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TheOak 10-10-2012 03:17 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 448274)

  • Celebrities who donated $1 million to help the cause include The Rolling Stones, actor George Clooney, singer Celine Dion, actor Nicolas Cage, comedian Jerry Lewis, and Beyonce's man rapper Jay-Z.
  • Angelina Jolie sent letters to members of Congress and the White House, asking for increased efforts in the disaster relief. Angelina found herself shocked at the images coming from New Orleans, a city she has often referred to as being very close to her heart.
  • John Travolta, a licensed pilot, flew to Baton Rouge with his wife Kelly Preston, carrying much needed food supplies and tetanus vaccines. The Scientologist couple then toured the flooded city of New Orleans and visited shelters and rescue workers. "What we've seen in the shelters is wonderful, because people are being taken care of. What we've seen in the city is disastrous," the actor said.
  • Singer Macy Gray paid a visit to a camp in Houston, Texas and gladly handed out clothing and toiletries to those in need. "I just really wanted to help out. I think the most important thing to them is their futures. It is crazy when you don't know what is going to happen to you the next day," Macy said.
  • TV host Oprah Winfrey decided to cut her summer vacation short to visit those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Oprah called on her friends including Julia Roberts and Jamie Foxx to help her bring hope to the victims of Katrina. Oprah said that she was shocked by the tragic situation she found in New Orleans and that nothing could have prepared her for it. "I was sitting at home feeling frustrated and useless, like so many other people, so I came down to personally assess how I could best be of service," Oprah said in a statement.
  • Steven Spielberg, $750,000 to the American Red Cross and $750,000 to the Bush Clinton Fund
  • Hilary Duff donated $250,000.
  • Sean Penn rescued people using an occasionally leaky boat.
  • Michael Jackson offered a song, “From the Bottom of My Heart”.
Along with a laundry list of NFL Athletes and professional sports figures.

Hurricane Katrina - Celebrities Who Helped After Hurricane Katrina

Celebrities contribute to Katrina relief - Wikinews, the free news source

It was the right thing to do... Not exactly something that the entire world wasn't not in line for.

Crusader 10-10-2012 03:26 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 448180)
I'm in the minority in this because I was born and raised on the banks of the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Baton Rouge and I'm not an LSU fan. It is in my opinion that if a player didn't go to LSU and was a thorn in their sides when he played against them, fans in Louisiana don't like them. Personally I like it when all players that have Louisiana ties excel in the NFL. It's just weird who people from Louisiana will cheer for. I remember being at a Saints game against the Steelers in the 70's and majority of the crowd was pulling for Bradshaw because he was from La. I still believe the main reason for that is because he went to La Tech and was never a threat to LSU. And there was also 2007 when some people I know was pulling for the Colts because of Addai who is from Texas but went to LSU. I just think a lot of LSU fans base their loyalties and who they like solely on if they went to LSU or caused them heartbreak. But everyone is entitled to their opinion and who they want to cheer for. And if anyone doesn't like Eli for not wanting to go to San Diego, remember John Elway did the same thing.

I don't like Eli Manning or John Elway. If you get drafted by a team in the first round, making you an incredibly wealthy man, I don't think its your place to ***** and moan about it but just shut the hell up and play football.

skymike 10-10-2012 04:09 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?

Originally Posted by papz (Post 448196)
Archie on the other hand, I don't really care for... but that's just because I never got to see him play. I really don't have a true sense of what he meant to this organization...

Its just surreal to hear that on a Saints board. The first bubble gum card I had of the Saints was Archie. Archie was the Saints at one time. here:

skymike 10-10-2012 04:14 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?

xan 10-10-2012 05:27 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?
Man, all this hate on the Mannings. Really?

They are all wonderful people. Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

Boutte 10-10-2012 06:07 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?
I was hoping to hear any of them publicly congratulate the fans after we won the Super Bowl. I know it had to be hard on the family to watch Peyton lose but they have realize what a great thing it was for the long and often suffering faithful to finally win it. You'd think at least Archie would have come forward.

But I don't hate on any of them. I still like Archie. Eli and Peyton I'm ambivalent towards.

jnormand 10-10-2012 08:17 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?
Just stop the fighting! I just can't TAKE it anymore! (over dramatized screaming)...I'm gonna be sick...(vomiting). what were we talking about? Oh yeah...the Mannings....Yes...I like Archie...Peyton and guess they're ok.

QBREES9 10-10-2012 08:28 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?
I would have like to see Peyton a Saints. I think we all new that would never happen. I like both of them.

OldMaid 10-10-2012 09:56 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?
Good post.
I don't see anyone hating the Mannings.
New Orleans is a big city, small town
It is easy to become a big fish in a small pond.
Archie Manning was picked and picked the Saints.
He did well then. He and his wife raised their family there.
Financially and everything, he did very well in N.O.
He would not have been able to perhaps in a big city, big town.
N.O. had The Jazz(basketball) and Saints.

I think Archie and Olivia Manning have lived with dignity. Raised their sons to be civil, non-scandalous. Archie and Olivia have been a big part of serving on boards and in fundraising activites for causes in N.O.

Just FYI, when I was in college and woprking at a store at Canal Place, this was about 1987,1988, Oliiva Manning was shopping in the store and had no attitiude, complaints, diva looks, nothing like that.
When you get to see someone in an informal, non-staged setting, you see the real person. There has never been any sort of bad thin gs said about them.

Peyton and Eli Manning have made the NFL exciting. Both are extremely talented. Elite qb's. Like them or not, they are exciting players. Both have good reputations in their off field lives. Both are charitable to causes like PM has been to Children's Hospital in TN.

Eli Manning was very unclassy at the draft when he showed he did not want to play for San Diego. There was nothing wrong with not wanting to go to San Diego, but out , on stage, not putting on the cap and everything was awful. All he needed to do was smile, holding cap, jersey, etc.
Eli, his managers, Archie should have handled all that behind the scenes. I was surprised they did all that nonsense in front .

PM should have congratulated DB after SB. All that nonsense about not wanting to steal DB's camera time, moment was BS.
SB is bigger than those who play on the teams. It is the NFL, fans , etc., photographers for SI, etc. wanted that picture. It was the thing to do and is always done.
PM looked like a sore loser.

Naturally, Archie and family favored their son and his team to win SB. One cannot fault him there. After Saints, won, he should have publically congratulated Saints orgainzation and things. I am not sure if he did, didn't. I cannot remember. Being in the Saints parade, no. That would have been a bit much for him to salute them like that when his feelings were with Colts.
Ok, two things, you can find fault with them on. Not so bad really . These things are marks on their reputations. Yeah, they seem spoilish. It is not a crime, but , just saying.

DB, like Archie, has said and I believe him, will raise his family in N.O.after his football days. Archie is like a mentor there to DB...helping the Brees' find a home...perhaps submitting his name to their clubs.... DB is wise to stay here and is like a made man. Big fish, small pond. He will have privacy for his family. Good schools, social life, head and be part of charitable causes, and yet he can work elsewhere in the NFL or color analysts.
Like Archie, DB and wife, are part of The Uptown N.O. , that world. There is nothing wrong with it. Just saying that is their world.

It was smart of PM and EM not to want to play for N.O. Saints. Both carved out their own team. The pressure of Saints, nah. Smart choices on their own. That was never their intent. Some N.O. fans always wanted that little , unrealistic fantasy.
Not choosing LSU, well, they are alumni's kids of Ole Miss. Many people go to their parents university.
PM going to univ. in TN , I think that fitted in more with his family, social life, and everything more than LSU.

All in all, I think people around here in LA like the Mannings or think they are so-so.
I think AM and DB are good ambassadors of N.O. , you know, helps put N.O. in a better light.

Vrillon82 10-10-2012 10:31 PM

Re: Does La. really like the Mannings?
I imagine if this was 10-20 years ago, WWLTV and other media would try to hype them up as being some elite player like they use to do with other teams players, Pro or College, they did it with Jake Delhomme some years back because he was from Louisiana.

But in reality, no one cares for the Mannings, doubt anyone cares for Delhomme.

Its all media created, Media like WWLTV and WDSU back in the day is what put the Saints so far back from having a successful team because Benson and the FO kept listening to their suggestions, mostly Buddy D, once Buddy D croaked, the Saints started Winning.

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