[Edited on 7/11/2003 by BlackandBlue]

canucksaint 11-07-2003 10:31 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Billy, I’m not saying get rid of Haz yet, but I’ll reserve that call till the end of the season. But I have to wonder how long you want to give him to prove himself? When we have a loosing season? When we lose 4 in a row to crap teams? When we go 1-15? His record has been on a steady decline since he came in. Yea, I know in his first year we won our first play off game, but was that not essentially Ditka’s team? Why has McCarthy not been able to put up the points with all the talent we have? In the past couple week’s people are now jumping behind Venturi. Where previously no one supported him. Was the defense that amazing by letting TB get back into the game in the 4th? How about the loss to Carolina? Don’t get me wrong. I think the D has improved, but is it where it should be? Would it be better with a different D coordinator?

deadflatbird 11-07-2003 10:37 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Well... I think there will at least be some staff changes. I think Venturi is gone... it will take a near miricle for the organization to keep him.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 10:38 AM

Will we have a new HC?
canucksaint -- Everyone seems to want to base their decision whether or not to fire Haslett on wins/losses. Not me. I have to look at the reasons for those losses. Were they a result of coaching decisions? Were they the result of injuries? Were they the result of losing against the better team? Most want to point out the collapses of the last two seasons and I understand that. But, the truth is, to effectively evaluate Haslett, you would need to go back and watch every game tape, of every game and weigh everything. At least that\'s what I would do. Maybe it would show that Haslett was most responsible. I don\'t know and I don\'t think any of you do either. Can any of you tell me what games coaching cost us to lose?

[Edited on 7/11/2003 by ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs-]

saintfan 11-07-2003 10:39 AM

Will we have a new HC?
A special teams Breakdown cost us the first Carolina game. The refs cost us the second one. The team didn\'t play that well in the opener and have fought adversity all season long. The team appears to be behind coach Haz from what I can see and read. I think you have to give Jim the rest of this year and next. I know that ya don\'t make an excuse out of injury, but this team was really crippled with all the injuries on defense early this year, and as McCarthy has said, it\'s difficult to run your game plan when you\'re always playing from behind. Right or wrong, I think Jim gets at least one more year here, and honestly I think he deserves it.

canucksaint 11-07-2003 10:47 AM

Will we have a new HC?
He admitted to being out coached for a couple games this year (Titans and Panthers I think). I agree that basing it off win/loss record may not be the best judge. We also have to look at which games we lost to better teams. Like last year... Det. Car. Chi. Cin. Min?? I guess those were all standout teams? This year injuries have really cripplied us. But that is part of the game. I agree with saintfan in giving Haz one more year. As for McCarthy and Venturi...don\'t let the door hit you on the way out.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 10:55 AM

Will we have a new HC?

He admitted to being out coached for a couple games this year (Titans and Panthers I think). I agree that basing it off win/loss record may not be the best judge. We also have to look at which games we lost to better teams. Like last year... Det. Car. Chi. Cin. Min?? I guess those were all standout teams? This year injuries have really cripplied us. But that is part of the game. I agree with saintfan in giving Haz one more year. As for McCarthy and Venturi...don\'t let the door hit you on the way out.
The only game Haslett admited to being out coached was the Titans game. Also, we did not lose to Chicago last year. The loss against Carolina.....well, Carloina was playing as good as anyone at the end of last year. The Bengals game and Detroit game we should have won but I beleive Deuce was hurt in those games. That old cliche\' that injuries is no excuse is BS in my opinion. Every teams loses games that they should have won. Just look around the league this year. I beleive the Panthers lost to the Huston last week?

I\'ll be the first to admit that I really am not the best one to be calling for coaches to be fired. I don\'t have the knowledge or the resourses to be making those decisions.

JOESAM2002 11-07-2003 11:00 AM

Will we have a new HC?
The thing that bothers me about Haz are his statements that he doesn\'t know what\'s wrong. That tells me something. A coach should know what\'s going on.

tweeky 11-07-2003 11:01 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Like I said earlier, if we play well for the rest of the season, then everyone stays unless an ideal assistant becomes available.

One thing we haven\'t had from year to year is roster consistency. I think next year you\'ll see maybe only 3 or 4 starters upgraded. The core team is in tact and that should help immensely.

There\'s a huge difference in 3 or 4 players learning a new system as opposed to 9 or 10 having to learn it.

With that being said, I think we may have turned over too many players too fast. But the reason we had so many people having to learn a new system is because WE chose to. It was something we had to do but maybe we could have done it a little slower.

Maybe keep Knight or Clemons around one more year or so? Even if only back-ups.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 11:06 AM

Will we have a new HC?

The thing that bothers me about Haz are his statements that he doesn\'t know what\'s wrong. That tells me something. A coach should know what\'s going on.
Joe, this is pure specuation here, but I beleive Haslett was frustrated because so many players were making mistakes ( dropped passes, missed blocks, presnap penalties, etc) and he couldn\'t understand why they kept doing those things , when he has gone over it with them and was at a loss to what he had to do to correct those things.

canucksaint 11-07-2003 11:12 AM

Will we have a new HC?
opps, sorry about that Billy. Got some of my facts twisted around. my bad.
Let\'s look at Parcells this year. He has turned a below average team into a playoff contender. What would he do about dropped passees, missed blocks and presnap penalities? Do you think he would scrach his head and say that he doesn\'t know what\'s wrong? I have always supported Haz (but not his assistant coaches). And I am willing to give him more time, but how much time is enough?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 11:15 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Honestly, I would give him the rest of this year and evaluate him to see whether or not to bring him back. If I were Beson, I would bring him back next year unless this team just totally tanks this year.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 11:32 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Bill Parcells Coaching Record New England Patriots

1993 nwe | 5 11 0 | 0 0 |
| 1994 nwe | 10 6 0 | 0 1 |
| 1995 nwe | 6 10 0 | 0 0 |
| 1996 nwe | 11 5 0 | 2 1 |

As far as Parcells goes. He is the best coach out there in my opinion. But, he\'s not immune to the ups and downs of the NFL.

Jim Haslett New Orleans Saints:

2000 nor | 10 6 0 |
| 2001 nor | 7 9 0 |
| 2002 nor | 9 7 0 |
| 2003 nor | 4 5 0 |

[Edited on 7/11/2003 by ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs-]

BlackandBlue 11-07-2003 11:37 AM

Will we have a new HC?
No, but making the playoffs twice in four years ain\'t bad at all. And the Patriots were in alot more trouble when Parcells took over than the Saints were when Haslett took the reigns.

canucksaint 11-07-2003 11:39 AM

Will we have a new HC?
agreed about parcells. and I know that all teams have ups and downs. I am just wondering when we will have our up? We\'ve had lots of downs.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 11:40 AM

Will we have a new HC?

And the Patriots were in alot more trouble when Parcells took over than the Saints were when Haslett took the reigns
Come on B&B. Is that even possible? I\'ll admit I don\'t remember what kind of team he took over in the Patriots, but the Saints were pretty bad. We were 3-13 and had given up all of our draft picks for Rickey Williams.

BlackandBlue 11-07-2003 11:48 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Considering that I remember the \"experts\" praising Parcells for surpasing their projected 1-15 record his first year, yeah, it\'s possible.

canucksaint 11-07-2003 11:54 AM

Will we have a new HC?
1996 11-5-0 1st -- AFC East 2-1 - Lost Superbowl, Coach Bill Parcells
1995 6-10-0 4th -- AFC East -- Bill Parcells
1994 10-6-0 2nd -- AFC East 0-1 - Lost Wild Card Playoffs Bill Parcells
1993 5-11-0 4th -- AFC East -- Bill Parcells
1992 2-14-0 5th -- AFC East -- Dick MacPherson

Looks like Parcells walked into a 2-14 team. With in his second year going to the playoffs.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-07-2003 12:02 PM

Will we have a new HC?

Looks like Parcells walked into a 2-14 team. With in his second year going to the playoffs.
Well, all Haslett needs to do this year is lose the Super Bowl and he\'ll have about the same resume -- :D

canucksaint 11-07-2003 12:07 PM

Will we have a new HC?
Oh, way to go Billy. Now you\'ve Jinxed it. I am fully blamming you if we don\'t do well this year ;)

saint5221 11-07-2003 01:30 PM

Will we have a new HC?
I agree with BnB that the playoffs should be the standard by which Haslett keeps or loses his job. He has had enough time to build a winner and this is his team, without Randy around to help with the personel calls Jim will sink or swim with his boys.

After the rough start It looked like he was a goner for sure, but Haslett has done a very good job at keeping the team playing through tremendous adversity. Injuries aside, much of the adversity has been self inflicted, sloppy play,erratic play calling, drive killing penalities, too many mental errors that point to a lack of focus that is the responsibility of the man at the top. If he can pull off a playoff appearance from here he will have proved his worth emphaticly. If he falls short that will speak for itself as well.

It is still to early to tell about this team and its coach, there has been plenty of good and bad, as a fan I hope to see Haslett in black and gold for many years, that surely will mean he is succeding and the Saints with him.

WhoDat 11-08-2003 04:10 PM

Will we have a new HC?

Haslett has had enough time. We know that this team is loaded with talent and is underachieving (overall). If he does not make the playoffs this year, consider it a failure, and the coaching staff should be purged.
Couldn\'t have said it better myself. Haslett\'s coaches, Haslett\'s players, Haslett\'s systems, no locker room cancers, a WEAKER schedule this season. No excuses. That\'s what everyone but Billy was saying this preseason. Now, ten weeks later everyone is saying, \"well, uh, if they play well at the end of the season that\'s good enough for me.\" BS! Playoffs, or he should go. Even the \"experts\" mention that no team has underachieved more than the Saints in recent years - that\'s usually in the same sentence spouting some nugget about how dangerous we are right now. If he makes the playoffs he stays. Otherwise, he should go.

The reality of the situation is that 8-8 or even 7-9 will probably allow him to keep his job. That\'s a shame.

subguy 11-08-2003 06:35 PM

Will we have a new HC?
Hasletts time has come.........The coaching Grim Reaper is knocking on his door....he just hasn\'t answered it yet. He has had oodles of talent compared to other coaches at New Orleans. I think they should play Whack-A-Mole.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-10-2003 07:07 AM

Will we have a new HC?

Now, ten weeks later everyone is saying, \"well, uh, if they play well at the end of the season that\'s good enough for me.\" BS! Playoffs, or he should go

WhoDat -- You say playoffs or show Haslett the door. Well, I can\'t find the logic in that and here\'s why. First of all, the Saints don\'t control their playoff destiny. So, Haslett could do a fine a coaching job as anyone in the NFL the rest of the way and go undefeated and still miss the playoffs. So, what you are really saying is that if the all the stars don\'t line up with regards to the other possible wild card teams to give the Saints an opportunity to make the playoffs, then Haslett should be fired.

The point is the Saints can miss the playoffs and it not be a result of the coaching and you know that. So, why don\'t you just admit that you want Haslett gone and you have for a while now?

WhoDat 11-10-2003 07:27 AM

Will we have a new HC?
Yeah, I do want him gone. He\'s squandered the most talent this team has ever had. If the Saints go undefeated the rest of the way out they WILL make the playoffs.

This is exactly what I\'m talking about. Everyone will believe the excuses... AGAIN. I realize Haslett is not going anywhere unless the Saints finish 6-10 or they manage to crawl back into the playoff race only to have another collapse. That\'s about the only thing that will cause Haslett to get fired. Maybe next season it will all come together for him. Hell, maybe it will this year. I\'m not saying I know all, but I\'ll be betting on a 9-7 Saints team who don\'t make the playoffs next year too. How long do we have to wait for this team, which is about as talented as any in the league, to be a playoff contender Billy? How long? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-10-2003 07:42 AM

Will we have a new HC?

Yeah, I do want him gone.
Ok. At least you admit that. Which is why I don\'t understand your previous statement when you said Haslett should keep his job if the Saints make the playoffs. Would you like to retract that statement?


How long do we have to wait for this team, which is about as talented as any in the league, to be a playoff contender Billy?
You know WhoDat - There have been people in all aspects of life who didn\'t blossom as early as others. Yet, they went on to be some of the most successful people in their fields. Haslett might need to be fired. But, on the other hand he might go on to be the best coach the NFL has ever had. This 4-year time table that seems to be the measuring stick of coaches in NFL these days would have gotten rid of some coaches that have went on to be great coaches.

Contrary to belief, the Saints have not been one of the most talented teams in the NFL. Especially the defense. If you want to say the 2000 defense was great and they got rid of all the good players, then balam MUELLER, not HASLETT. I can\'t give you a date as to when you can definitely say Haslett should be fired. It\'s just not as clear cut to me as you are trying to make it sound. It could be the right decision and then again, it could be the wrong decision.

[Edited on 10/11/2003 by ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs-]

[Edited on 10/11/2003 by ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs-]

WhoDat 11-10-2003 01:48 PM

Will we have a new HC?
This is his year to prove himself and make us all back into believers. That\'s why I said in preseason that he needs to make the playoffs to keep his job. That hasn\'t changed. Every single corporation in the world sets goals for its operations and it is up to those managers to deliver. Sure, the party line of every coach in the first week of the season is \"we\'re playing for a Super Bowl,\" but every team has real expectations. Do you think management of this organization set its sites on 7-9 this offseason? How about you Billy? Wasn\'t your expectation 12-4? When any person, player, coach, trash collector, doctor, you name it, falls short of the expected performance levels set forth by his employer, he gets fired. Haslett is no different.

Billy, you say that some of the greatest coaches in the history of this league started out with 4 bad years and then went on to greatness. Maybe, but few have squandered as much talent as the Saints have. Can you honestly say that there has been a more all-around talented team then this one or the one we had last year?

Find me a coach whose team didn\'t get better in his first four years and then went on to greatness in the last 20 years Billy. I don\'t care about guys from 20 years ago when you could still build a dynasty in the NFL, b/c that had more to do with players then coaches. Today, everyone is pretty evenly matched in the NFL. The difference between 7-9 and 10-6 is 20% players and 80% coaches - that becomes even greater when the coach has a big say in personnel moves, as ours does.

Say what you will about past teams and how we didn\'t have the right players, but I\'ll tell you this - with the exception of Joe Johnson and Albert Connell, pretty much every player the Saints have let go that contributed seriously to this team are starters somewhere else. If they\'re good enough to start on ther teams, most of which are very good teams as 08 continues to point out, then they are good enough to start for us. In 3.5 seasons as the head coach of the Saints, Jim Haslett has had enough talent to go to the playoffs every season, but so far he\'s only gotten there once. In my opinion, this team has enough talent to go to a Super Bowl. That\'s something I can\'t say a Saints team has ever had before. Playoff appearences in 2 out of 4 tries with a team good enough to fight for a Super Bowl is still underacheiving, but I\'d be willing to give Haslett one more try. 1 out of 4 is just too poor a showing.

You\'re a very loyal person Billy. That\'s a good thing, but it also seems to skew your perspective sometimes. If you\'re all for Haslett staying, then I won\'t tell you that you\'re wrong, I\'ll just keep asking how long will you continue to point the finger of blame at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE other than Haslett?

[Edited on 10/11/2003 by WhoDat]

canucksaint 11-10-2003 02:19 PM

Will we have a new HC?

but I\'ll tell you this - with the exception of Joe Johnson and Albert Connell, pretty much every player the Saints have let go that contributed seriously to this team are starters somewhere else
Albert Connell is a starter for the Calgary Stampeders in the CFL. I think that he contributed seriously to that teams performance... They ended up in last place.
Oh, did you mean contributing positivly?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownAs- 11-10-2003 02:24 PM

Will we have a new HC?
I think Haslett has underachieved in New Orleans. I think with it being the 4th year of the Haslett era that there is no question this program should be further along. I also believe that Haslett is growing as a NFL coach. Call it blind faith or whatever you wish, I just think he will get it done.

You keep refering to \"all this talent\" the Saints have. The tried and true formula for success in the NFL is to have a great defense and a great running game. Having a great defense will keep you in almost every game. I think that\'s the biggest mistake that has been made with this administration. WE DO NOT HAVE A GOOD DEFENSE. Much less a great defense. It\'s hard to put up 25 or 30 points a game in the NFL. Which is why I don\'t feel that all the critcism of Brooks is justified. But that\'s a whole different story.

So, if you want to look at things on paper then there is certainly a good case to fire Jim, but I think it\'s the wrong decision. Now at the end of this year, I might have to rethink the way I feel right now, but the final decision for Haslett to return does not ride on him making the playoffs in my mind. Like I said, he could do the best coaching job in the history of the NFL the rest of the way out and still not make the playoffs.

canucksaint 11-10-2003 02:34 PM

Will we have a new HC?
I’ll agree that making the playoffs at this point shouldn’t be the catalyst for firing Haz. However how he coaches the rest of the season should be. If he does the best coaching job in the history of the NFL, as you said. And we still don’t make the playoffs, then fine keep him. If he doesn’t, then see ya. He’s had two back to back years with an end of the season breakdown, and this season with a beginning of the season breakdown. That does not show a coach who is in control of his team. He’s had enough time to make it his own team, and get rid of all the “cancers�. Now it is dependant of him to make things happen. (although personally I also feel that the O & D coordinator deserve a bit of the blame as well)

BlackandBlue 11-10-2003 02:54 PM

Will we have a new HC?

The tried and true formula for success in the NFL is to have a great defense and a great running game.
I’m sorry, didn’t the top three rushing teams last year NOT make it into the playoffs? May have to go back and do a little more research on that one, but I will confirm it when I have more time. And the players we have on defense are not good, I’ll give you that, but it wasn’t like we chose them. Haslett did, he brought in who he thought could do the job. Since he made the call to bring them in, he should suffer the consequences. With greater power comes greater responsibility. The only thing that I’m willing to give you is that you cannot expect a defense to gel with the number of new players that this team has. But should we allow further leniency next year, just because Haslett has decided to “retool� the defense this coming offseason…again?
It amazes me that some of you are willing to overlook all this just because you have this seemingly “man crush� on Haslett.


Like I said, he could do the best coaching job in the history of the NFL the rest of the way out and still not make the playoffs.
It would be different if the season were to begin this coming Sunday…but we have already played eight games! What, are we just suddenly going to ignore the first half of the season? This team looked like crap in half of those games, but I’m sure that was more of a case of the stars being out of line or the fans fault, more so than Hasletts. :casstet:

saintfan 11-10-2003 03:07 PM

Will we have a new HC?
Show me a \"This\" and explain to me \"This\" and I\'ll tell ya \"this\", etc etc etc and Jesus Christ are there some \"know it alls\" in here or what?

08 likes to point out the players we\'ve lost and blame it on Haz. Which players did we lose because of Haz? Anyone care to list \'em...factually? I had to throw factually in there because 08 and Whodat will come back to this thread tossing around their OPINIONS as facts.

Now, I can think of two...Roaf...and c-ya Willie is how I feel about that one. This man let his personal life into his professional life and I have no respect for that.

Turley. See you too Kyle. This guy is not as good as of lot of Fans wanna think. They like his attitude on the field, but if I\'m Jim I show him the door too. Not many of you will acknowledge the FACT that it was Kyle\'s missed block that caused Brooks\' injury last season. Klye sure won\'t. Later Kyle...

Now, who are the other me the ones that left not for the Money or for a starting position but because of Jim. Type \'em up boyz...let\'s hear it. thinks that was Mueller\'s doings. Reseach that one and try again...

Jim has weathered the storm, and his team is still intact. I\'ll be willing to bet you all that Jim was not expecting to win the Superbowl this year. I\'d betcha if any of you people in here callin for his head had ANY clue or insight into the inner workings of the Saints organization you\'re probably seeing right now exactly what Jim was expecting when the season started. Sure, I\'m sure he hoped to go undefeated, but realistically, after all the injuries and the rediculously difficult schedule he\'s probably about where he figured he\'d be.

You people waste your breath and tire your fingers callin for Jim\'s job, but you won\'t get it. Are they really underachievers, or are they just not as talented as you people want to think they are? They never really had a chance on defense this year...not a chance, and yes injuries DO make a difference 08...see the Falcons. They are 1 of 3 blown calls (pick whichever one you\'d like) away from .500 after a shaky start. Get real people. Jim will be back next year regardless of what happens this year. Stop wasting your time debating otherwise.

08, we already know you hate the Saints. Why you type here is the real mystery.
Whodat...who is it that you DON\'T want to fire, if I may ask?

[Edited on 10/11/2003 by saintfan]

ami2kind4words 11-10-2003 03:17 PM

Will we have a new HC?
Dennis Green for 2004 Head Coach

JOESAM2002 11-10-2003 03:20 PM

Will we have a new HC?
B&B, I have to agree with you on one thing. I think the first part of the season never happened. We just all kinda dreamed it. I also agree with the fact that since then we have beat some very marginal teams, yes even the Bucs are marginal to me the way they are playing. I won\'t call for Haz\'s head just yet, but I think you might see some here who now side with him, screaming \"Off with his head\" after a few losses to teams we should beat. I hope that doesn\'t happen but if history teachs us anything we can always look at the past. Hindsight is always 20/20.

BlackandBlue 11-10-2003 03:27 PM

Will we have a new HC?
I love the fact that anytime the \"underachiever\" argument is attacked, you never hear anything about the offense, they always talk defense. No ****, the defense is average at best- what a shocker! Never saw that coming before the season began. You think after last year\'s performance by the offense that this is not underachieving as a whole? Sure they look like they are starting to come around, but it\'s already halfway through the season. Too little, too late. Now, if I know that the players are not playing up to their level, who should recieve the blame? The players or the head coach?
And who gives a damn about ex-Saints\' players- I don\'t, they don\'t play for the team anymore. All I care about are the players (who Haslett brought in) that are playing for this team now.


Jesus Christ are there some \"know it alls\" in here or what?
That is the truest statement I\'ve seen posted in quite some time. Sad that it applies to every single member of this board. That\'s why we come here, and bicker, and argue, :P


I\'d betcha if any of you people in here callin for his head had ANY clue or insight into the inner workings of the Saints organization
If I did have a clue about the inner workings of this organization and it\'s people, I doubt I would be a fan of football, much less the Saints, anymore.

[Edited on 10/11/2003 by BlackandBlue]

saintfan 11-10-2003 03:38 PM

Will we have a new HC?
In other words BandB, your speculating. I think that was more or less my whole point.

If I\'m not mistaken, you are blaming Jim for the lack of offense, and while I agree the buck stops with the head coach, the Saints have been in a terrible position both offensively and defensively from the start. Each, in my opinion, is necessarilly related to the other. Furthermore, Jim isn\'t responsible for Joe Horn dropping a touchdown pass, or is he? It\'s my opinion that Joe is responsible for his play on the field. I betcha Joe would tell you the same. Wanna let Joe go cause he\'s had a case of the drops this year, or do you wanna fire Haz for Joe\'s isues? The offensive game plan suffers if the team is constantly playing from behind, and when you lose nearly the entire starting defense all at once you\'re likely to be playing from behind. See what I mean ?

If all coaches in the league kept or lost their jobs based on the general opinion I get from reading posts on this board then the ONLY way to keep the job is to win the superbowl every year, and I think we all know that ain\'t gonna happen. Perhaps there IS more talent on the Saints than ever, but do we credit Jim for that? Not if they do well. If they do well we credit Mueller. We ONLY credit Jim for the talent on this team if they do poorly. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.

As I have said before and continue to believe, it\'s a damn good thing you people aren\'t in charge...


tweeky 11-10-2003 03:43 PM

Will we have a new HC?

In other words BandB, your speculating. I think that was more or less my whole point.

If I\'m not mistaken, you are blaming Jim for the lack of offense, and while I agree the buck stops with the head coach, the Saints have been in a terrible position both offensively and defensively from the start. Each, in my opinion, is necessarilly related to the other. Furthermore, Jim isn\'t responsible for Joe Horn dropping a touchdown pass, or is he? It\'s my opinion that Joe is responsible for his play on the field. I betcha Joe would tell you the same. Wanna let Joe go cause he\'s had a case of the drops this year, or do you wanna fire Haz for Joe\'s isues? The offensive game plan suffers if the team is constantly playing from behind, and when you lose nearly the entire starting defense all at once you\'re likely to be playing from behind. See what I mean ?

If all coaches in the league kept or lost their jobs based on the general opinion I get from reading posts on this board then the ONLY way to keep the job is to win the superbowl every year, and I think we all know that ain\'t gonna happen. Perhaps there IS more talent on the Saints than ever, but do we credit Jim for that? Not if they do well. If they do well we credit Mueller. We ONLY credit Jim for the talent on this team if they do poorly. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.

As I have said before and continue to believe, it\'s a damn good thing you people aren\'t in charge...

I\'m a truth addict, Ahh schiitt I got a head rush!!!!

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