08-16-2011, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by FinSaint
Thanks Seer1 for the answer, but it still leaves the question if all that goes away if he signs with another team during this season?
I mean he might retire, but he made the statement that he was looking forward to playing healthy this season, so it would seem he still wants to play just based on that.
I wonder is Max Starks would be an upgrade to what the Saints have already?
I don't know the answer to that one, but I feel there's more going on than meets the eye. With the Saints being willing to cut him with no cap advantage and then reading Jon's interview. It doesn't sound like there's any bitterness whatsoever. And even though he's an incredibly classy guy and we all know how reporters love to twist words to make a story, I really think if there'd been the hint of Jon being cut unwillingly, something would have come up in that interview. I'm wondering if this was a mutual kind of thing with both sides realizing he can't perform up to par anymore so they cut him with his salary intact. Kind of a severance package kind of thing. That way he heads off to Announcerland or where ever makes him happy and since his health wasn't mentioned as an issue, maybe he'll heal up enough to be able to play next year. It's easier to get a job if no one thinks you're an injury issue. I don't think we'll see him signing with anyone else this year though.