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Halo 07-26-2012 12:54 PM

Vilma in court right now - Restraining Order Hearing - Live Updates
Vilma took the stand in his hearing this morning describing his life and character.

@JenHale504 Acting #Saints head coach Joe Vitt now testifying on behalf of @JonVilma51. @WVUEFOX8

Halo 07-26-2012 01:02 PM

From twitter:

WWLTV - Eye on Black and Gold :
#Saints @JonVilma51 on @nflcommish Goodell : 'He hurt me and what I stand for...he's a criminal' Vilma on Goodell: 'He hurt me and what I stand for...he's a criminal' | New Orleans

Halo 07-26-2012 01:04 PM

#Saints Joe Vitt has taken the stand. Going through coaching history right now

Beastmode 07-26-2012 01:06 PM

Is Roger present? I bet his face is more red than molten lava.

Halo 07-26-2012 01:07 PM

Rock of New Orleans ‏@SaintsWRNO

#Saints Vitt responding to question about whether bounty program existed. "I want u to listen to me hard because i'm going to speak to u soft. No" tweet ran out

Coach Vitt testifies under oath that there was no bounty program.

Halo 07-26-2012 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 421303)
Is Roger present? I bet his face is more red than molten lava.

I'll have a look, but you know as well as I, he probably ONLY sent his NFL attorney's to this. He can't handle the truth!

Beastmode 07-26-2012 01:09 PM

That's what I assume. No way he could sit through that without blowing a fuse.

Halo 07-26-2012 01:14 PM

#Saints Vitt: "How are you going to tell another player to hurt or maim another player and have that on your conscience?"

st thomas 07-26-2012 01:14 PM

my heart just droped looking at this thread , i swore it said vilma reinstated. damn

Halo 07-26-2012 01:17 PM

tweet: Might be b/c it's 40 degrees in room,but Vitt getting emotional praising Vilma- "means as much to our defense as Brees means to our offense"

Halo 07-26-2012 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by st thomas (Post 421310)
my heart just droped looking at this thread , i swore it said vilma reinstated. damn

Wish it were true. Vilma is trying to 1) establish his case with the judge and court, and 2) get a restraining order so he can play this fall and head to training camp due to the NFL's insistence to run a Kangaroo court AND force VIlma to have Goodell in an unfair appeals process.

Halo 07-26-2012 01:21 PM

NFL cross-examines Vitt...
Rock of New Orleans ‏@SaintsWRNO

The #NFL At this moment is up to Interrogate #Saints Joe Vitt now...

Halo 07-26-2012 01:23 PM

Rock of New Orleans ‏@SaintsWRNO
Judge asks Vitt if he was aware of #Saints Pay For Performance deal. Vitt says yes, but adds many teams do that. Sometimes mngmt involved.

Halo 07-26-2012 01:31 PM

John DeShazier ‏@JohnDeShazier
Cross exam strategy is simple, too - show that Vilma could have called witnesses to testify at June 18 appeals hearing, and weren't

John DeShazier ‏@JohnDeShazier
Vitt said Payton never was privy to defensive meetings, had no knowledge of what was said in them

John DeShazier ‏@JohnDeShazier
Vitt said he twice looked Goodell in the eye and said there was no bounty program

Halo 07-26-2012 01:34 PM


Halo 07-26-2012 01:37 PM

Guys, join in with questions, comments, any updates you find please.............

Halo 07-26-2012 01:37 PM

NFL: Is it true that if Vilma's suspension is lifted, another player will lose their job?

Vitt: Yes. NFL: That is all. -- rjonesTP (@rjonesTP).

"To be clear, that was the end, not the extent, of the NF'Ls cross examination. Judge is asking Vitt questions about what he knew now"

"Judge asks Vitt for definition of kill the head whack and cartoff. Vitt represents almost exactly what Vilma said it meant. Almost verbatim. "

Vitt said he wasn't aware pay for performance was illegal. "But I should have."

Saintlyone 07-26-2012 01:39 PM

they're at lunch now...30 minutes. That was about 10 minutes ago though.

Halo 07-26-2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Saintlyone (Post 421325)
they're at lunch now...30 minutes. That was about 10 minutes ago though.

The judge asked some questions posted above. The NFL asked 1 question to Vitt.

Halo 07-26-2012 01:44 PM

WRNO is saying it's just NFL attorney's at the hearing, no Goodell (as expected)

Rock of New Orleans ‏@SaintsWRNO
@Dawn_nola I'm hearing it's just nfl attorneys

Papa Voodoo 07-26-2012 01:55 PM

Thank you for this thread.

Rugby Saint II 07-26-2012 01:56 PM

There is no way Godhell is going to bring his lying arse out in the public now.....he has been inconspicuous for the last couple of months.
I hope that the judge is asking the right questions.
There is such a fine gray line between black and white.

Halo 07-26-2012 02:02 PM

Sounds like Vilma and Vitt were the big contributors for the plaintiff's (Vilma) and after recess we'll hear from lesser witnesses.

Scott Shanle just started his testimony....

Halo 07-26-2012 02:12 PM


Shanle also testifies he never heard Vilma call for players to injure anyone

John DeShazier ‏@JohnDeShazier
U guessed it - Shanle said Vilma never fostered a bounty culture or program, and he wasn't asked to testify at appeal hearing in NY

Halo 07-26-2012 02:21 PM

Sedrick Ellis on the stand...

Sedrick Ellis: No bounty program. Vilma is a great guy. No, I wasn't asked to testify on his behalf in New York.

Ditto for Ellis. Speedy process so far, with no significant breaks. Jonathan Casillas next on stand

Halo 07-26-2012 02:24 PM

Jonathan Casillas on stand

Casillias: "(Vilma) is a very loving guy, very caring, very loving. He has a lot of passion for the sport."

Rugby Saint II 07-26-2012 02:25 PM


Halo 07-26-2012 02:26 PM



Halo 07-26-2012 02:28 PM

Roman Harper on the witness stand....

Casillias is down. Here comes Roman Harper

Harper when asked where he played college ball: "University of Alabama, 14-time national champions."

Beastmode 07-26-2012 02:29 PM

I understand RG not making any comments but not even showing up period says a lot to me. He scoffing at this whole process as if it's below him.

Halo 07-26-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 421340)
I understand RG not making any comments but not even showing up period says a lot to me. He scoffing at this whole process as if it's below him.

I disagree, I think it goes with Goodell's character that he feels he can do anything he wants to and hide behind the CBA as he's done all along.

If Vilma wins this round, I want to see the NFL put out a BIG press release saying Goodell failed to show up in court and failed to call 1 witness to corroborate their story...... NOT lol

Halo 07-26-2012 02:35 PM


Harper: "(football) is a gladiator sport. I hate to use the word violent because people think of guns, knives and all that."

Harper on motivation: "You can't use girls because a lot of us have gfs. You can't use McDonalds because we can all afford that."

Harper said Christian guys and small kids had to cover ears sometimes when Gregg Williams spoke

Beastmode 07-26-2012 02:36 PM

This judge already threw out one of BP's contractual agrreements...if she sees something that reeks in the CBA that could be all we need.

Halo 07-26-2012 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 421347)
This judge already threw out one of BP's contractual agrreements...if she sees something that reeks in the CBA that could be all we need.

All Vilma has to do is show there is a problem with the CBA that the court has to litigate and that it's unfair for the punishment to be handed to Vilma if he potentially is awarded a sum for Goodell's and the NFL's negligence in running a sham/illegal hearing hidden behind a flawed CBA.

Rugby Saint II 07-26-2012 02:41 PM

Harper is helping tremendously. Harper reeks of good clean football. Hell, our whole locker room does. We should bring every defensive player before the judge. Just to say hello.

Rugby Saint II 07-26-2012 02:43 PM

Harper said no way Vilma would throw money around at a bounty program. He was a finance major. Oh, we're looking good.

Halo 07-26-2012 02:43 PM


No further witnesses. Now the fun begins...
LMAO - HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!


10 minute recess

Rugby Saint II 07-26-2012 02:45 PM

It's time for my Xanax...........:smile:

Halo 07-26-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 421352)
It's time for my Xanex......

I feel like I'm watching a Saints game..........


st thomas 07-26-2012 02:47 PM

it would be nice to have something go in our / jv, saints , favor. it would be nice for shocking news against nfl and goodevel dell.

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