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PFT Today’s ruling means nothing to Payton, Vitt, Loomis, Williams

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Old 09-07-2012, 10:10 PM   #21
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Re: PFT Today’s ruling means nothing to Payton, Vitt, Loomis, Williams

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Old 09-07-2012, 11:30 PM   #22
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Re: PFT Today’s ruling means nothing to Payton, Vitt, Loomis, Williams

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Old 09-08-2012, 06:50 AM   #23
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Re: PFT Today’s ruling means nothing to Payton, Vitt, Loomis, Williams

On paper "there is nothing to be done" but something tells me that ol' Tom Benson is already working the phones on this, lobbying to Goodell and the other 31 owners, and to the media, behind the scenes. I think that whatever happened at the meeting between Goodell and Benson in New York back a few weeks ago, becomes more important now. I'm convinced that something happened at that meeting. The NFL said that "owners meet personally with Goodell all the time, it was just routine" but the Saints clearly WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to let the world and the sports media know that Benson was up there, lobbying, they wanted it reported in the press, that those two were talking and Benson was making his case and putting the screws on Goodell. And I think the information in the Freeh report (which right now only Benson has access to) somehow plays into this.

PS Just for people who are discussing it -- correct, Sean Payton didn't EVER admit to a pay for performance system. He admitted that he was "sorry for what has happened" and that it happened on his watch, which is a completely different thing from actually admitting to a "pay to injure" or "pay for performance." "Sorry for what happened" means sorry for the scandal that happened on his watch, for not "respecting our great game and the shield" which he also talked about. Only GW admitted to a pay-for-performance program that "got out of control."
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Old 09-08-2012, 09:20 AM   #24
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Re: PFT Today’s ruling means nothing to Payton, Vitt, Loomis, Williams

Originally Posted by x626xBlack View Post
Players punishment was vacated because Goodell was out side of his jurisdiction according to the CBA...

Sean Payton already admitted to it and apologized.

Aww come on bro. You starting to sound like the haters on random blogs. Re-post him and Mickey's apology again. In no way shape or form do they apologize for a Bounty/Pay for performance charge. They apologized for letting anything happen under there watch. NOTHING specific!

Look at the recent comments by SP. It is killing him not being able to let the TRUTH come out but he is handcuffed by twinkle nuts. I want him back as much as any who dat but feel it would be better for him to just take a vacation for the year and come back next year with a vengence.
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Old 09-08-2012, 11:36 AM   #25
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Re: PFT Today’s ruling means nothing to Payton, Vitt, Loomis, Williams

Hahahahaha Twinkle Nuts!
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Old 09-08-2012, 12:46 PM   #26
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Re: PFT Today’s ruling means nothing to Payton, Vitt, Loomis, Williams

"These are serious violations and we understand the negative impact it has had on our game, Both of us have made it clear within our organization that this will never happen again, and make that same promise to the NFL and most importantly to all of our fans. We acknowledge that the violations disclosed by the NFL during their investigation of our club happened under our watch. We take full responsibility,"

- Joint statement issued by Mickey Loomis and Sean Payton.
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