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View Poll Results: What worries you most about the 49ers/Saints game
Saints Offense vs 49ers Defense 10 27.78%
Saints Defense vs 49ers Offense 19 52.78%
We are the Saints! I sleep like a baby. 7 19.44%
Voters: 36. You may not vote on this poll

49ers vs Saints

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Hardest game of the season for me. Not having met a 49er fan in my life(lucky me) I don't have the same hate for them as some. I want revenge after last season though, if we would have won I ...

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Old 11-21-2012, 07:25 AM   #21
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Hardest game of the season for me.
Not having met a 49er fan in my life(lucky me) I don't have the same hate for them as some.
I want revenge after last season though, if we would have won I believe the season would have ended with a second championship.

The 49ers have the weapons that can hurt both the offence and defence.

If the D can stand up in the red zone again and the offence produced like it has been in both the run and pass it should be a great game.

I finish work in just over 5 hours for 5 days and have the days planned.
Got the soccer on tonight,Hitman game tomorrow day and NFL. Thurs,college sat,soccer/NFL Saturday.
Bourbon stocked up

I love the weekend
Can't wait.

"Two receivers to the left, Garcon to the right. Manning in the shotgun, puts Collie in motion. Looks in his direction...it's picked off! It's picked off! It's Tracy Porter again! He's runnin' free! He's gonna go all the way!
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