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SmashMouth 11-17-2013 07:42 PM

The Hit on Brees

Was it BS or no?

|Mitch| 11-17-2013 07:43 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
The rules say you can't go at the head of a QB, looked like he tried to decapitate Drew with the clothesline. Good Call in my book

SASaintsfan 11-17-2013 07:47 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
nfl has come out and said the call was absolutely correct

rezburna 11-17-2013 07:48 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Right call. I love the hit from a pure football standpoint. But egh, whatevs. We won.

xan 11-17-2013 07:51 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
BS or No BS?

No BS.

Not only was it a tomahawk to the neck it was helmet to helmet. Surprised that Brees survived.

B_Dub_Saint 11-17-2013 07:52 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Same could have been called for the no safety on KapNeck

Beastmode 11-17-2013 07:58 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
1975 vintage highlight reel. 2013, 1975 is only cool at a thrift store. Should have been ejected.

SmashMouth 11-17-2013 07:58 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees

ScottF 11-17-2013 08:00 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 549079)
Same could have been called for the no safety on KapNeck

but he was "WAY" outside the pocket, according to the ref

W. Kovacs 11-17-2013 08:02 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
To me it was a good call, not because of the location of the hit (it obviously wasn't to the helmet), but because of the way the defender swung his arm. You can't swing your arm at a player's throat like that and not expect to get penalized.

SloMotion 11-17-2013 08:05 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Did you see the way Drew's neck hyperextended or whatever you call it? A must call in today's NFL, IMO.

SASaintsfan 11-17-2013 08:07 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Can't clothesline anyone any more let alone a QB. Good call in my opinion. All the 40whiner fans are crying so much right now on profootballtalk. It's so fun to read. We spot them 17 and they still lose

onebyone 11-17-2013 08:13 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
It was one of the more obvious calls I have seen. If that call was on us, I would say the same.

The 40 Whiners don't have that nickname for nothing.

SaintsBro 11-17-2013 08:17 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
I hope their entire season melts down because of that one call. They are a borderline dirty team, it goes right to the top and lays at the doorstep of their coach, who I believe coaches them to target and take out certain players. It's high time they need to be exposed and the world needs to be aware of it, I hope they get fined and the fine gets considerable media attention. That is all. I saw it once, I don't ever want to look at the hit again. There should have been an ejection when the player contested the call and removed his helmet, but these refs were not the sharpest tacks in the drawer and let lots of things get out of control throughout the game. It was the right call. No question about it at all.

WhoDatFan26 11-17-2013 08:24 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
I was honestly scared Drew was dead. It got quiet in Twin Peaks when it happended.

Vrillon82 11-17-2013 08:29 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 549088)
but he was "WAY" outside the pocket, according to the ref

I think the hit was illegal on Brees, 49ers and other losers believe different, I say be lucky it was called the way the 49ers get breaks, like the INT earlier in the game by Corey White.

As for Kaepernick.........I thought he was still in the pocket myself, announce team and refs say he was outside, I mean I didnt think the pocket was that small to begin with as he never really moved much.

Lord_Saint83 11-17-2013 08:34 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
It was the right call. Some moron 9ner fan said brooks can't help drew is barely six foot and that sf should of had the ball since they recovered the fumble. What a jackass, sometimes i think ppl just watch the games and don't try to understand the rules. Also idc what the refs say that was intentional grounding on kaep.

The Dude 11-17-2013 08:39 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Right call stupid rule. I think they have pussified the QB position. QBs used to take licks just like everyone else. I think it was just incidental not malicious.

saintsfan403 11-17-2013 08:40 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Right call, good on Drew for getting up though.

The Dude 11-17-2013 08:49 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Schmohams 11-17-2013 08:57 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
I think the niners were trying to get pay back for bountygate. Yet the saints played with more class and came out with the W.

Rell&Gold 11-17-2013 08:59 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
It wasn't helmet to helmet but the clothesline is why they called it which is no-no on any player

Halo 11-17-2013 09:03 PM

League source, penalty on Ahmad Brooks “absolutely correct call.”

The rules prohibit forcible contact with the head OR neck area. Brooks hit Brees in the neck.

Niners fans who are upset about the outcome should be upset with Brooks for choosing not to make clearly legal contact with Brees. If Brooks had, the 49ers possibly wouldn’t currently be tied with the Cardinals for second place in the NFC West.
Disputed roughing call in 49ers-Saints game was “absolutely correct” | ProFootballTalk

Rell&Gold 11-17-2013 09:03 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
How are they (49'ers fans) crying about calls when that's what kept them in the game they didn't have to go more than 40 yards on those possessions

pinch 11-17-2013 09:12 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
I remember a game a year or two ago where our defense was flagged for touching the helmet of the opposing quarterback, "touching" mind you. I don't like the rules, but if you're going to make ****ty rules you should apply them equally across the board.

Vrillon82 11-17-2013 10:43 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Originally Posted by pinch (Post 549142)
I remember a game a year or two ago where our defense was flagged for touching the helmet of the opposing quarterback, "touching" mind you. I don't like the rules, but if you're going to make ****ty rules you should apply them equally across the board.

We use to deal with **** like that in the Haslett era when Michael Vick was running around like a skint dog. Those little touches still get called today.

alleycat_126 11-17-2013 10:52 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 549086)

Drew looked like the reincarnated Fire Marshall Bill

ClintSaints 11-17-2013 11:44 PM

Re: The Hit on Brees
It was absolutely a good call. It was basically a clothesline tackle and the rule refers to "head and neck area" of a quarterback.

Let me put it this way: it's a lot better of a call than the totally phantom PI call against Corey White.

Exxcalibur 11-18-2013 01:11 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
It is only because of the whine-power of the whiner nation that this is even a talking point.

100% flag.

Exxcalibur 11-18-2013 01:14 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 549068)

The forearm isn't the issue. It is the shoulder to the head that bothers me. Fine the guy $1 000 000 :)

Read this on some chat thingy:

Actually, William, initially the blow was to the clavicle area as you state, but his arm slid up around his neck as he whipped Brees to the ground, and THAT is why the flag was thrown. Watch it again carefully with an open mind. If that doesn't alter your opinion any, let me pose this to you in another light. First, I'm not a big fan of all the rules they have put in to protect the quarterback, but rules are rules. With that in mind, I will urge you to obtain a copy of the NFL Rulebook and read the section on roughing the passer, then keep in mind your interpretation that it was "a quick, violent hit." The section on roughing the passer clearly states that when in doubt the official shall ALWAYS call roughing the passer.

UK_WhoDat 11-18-2013 06:09 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Serious play.
Surprised Brees continued to play.

jeanpierre 11-18-2013 06:42 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Marginal - wouldn't have been upset if Personal Foul wasn't called...

Don't wish it on him, but Drew increased the likelihood of this scenario with his Tom Condon contract...

Now, would you rather have 14mil/year and be able to enjoy some quality of life?!?

...or would you rather have 20mil/year with your food fed to you threw a straw in your forty's while your wife is in the next room with the Hans the physical therapist?!?

TheOak 11-18-2013 06:45 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
If you watch the play 2s earlier, he winds up before he close lines.

If Drew loses his head who gets his "spirit"


ScottF 11-18-2013 06:59 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees

More delusional BS- writer and Brooks flat out say Brees gets star treatment,
and that Brees ducked in to the hit
Brees NEVER gets the PF or UR calls

SloMotion 11-18-2013 06:59 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 549262)
Marginal - wouldn't have been upset if Personal Foul wasn't called...

Don't wish it on him, but Drew increased the likelihood of this scenario with his Tom Condon contract...

Now, would you rather have 14mil/year and be able to enjoy some quality of life?!?

...or would you rather have 20mil/year with your food fed to you threw a straw in your forty's while your wife is in the next room with the Hans the physical therapist?!?

I'd of been upset with a no-call just because they're dang sure throwing the flag for a lot less these days ... :neutral:.

triman 11-18-2013 07:11 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
If Brees is 6"4 it would have been a great play. We have had calls against us for far less. That penalty negated a really great call and play . Crucial mistake cost the 9ers the game

TheOak 11-18-2013 07:18 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
If we are going to get upset over referee calls we should seek Prozac first. Some go our way, some don't go our way.. Its split second subjective.

stickman 11-18-2013 07:29 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
Okay, I think it was a good call, but, I have to say this...

I love that this happened against the 49ers. Some of you may not be old enough to remember this, but, when Montana and Rice played for the 49ers they got ABSOLUTELY EVERY call. When in doubt, give Jerry Rice the touchdown.

The high profile player getting the call is nothing new to the league. Others have already pointed out how Vick was protected when he came into the league.

SmashMouth 11-18-2013 08:02 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees

Tony Corrente got the call right in New Orleans. With 3:18 left and San Francisco up by three in a crucial game between the Niners and Saints, linebacker Ahmad Brooks sacked Drew Brees and forced a fumble, which the Niners recovered. The problem was the sack, and the mechanics of it. Brooks clotheslined Brees on a hit that started above the sternum and finished with him forcibly sending Brees to the ground by contacting the neck with his forearm. Corrente called a personal foul on Brooks, gave the gall back to New Orleans, and the Saints went on to win with two Garrett Hartley field goals in the final three minutes. Emotional call, obviously, one that hurt the Niners grievously. But if you’ve seen nothing else in this league over the past three years, you’ve seen that officials are charged with protecting the quarterback above all others. And Corrente was protecting the quarterback. He did it wisely. Brees was tossed to the ground because of a forearm that finished on his neck. I thought the call was obvious.

Peyton Manning's protection; Ahmad Brooks penalty; more NFL Week 11 thoughts | The MMQB with Peter King

AlaskaSaints 11-18-2013 08:04 AM

Re: The Hit on Brees
What was BS was us NOT beating this team by 14 points.

Alaska in NOLA

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