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Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Originally Posted by burningmetal Are you aware that we all belong to the same race? It's called the human race. Color has nothing to do with race. People of all colors can point to some time that their ancestors went ...

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Old 06-15-2014, 02:44 AM   #41
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by burningmetal View Post
Are you aware that we all belong to the same race? It's called the human race. Color has nothing to do with race. People of all colors can point to some time that their ancestors went through. It has nothing to do with the present. Nobody is trying to step on anyone's toes. But some people are just determined to play the perpetual victim in every possible scenario.

And you know what else? You made a comment that didn't have anything to do with this redskins name, but I found it ridiculous nonetheless. You say you're tired of hearing "they use it so why can't we". Look, lot's of words are used in lot's of different contexts. I'm not defending some of the things that people say to each other. But IF you are offended by a certain word, I don't care what the context is, you shouldn't use it if you don't want others to use it. I don't care how you talk to your friends. But don't use whatever word you feel like in one minute and tell somebody they can't use that same word the next. It's hypocritical. I think people getting all up in a tizzy over a word is dumb. But I'm not telling people what they can say. You have no right to decide what words a person can use if you think you have the right to say whatever you want. Simple.
The whole world is built on hypocritical **** and this is the battle you want to fight? Everything is situational and contextual. This **** ain't black and white, no pun intended. Life is dynamic. Now personally, I use the n word all day everyday and I don't care who else uses it. You can say whatever you want, but if you piss somebody off and get shot or beat up I don't want to hear how messed up it is. This **** isn't a hard concept to understand, but people want to make it an argument and discussion. It's nothing to discuss. It's nothing to talk about. The majority of blacks are uncomfortable with white people using the word. Point blank period. If the Native Americans don't like the use of Redskin, change the ****. We may all be human but it definitely doesn't work like that in the real world. Never has.

In a nutshell you're telling an entire sub group of people what they should and shouldn't be offended by. I'm offended if you call me an ass hole but if my brother does I don't care. He's my brother. If my friend does I don't care. He's my friend. So quit pretending like the n word is the only word that works like this. You know exactly why black people are sensitive to white people using the word.

Redskins need to change the name. Point blank.
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Old 06-15-2014, 03:09 AM   #42
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by hagan714 View Post
yeah i have to say my Irish roots are as mixed as any even by the late 1600's. Everyone conquered and enslaved us. My forefathers fell of the boat as "indentured servants" to an English tobacco baron in the Carolinas at the turn of the century. They might be one of the first run away slaves in America. So when it comes to being a true American mutt i have to say we are as pure as a mutt can ever be. I have almost every European blood line, more than one of the Indian nations and also a couple of African nations flowing through my veins. When MLK talked about seeing the world as grey I think i can understanding what he was getting at.

"indentured servants" i always loved that PC term for slavery. An Entire nation murdered and owned by various European countries for centuries. leave it to the English to come up with such a clean sounding word.

So Slavery is not owned by any one race. besides why do African Americans with decent to this time period allow an African fresh of the boat to use the "N" word? history in Africa was one were they practiced slavery also for 1000s of year and made a some money selling slaves long before the Europeans started buying them. Just as social acceptable there it was around the world at that time. Besides that Africans forefather might be from the tribe that originally put your tribe into slavery to begin with.

Historically the argument just does not hold water for a person like me. Every nationality has been enslaved some where in history.

I say get off your soap box and stop pointing your finger at me. go clean up your own house first then talk to me. by they way i know more white ******s than black ******s. Hell i know ******s of all kinda of colors. I have moved beyond race and I am no longer a racist. equality for all. rich or poor makes no difference. If you want people stop using the word then everyone must stop. other wise i view the argument as self serving and not valid. it is racist.

i wonder if the "N" word will post

my history thesis was on this very topic. got a c then debated the issue for hours over the course of a month or so with my prof before she gave me a better grade. no she was not white, actually we are more pink than white, she was of African decent. good friends still today. she is the only person that can call me cracker.

nope ******s

PS we are Americans. till we accept it and stop labeling our selves we will get no where. Go back to your home land they will tell you. your american. stop all the subdividing already
I don't think anybody tries to own slavery or point to slavery as the problem. People would have been over slavery after that generation died off if we didn't have to have a Civil Rights movement just 50 years ago in order to get equality, or if there still wasn't subtle **** going on to this day. Anybody who still points to slavery is reaching, even if it really wasn't as long ago as people think.

As far as the Africans prospering off slaves, no historical basis behind that. None whatsoever. Europeans would pock a side in the war between two tribes, give them guns and supplies, then when one side one and took prisoners of war they would then trade those prisoners for more guns and supplies. Nothing like the way people try to portray it. The Europeans were raiding African villages and taking slaves for years. Europe started the craze. America followed suit. I hate that scapegoat.

And honestly, blacks are the only ones who don't have any ties to their original ancestry. I don't know what African tribe my people came from. That's lost. To me, Irish, French, English, German, whatever, white is white. Black is black. And Oriental is oriental. I'm creole. I've got French and Indian ancestry. I'm neither. I cant go to France without a passport, and I can't get grant money to build a casino down here on the coast that isn't on water. My homeland is New Orleans, Louisiana. I go back there and they'll tell me I'm black just like my birth certificate says. American sub divides me just fine.
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Old 06-15-2014, 03:40 AM   #43
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by rezburna View Post
The whole world is built on hypocritical **** and this is the battle you want to fight? Everything is situational and contextual. This **** ain't black and white, no pun intended. Life is dynamic. Now personally, I use the n word all day everyday and I don't care who else uses it. You can say whatever you want, but if you piss somebody off and get shot or beat up I don't want to hear how messed up it is. This **** isn't a hard concept to understand, but people want to make it an argument and discussion. It's nothing to discuss. It's nothing to talk about. The majority of blacks are uncomfortable with white people using the word. Point blank period. If the Native Americans don't like the use of Redskin, change the ****. We may all be human but it definitely doesn't work like that in the real world. Never has.

In a nutshell you're telling an entire sub group of people what they should and shouldn't be offended by. I'm offended if you call me an ass hole but if my brother does I don't care. He's my brother. If my friend does I don't care. He's my friend. So quit pretending like the n word is the only word that works like this. You know exactly why black people are sensitive to white people using the word.

Redskins need to change the name. Point blank.
You are a picture perfect example of what I'm talking about. YOU are a hypocrite. YOU think you can say whatever you want but others can't. Now if I call you any name and I clearly have anger in my tone, and it's obvious that I'm making an attack on you, then you have a reason to be offended. But a team naming themselves redskins is just a name. They're not called the "Red Skinned Savages" are they? There is no attack being made. Yet you have a group of people who have decided this is offensive. I say too bad. And if YOU are uncomfortable by a word, then stop encouraging it. Anybody can call you any kind of offensive name. And the same goes for you toward others. So if you don't like the "N word", fine. Go have it outlawed. But you're going to need to outlaw all the others and be prepared to stop using them yourself. What's my point? You're words are no better than anyone else's. But you think you deserve special consideration, and for what? For what reason do you deserve this? I don't hate anyone. I hate a lot of things that some people stand for, but I don't hate people. I don't call people things that I think will hurt them. But when I hear the whining of some people about the very things that they, themselves, do and say everyday, it makes my blood boil.

And by the way, the world is not built on hypocrisy. But it is most certainly being destroyed by it. Selfish people... People such as yourself, who think everything is cause for a fight, that the whole world is against you and you have to be offended by everything. But you don't know what other people go through in all corners of the world. You don't know because you don't care. You don't know the struggles I've been through or my siblings or parents, or any of my ancestors. I don't expect you to. You're not responsible for any of us. I don't need your pity. I don't need my own pity. I just deal with life and move on. That's what a reasonable person does.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 06-15-2014, 10:12 AM   #44
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by rezburna View Post

As far as the Africans prospering off slaves, no historical basis behind that. None whatsoever. Europeans would pock a side in the war between two tribes, give them guns and supplies, then when one side one and took prisoners of war they would then trade those prisoners for more guns and supplies. Nothing like the way people try to portray it. The Europeans were raiding African villages and taking slaves for years. Europe started the craze. America followed suit. I hate that scapegoat.
excellent post. but this is the same point i had with my history prof. first no scapegoat point is in tended. history is always has a few versions of the same topic as we all know. In this case i had to read actual slave traders journals, manuscripts and company shipping ledgers to find out more about the topic. in the beginning it was simple and it went as i stated. but as demand increased so did the nasty nature of profiteering. much the same as it is today so not much has change in that ideology just the victims. once greed gets a hold of anything those people making the profit turn a blind eye to what the costs really are. those are the ones becuase of their wealth get off Scott free of responsibility. hmmm scott free need to look at that term.

my intent was not to slough off blame or minimize the horror of the business at all. the point was simple blame does not rest on a persons color as is the case today. The world as a whole is to blame and the world as a whole has been a victim of this horrifying crime. Some parts of world still are. as i stated the real criminals are the ones that made the big bucks and yet they seem to go unmentioned in history. money can buy you everything.

example here is, being mostly irish myself, i can a testify to the fact that irish sold and killed off fellow irish in much the same was as the British watched and profited till the brits got greedy and wanted more. then it got worse. now even today i still get a bit stand offish when i am offered a black and tan on st patties day. most people do not understand what exactly that phrase really is all about. but in no way do I go ballistic over it when a British person even mentions it. it is a drink that serves as a reminder and minimizes at the same time the horrors surrounding that time period in Irish history. It pretty much sealed the fate of the country till revolution struck the south of Ireland. But i do not fly off the handle and beat a drum over it. Mick is not the greatest historical term for an irsh person either.

Question why is it can travel anywhere in the world were African slaves were bought and sold and use the word and get no response what so ever?

Why is America held captive to such a blatant form of discrimination when it appears the rest of the world has moved on?

the civil right thing just justifies my view of the hypocrisy of history and the civil war. they removed the shackles but they remained enslaved. without the war the Irish and Italians would have remained the cheap labor and dispensable work force of this country. free slaves took over most of these jobs and were not treated a whole lot better. economic slavery and work camps we not that great of a step forward but it was a start. since carpetbagger's basically stole the 60 acres and the mule from the freed slaves. which in turned sold the land off to same industrial giants that put the slave to work in these horrid factories.

Take a honest look at our countries history and see what the world general views us as. It leaves a bad taste in their mouth about the things we have done. They are not innocent but at least they stand up and admit to what they have done, well for the most part and do not candy coat the negative aspects as much as we do.

I love our country and their are very few place in the world i would live besides here but we have a mess right now and many of those issue i place blame with congress, the president, lobbyist and lawyers from the past 50 years or more. opppsss lawyers hold all of those positions so sorry for repeating myself. they love us dwelling on the past because it keeps us from looking forward and seeing what they are doing to this country. they are the reason these things will not be settled. they keep it alive and feed it.

so back to the issue.

why do some Indians hate any association of their culture related to any ethnic culture in the US? i think it is plan as day. The Europe/U.S. invasion of the Americas resulted in them pulling off probably the greatest ethnic cleansing the world has ever seen. yet history does not portray it as such here in this country.

still to today they are the only minority that has to prove their blood line because the US still refuses to honor original treaties they broke and replaced with monetary cash offers. which in fact is still sitting there collecting interest waiting to be received. thus if you are not a certain percentage you loose your right to make a claim. that is the tip of the iceberg. pretty big tip i would have to say.

If any nationality in this country deserves to raise an uproar it is them.

Now if the media which controls (or is "controlled by" depends on how you look at it) the government would step back and stop singling out one race for preferential treatment then we as a society may just find a way to move on and become closer to being a more unified country. then we might truly get some where. I truly believe the flames of bigotry are fanned by the 5 companies that control 99% of our national media.

Which IMO is just what the controlling interests in this country want. nothing would strike fear into them more than a people untied all turning out to vote, hold them accountable and taking power away from them. Conspiracy? maybe. but as long as the voters remain divided they can be conquered. or controlled once again depends how you look at it.

It is up to the youth of this country to make this change because the civil rights generation has not done that great of job of handling it. we talked a good talk and we started strong but we dropped the ball along the way and have not done a great job of finishing it off. Are we really Americans? we aint there yet. Till the desire of our people to become one and solve our isuues we will never truly see and end to this type of thinking.

ok off my soap box
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Old 06-15-2014, 10:28 AM   #45
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by rezburna View Post
And honestly, blacks are the only ones who don't have any ties to their original ancestry. I don't know what African tribe my people came from. That's lost. To me, Irish, French, English, German, whatever, white is white. Black is black. And Oriental is oriental.
i live in boston now and this blew me away also. they hammer the south and i always point out the bigotry here. I married a woman fresh off the boat from Italy. you should see the looks i get when we walked through the north end of town. then the looks she would get when we visit the south side.

I have to agree with there white folks are whacked. we need a lot work.

I got corrected once. Oriental is not a race it is a style. Asian is an ethnic region. even then take a subway in boston and if you want oriental food and want a specific nationality just wait till that group exsists the train. you surface surround by that groups own little village.

I take great offense to being called white. we are basically pink and when it comes to color we turn more shades than any race on the planet.

we have a long way to go
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"We may have lost the game, but you'll be hurting tomorrow." Doug Atkins
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Old 06-15-2014, 07:25 PM   #46
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by burningmetal View Post
You are a picture perfect example of what I'm talking about. YOU are a hypocrite. YOU think you can say whatever you want but others can't. Now if I call you any name and I clearly have anger in my tone, and it's obvious that I'm making an attack on you, then you have a reason to be offended. But a team naming themselves redskins is just a name. They're not called the "Red Skinned Savages" are they? There is no attack being made. Yet you have a group of people who have decided this is offensive. I say too bad. And if YOU are uncomfortable by a word, then stop encouraging it. Anybody can call you any kind of offensive name. And the same goes for you toward others. So if you don't like the "N word", fine. Go have it outlawed. But you're going to need to outlaw all the others and be prepared to stop using them yourself. What's my point? You're words are no better than anyone else's. But you think you deserve special consideration, and for what? For what reason do you deserve this? I don't hate anyone. I hate a lot of things that some people stand for, but I don't hate people. I don't call people things that I think will hurt them. But when I hear the whining of some people about the very things that they, themselves, do and say everyday, it makes my blood boil.

And by the way, the world is not built on hypocrisy. But it is most certainly being destroyed by it. Selfish people... People such as yourself, who think everything is cause for a fight, that the whole world is against you and you have to be offended by everything. But you don't know what other people go through in all corners of the world. You don't know because you don't care. You don't know the struggles I've been through or my siblings or parents, or any of my ancestors. I don't expect you to. You're not responsible for any of us. I don't need your pity. I don't need my own pity. I just deal with life and move on. That's what a reasonable person does.
I clearly said you can say whatever you want. I am not one of the black people who says you can't say the n word. And with that, you should be able to respect whatever reaction you get from me or anybody else when you do. You use it around me, I'm not trippin. I lose all respect for you, but I'm not trippin. I make it a point to not use it around people who aren't black. But it's cool, I'll be a hypocrite. But you are too. And so is everybody else in some form or fashion. So you can take it how you want. Better yet, if this is the fight you want to fight go ahead and start using it in your everyday speech. Go up to a group of blacks and try it out, and if you get hurt take it to court. Put it all on the line. You seem pretty passionate about it.

"The first need of a free people is to define their own terms.” - Stokely Carmichael
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Old 06-15-2014, 07:26 PM   #47
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by hagan714 View Post
i live in boston now and this blew me away also. they hammer the south and i always point out the bigotry here. I married a woman fresh off the boat from Italy. you should see the looks i get when we walked through the north end of town. then the looks she would get when we visit the south side.

I have to agree with there white folks are whacked. we need a lot work.

I got corrected once. Oriental is not a race it is a style. Asian is an ethnic region. even then take a subway in boston and if you want oriental food and want a specific nationality just wait till that group exsists the train. you surface surround by that groups own little village.

I take great offense to being called white. we are basically pink and when it comes to color we turn more shades than any race on the planet.

we have a long way to go
This is why I've always liked you. I can respect a good, well thought out counter point.
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Old 06-15-2014, 07:33 PM   #48
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

Originally Posted by hagan714 View Post
excellent post. but this is the same point i had with my history prof. first no scapegoat point is in tended. history is always has a few versions of the same topic as we all know. In this case i had to read actual slave traders journals, manuscripts and company shipping ledgers to find out more about the topic. in the beginning it was simple and it went as i stated. but as demand increased so did the nasty nature of profiteering. much the same as it is today so not much has change in that ideology just the victims. once greed gets a hold of anything those people making the profit turn a blind eye to what the costs really are. those are the ones becuase of their wealth get off Scott free of responsibility. hmmm scott free need to look at that term.

my intent was not to slough off blame or minimize the horror of the business at all. the point was simple blame does not rest on a persons color as is the case today. The world as a whole is to blame and the world as a whole has been a victim of this horrifying crime. Some parts of world still are. as i stated the real criminals are the ones that made the big bucks and yet they seem to go unmentioned in history. money can buy you everything.

example here is, being mostly irish myself, i can a testify to the fact that irish sold and killed off fellow irish in much the same was as the British watched and profited till the brits got greedy and wanted more. then it got worse. now even today i still get a bit stand offish when i am offered a black and tan on st patties day. most people do not understand what exactly that phrase really is all about. but in no way do I go ballistic over it when a British person even mentions it. it is a drink that serves as a reminder and minimizes at the same time the horrors surrounding that time period in Irish history. It pretty much sealed the fate of the country till revolution struck the south of Ireland. But i do not fly off the handle and beat a drum over it. Mick is not the greatest historical term for an irsh person either.

Question why is it can travel anywhere in the world were African slaves were bought and sold and use the word and get no response what so ever?

Why is America held captive to such a blatant form of discrimination when it appears the rest of the world has moved on?

the civil right thing just justifies my view of the hypocrisy of history and the civil war. they removed the shackles but they remained enslaved. without the war the Irish and Italians would have remained the cheap labor and dispensable work force of this country. free slaves took over most of these jobs and were not treated a whole lot better. economic slavery and work camps we not that great of a step forward but it was a start. since carpetbagger's basically stole the 60 acres and the mule from the freed slaves. which in turned sold the land off to same industrial giants that put the slave to work in these horrid factories.

Take a honest look at our countries history and see what the world general views us as. It leaves a bad taste in their mouth about the things we have done. They are not innocent but at least they stand up and admit to what they have done, well for the most part and do not candy coat the negative aspects as much as we do.

I love our country and their are very few place in the world i would live besides here but we have a mess right now and many of those issue i place blame with congress, the president, lobbyist and lawyers from the past 50 years or more. opppsss lawyers hold all of those positions so sorry for repeating myself. they love us dwelling on the past because it keeps us from looking forward and seeing what they are doing to this country. they are the reason these things will not be settled. they keep it alive and feed it.

so back to the issue.

why do some Indians hate any association of their culture related to any ethnic culture in the US? i think it is plan as day. The Europe/U.S. invasion of the Americas resulted in them pulling off probably the greatest ethnic cleansing the world has ever seen. yet history does not portray it as such here in this country.

still to today they are the only minority that has to prove their blood line because the US still refuses to honor original treaties they broke and replaced with monetary cash offers. which in fact is still sitting there collecting interest waiting to be received. thus if you are not a certain percentage you loose your right to make a claim. that is the tip of the iceberg. pretty big tip i would have to say.

If any nationality in this country deserves to raise an uproar it is them.

Now if the media which controls (or is "controlled by" depends on how you look at it) the government would step back and stop singling out one race for preferential treatment then we as a society may just find a way to move on and become closer to being a more unified country. then we might truly get some where. I truly believe the flames of bigotry are fanned by the 5 companies that control 99% of our national media.

Which IMO is just what the controlling interests in this country want. nothing would strike fear into them more than a people untied all turning out to vote, hold them accountable and taking power away from them. Conspiracy? maybe. but as long as the voters remain divided they can be conquered. or controlled once again depends how you look at it.

It is up to the youth of this country to make this change because the civil rights generation has not done that great of job of handling it. we talked a good talk and we started strong but we dropped the ball along the way and have not done a great job of finishing it off. Are we really Americans? we aint there yet. Till the desire of our people to become one and solve our isuues we will never truly see and end to this type of thinking.

ok off my soap box
I don't disagree much of anything you just said. I like to highlight the younger generation. It's changing. All races are starting to dress alike, walk alike, talk alike, and date each other. The younger generation of black kids aren't as harsh about the use of the n word as the ones before us. I for one stopped getting mad about it by the time I hit 7 years old. It was a dumb fight to fight. And as long as it was the white teachers of Mississippi teaching me I got no pass for beating a kid up after being called a nigge(r) with obvious hate in the tone. My problem comes more with people trying to act like they don't understand why it might be a issue to blacks. The parents and grandparents of certain generations must of held a lot of secrets and told a lot of lies, because let them tell it in a place like Mississippi that was the hotbed for racism nobody was ever a part of it.
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Old 06-15-2014, 08:33 PM   #49
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

I just wish that there were longer posts in this thread.
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Old 06-15-2014, 08:44 PM   #50
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Re: Saints' Champ Bailey: Redskins name like N-word

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I just wish that there were longer posts in this thread.
Give me about 10 minutes son.
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