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gandhi1007 04-05-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by ratchoke99 (Post 395481)
Please state where I said that.....

I stated multiple times, this is a discussion of how GW/FO did something completely immoral. Which I'll once again repeat, was paying players to deliberately HURT other players in a professional sport. And that the FANS who want to some how oddly justify it or defend the act because it's a rough sport, and it's a supposedly accepted culture within the sport, are completely, well dumb.

But since you brought it up, yes, the players are still guilty; it's called being an accessory to a crime.

Where is your evidence??? Are you speculating? I haven't heard an audio or seen a video yet with money offered up or cart off comments made. In the United States of America, you are innocent until PROVEN guilty.......unless Obama changed that too.

ratchoke99 04-05-2012 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by gandhi1007 (Post 395485)
Where is your evidence??? Are you speculating? I haven't heard an audio or seen a video yet with money offered up or cart off comments made. In the United States of America, you are innocent until PROVEN guilty.......unless Obama changed that too.

AGAIN, GOODELL has OFFICIALLY stated they have HARD evidence. That is MY evidence, I don't work in the industry, so how can I present you with those?

Why would GOODELL risk his career/reputation for some personal vendetta for something w/ NO evidence?

ChrisXVI 04-05-2012 07:57 PM

Goodell has hard evidence that the system was in place. Once again, you can't seem to distinguish between an idea and the action actually taking place. You've made statements in this thread that GW PAID players for intentionally injuring opposing players. I've watched every single Saints game with GW as our DC and so please tell me who was carted off or knocked out of the game by an illegal hit. You can't because there isn't one.

AsylumGuido 04-05-2012 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by ratchoke99 (Post 395481)
Please state where I said that.....

I stated multiple times, this is a discussion of how GW/FO did something completely immoral. Which I'll once again repeat, was paying players to deliberately HURT other players in a professional sport. And that the FANS who want to some how oddly justify it or defend the act because it's a rough sport, and it's a supposedly accepted culture within the sport, are completely, well dumb.

But since you brought it up, yes, the players are still guilty; it's called being an accessory to a crime.

No, Gregg Williams was offering to pay to injure. There is no proof that any player fell for the idiot's demands and actually followed through. Nobody would justify that. What we are defending is that we refuse to believe that our players actually did what Williams wanted. And how are the players guilty? There has been no proof that any of them actually tried to injure, not simply hurt, an opponent for pay.

I agree that Williams is scum, but just because players were sitting in the room listening to the moron doesn't mean they bought int ohis delusions.

AsylumGuido 04-05-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by ratchoke99 (Post 395487)
AGAIN, GOODELL has OFFICIALLY stated they have HARD evidence. That is MY evidence, I don't work in the industry, so how can I present you with those?

Why would GOODELL risk his career/reputation for some personal vendetta for something w/ NO evidence?

He has NEVER stated he had any HARD evidence on players. In fact, after he gave the expanded reports to the NFLPA De Smith said that there was nothing in the reports that would justify any punishment upon players.

saintfan 04-05-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by ratchoke99 (Post 395412)
Im actually a niner faithful. Nice try though, in tryin to make it seem like i have some personal vendetta because your team won.

The personal attacks truly help prove my point.

This isnt about whether or not other teams supposedly do the same thing. Or whether or not someone did get injured.

Its about GW being such a subpar human being. That he actually paid someone to intentionally inflict serious injuries to another human being. They could have ended someones career.

I'm also not saying to NOT support your team, but what i am saying is that to try to sugar coat the situation or point fingers like its some world wide accepted culture is just sad.

You make yourselves look stupid trying to defend that notion. Ironically it was saints fans trying to claim niner fans as unclassy not too long ago.

It it because he suggested to the players to hurt someone, or is it because there was money involved?

If I punch you dead in your face because your ex-best friend told me to do it, does it really matter whether or not I got paid?

The whole effing idea behind football - real football, not the kind the league is morphing into before our very eyes - is to knock the holy ever loving crap out of the other guy. This is how your guy knocked our guy out last season. Should it matter that a coach did or didn't tell your guy to do it?

It's not cheating. All anybody here wants is fair play. Plenty of players have stated this is common place. Hell man (it is man isn't it), we've been saying all along this has nothing to do with safety or even morality as you are thinking. It's about money. That's it. People are staring to see that now. Why don't you join the team and come on in for the big win?


hagan714 04-05-2012 08:39 PM

not once did i hear money for hits.

i heard a coach losing it old school style. no place for that in today's nfl.

now to the game tape. sorry i did find players doing as ordered.

looks like in a court of law williams is guilty of trying to in site a riot. he failed.

no i want to here the niners tape

NOLA54 04-05-2012 08:57 PM

I understand that some of what Wiilams said was metaphoric in content & not meant to be taken literally. I'm just glad he is gone. Let's keep looking forward.

ChrisXVI 04-05-2012 09:01 PM

[QUOTE=saintfan;395508]If I punch you dead in your face because your ex-best friend told me to do it, does it really matter whether or not I got paid?QUOTE]

THANK YOU! That's the point I've been trying to make lately. If I tell my buddy "Hey, go beat that guy up and I'll give you $100" and he doesn't do it... Then by the NFL's logic my buddy is guilty because I offered money for him to do it. This is completely absurd and I'm really hoping we'll see some common sense from der Fuhrer when it comes to player punishment.

Ashley 04-05-2012 09:17 PM

My god, this is how i feel right now

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