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jeanpierre 06-13-2014 07:13 AM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word
Like most Scot-Irish boys have American Native Blood running through these veins on both sides of the family, including my maternal great grandmother who was full on Cherokee...

We've got friends in many tribes with my parents best friends being Lakota...

Can tell you straight that what the Oneidas are doing is total, complete BS...

And this is how the silent majority of Native Americans feel...

First, anytime the Heritage is remembered (though under Snyder's Leadership it's been questionable) in regards to fierce, proud warrior traits that is a plus; nor should the political correctness police hide or blot out history...

Second, question the Oneida true motives as when they've taken in significant funds they've failed to develop healthcare and education for those that do not share equally from their tribe...

Third, you can't have it both ways - you can't cry not to pay taxes or be limited by federal and state government laws as the rest of US citizens are bound and also protected under the flag of this nation and lobby and engage in the political process of a nation and it's laws which you do not wish to submit...

What this is called is Deflection; some members of a certain party whose extreme agenda has failed as miserably as the agenda of extremists of the previous administration have are simply trying to deflect and distract the heat to an equally unpopular group or individual...

Tell the Oneida to manage their own affairs and win the real battles of the underserved of their tribe...

The Dude 06-13-2014 08:22 AM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word
People just love a reason to get offended. Being offended is a choice. There are SO many other things to worry about but people are all waiting their turn to find a reason to be offended.

SaintsBro 06-13-2014 09:22 AM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word
Other than this one group from upstate New York that's litigating and fighting it, I have yet to really hear from any real native Americans to find out what they think, if they are offended or not... You would think with all this kerfluffle that somebody would go out there and do an objective poll, put the facts on the table, ask them the question and make a nice pie graph or chart telling us what the native Americans really think, all over the country, but evidently not, it hasn't been done.

If the majority of actual Indian people had a problem with the name, I would change it in a heartbeat. I'm just not sure it's been demonstrated yet that that's the case.

Same as I do with My Black Friends ™ (although that's a bit of a cliche) on matters that have to do with their cultural stuff. I let them decide if something is offensive to them, or not. But if somebody I know is like "dang, that's offensive" then I'm offended too.

Tobias-Reiper 06-13-2014 03:11 PM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 596996)
The n-word is not a skin color... today it has become an attitude.

I guess one can trace it to good ol' boys pronouncing the word "negro" like they pronounce anything ending with the "o" sound, and "negro" is a color.


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 597087)
People just love a reason to get offended. Being offended is a choice. There are SO many other things to worry about but people are all waiting their turn to find a reason to be offended.

It works both ways...

Danno 06-13-2014 03:24 PM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word
I wonder how Native Americans (I hate that word since I'm a native American as well, as is my Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather etc)
feel about what I think are Honorary names like Braves, Warriors, Chiefs?

Or how the feel about tribal names like Seminoles and Blackhawks?

The only things that I can agree with and see as offensive is the name Redskins and that stupid looking Indian mascot of the Cleveland Indians.

Seriously? I hate the PC movement but that's gotta be about as offensive as it gets.

pumpkindriver 06-13-2014 08:25 PM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 596900)
I got no dog in this race.... I guess until I lose a job or client for something I said recorded in my private home, or 20 years ago, or they force the Saints to change their name because it's a religious name associated with the Catholic Church.

Political correctness is sad and out of control. None of this will benefit the actual people who are "discriminated" against, will only benefit the NFL in selling more merchandize. Redskins is a term from another time but brings light to Native Americans, a people mostly forgotten. So I guess they'll just be called "the Hogs" or something and Native Americans will be totally forgotten now.

Exactly, I was thinking along those same lines too. If they rename the team, they should use a name that reflects Washington D.C. , like how about the Washinton Criminals?

burningmetal 06-13-2014 10:45 PM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word
Well now I don't like champ. He better play well and shut up from here on out, because I don't care about a single thing he has to say.

If Indian people are this easily offended then that's just too bad. I can tell you that if a team wanted to call themselves the whiteskins, I would say that sounds really weird but it surely doesn't offend me. I'm tired of the crying about everything being racist. It's only racist if you make it that way! Stop making everything about you. Nobody cares. No matter how butt hurt you want to be, I can promise you that nobody was thinking about you when they came up with the name, because it's not about you. It will never be about you. Shut up, stop feeling sorry for yourself and go find something productive to do with your time. It's none of your business what a franchise calls itself. You don't own it.

Utah_Saint 06-14-2014 12:37 AM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 597150)

Or how the feel about tribal names like Seminoles and Blackhawks?

The Utes love the fact that Utah uses their tribe's name. A poll last year (or the year before last) showed over 95% approval among the tribe members.

The University consults with the tribe often to make sure the feel they're being portrayed in a good light.

rezburna 06-14-2014 01:25 AM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word
One race can't determine how offensive a word is to another race. Give it up with the "they use it, so why can't we" talk. **** sounds stupid. You can call your friends things other people can't and everything is fine and dandy. Quit trying to make an argument out of some **** that can be really simple.

Washington needs to just change the damn name.

burningmetal 06-14-2014 04:08 AM

Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 597191)
One race can't determine how offensive a word is to another race. Give it up with the "they use it, so why can't we" talk. **** sounds stupid. You can call your friends things other people can't and everything is fine and dandy. Quit trying to make an argument out of some **** that can be really simple.

Washington needs to just change the damn name.

Are you aware that we all belong to the same race? It's called the human race. Color has nothing to do with race. People of all colors can point to some time that their ancestors went through. It has nothing to do with the present. Nobody is trying to step on anyone's toes. But some people are just determined to play the perpetual victim in every possible scenario.

And you know what else? You made a comment that didn't have anything to do with this redskins name, but I found it ridiculous nonetheless. You say you're tired of hearing "they use it so why can't we". Look, lot's of words are used in lot's of different contexts. I'm not defending some of the things that people say to each other. But IF you are offended by a certain word, I don't care what the context is, you shouldn't use it if you don't want others to use it. I don't care how you talk to your friends. But don't use whatever word you feel like in one minute and tell somebody they can't use that same word the next. It's hypocritical. I think people getting all up in a tizzy over a word is dumb. But I'm not telling people what they can say. You have no right to decide what words a person can use if you think you have the right to say whatever you want. Simple.

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