05-01-2012, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Beastmode
The star caps incident, The NFL violated state laws, that was the main issue that held it up in the courts. If the NFL hands out suspensions the players would need that kind of power to trump the NFL otherwise, they don't have a leg to stand on. What state or federal violations would the NFL be guilty of in this case...I don't know, I'm no lawyer but I'm sure the lawyers of the players will do their best to find one.
They (NFL) are not guilty of breaking laws, however they would be violating existing contracts which garner pay for other individuals, and essentially they are a third party violating a agreed upon contract between two other entities. There may be stipulations or wordage that incorporates the occurrence of suspensions by a third party (NFL) but we are not privileged to that information. Thus virtually any suspension handed out by the NFL can be disputed in a civil court or go to arbitration to determine the vitality of suspending (taking money) said individuals (players OR coaches).