09-08-2014, 05:14 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Re: Its not THAT bad
Originally Posted by The Dude
We took them to over time in THEIR house. We screwed up by turning the ball over. No matter what some here might think the Falcons are a good team. A year before last they went 13-3 and were a few plays away from going to the Super Bowl. They have 4 pro bowl receivers so its no wonder our DBs looked bad. They are going to make a lot of defenses look bad. Our offense is looking awesome. Cooks looks as advertised and has all the potential to be ROY. We will destroy these guys in the Super Dome. We basically spotted them two scores and still took them to over time.
I think overtime rules blow. It should be like the playoffs so the first field goal can't win it unless the other team gets a chance and blows it.
Yea, I'm pissed, DOUBLE pissed because I had to watch this crap on DVR and couldn't go through it with my fellow Who Dates.
We have a playoff team and we will get at least one more shot at them.
Uh... The OT rules ARE like the playoffs now. We did get a chance and we DID blow it.