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burningmetal 01-07-2015 07:27 AM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 636598)
It should make sense tho. No reason it shouldn't, unless you're dealing with an irrational person.

Read up on "Cluster B Personality Disorders". It reads like a handbook for my ex.

You're right, and yet that's just the problem, at least in most of my experiences with women. My ex was beyond irrational. I would spend a lot of time and effort giving what I thought were the most well thought out, philosophical and intellectual speeches to her to try to get through to her on things that she was just completely wrong about, and lacking of any morals, and she would just say "that's bulls***". It was hopeless.

But at least I can laugh at it now. No where to go but up after that.

AsylumGuido 01-07-2015 09:38 AM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by vtiger72 (Post 636615)
If the witnesses consist of JG, his gf, and a cousin- can we trust that they wouldn't lie to protect JG. I think we should reserve judgement on both sides.

The witnesses were four people OTHER THAN Gallette and included his girlfriend. Which bring another question to mind. Why are some of you implying that Junior had anything to do with the girl sexually when his girlfriend was there, as well? If anything at all, it had to do with his cousin or one of the other two people present.

saintfan 01-07-2015 10:15 AM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested
That cell phone video will tell the tale.

UK_WhoDat 01-07-2015 10:59 AM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 636345)
Hopefully they can just cut the guy.

She tried to but got shat on

SloMotion 01-07-2015 11:46 AM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested
Does Louisiana have the death penalty? Just wondering, :neutral:

saintfan 01-07-2015 01:05 PM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 636620)
You're right, and yet that's just the problem, at least in most of my experiences with women. My ex was beyond irrational. I would spend a lot of time and effort giving what I thought were the most well thought out, philosophical and intellectual speeches to her to try to get through to her on things that she was just completely wrong about, and lacking of any morals, and she would just say "that's bulls***". It was hopeless.

But at least I can laugh at it now. No where to go but up after that.

You cannot effectively communicate with "Cluster B". It's a waste of time. It took me 14 years to figure that out.

NonieT 01-07-2015 01:26 PM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 636674)
Does Louisiana have the death penalty? Just wondering, :neutral:


darksoul35 01-07-2015 07:42 PM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 636462)
Love ya Slo but I'm sorry I have to intervene here.

First off there is not a requirement by police departments to make an arrest on a domestic with "little or no evidence".

That's illegal.

And if you guys have dumb enough cops in your portion of country that do that (not saying you don't), then they won't be cops for very long.

God, maybe I should just avoid these conversations. This is getting ridiculous. Like the guy who tells everyone he got pulled over for going 1 mph over the speed limit and got "screwed" by getting a DUI.

Look, I know there are some messed up cops out there. But they are rare. And just because you dealt with a piece of **** doesn't mean most of them are. The piece of **** you dealt with is the minority, not the majority.

Most officers do what we do to help and to take care of people. Most officers would take a bullet for you.

Don't believe it? Go for a ride-a-long one day.

I have a hard time believing the minority part. They seem to be killing all the minorities. Unarmed kids at that.

saintfan 01-07-2015 08:05 PM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 636462)
Love ya Slo but I'm sorry I have to intervene here.

First off there is not a requirement by police departments to make an arrest on a domestic with "little or no evidence".

That's illegal.

And if you guys have dumb enough cops in your portion of country that do that (not saying you don't), then they won't be cops for very long.

God, maybe I should just avoid these conversations. This is getting ridiculous. Like the guy who tells everyone he got pulled over for going 1 mph over the speed limit and got "screwed" by getting a DUI.

Look, I know there are some messed up cops out there. But they are rare. And just because you dealt with a piece of **** doesn't mean most of them are. The piece of **** you dealt with is the minority, not the majority.

Most officers do what we do to help and to take care of people. Most officers would take a bullet for you.

Don't believe it? Go for a ride-a-long one day.

Yes sir. There most certainly ARE mandatory arrest laws in many states that dictate if the police arrive at a domestic violence call they MUST make an arrest. Look it up. In my case, "probable cause" was simply her version of events versus mine, and there is NO REASON the arresting officer should have believed me OR her other than he showed up to "save a ho".

And you can just better believe they're going to arrest the man 9 times out of 10.

I know it is difficult to believe such a law exists, because it's effing insane, but it does, and just you go and take a look at the rights that can be lost if a person is convicted, and then go find out just how easy these convictions are, and how DAs pressure people to plea out rather than go to trial by adding BS charges.

Dude I'm not trying to yang your chain. I believe people like you (most people are like you) just don't understand how effed up this domestic violence nonsense truly has become. Women's groups openly lobby politicians, police, Judges, DAs, and so on.

PM me if you're really interested in learning just how disgusting it is, because I honestly don't want to start anything with you, but it is clear you're in denial. I was too, to some degree, until it happened to me.

spkb25 01-07-2015 08:37 PM

Re: Junior Galette Arrested

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 636726)
Yes sir. There most certainly ARE mandatory arrest laws in many states that dictate if the police arrive at a domestic violence call they MUST make an arrest. Look it up. In my case, "probable cause" was simply her version of events versus mine, and there is NO REASON the arresting officer should have believed me OR her other than he showed up to "save a ho".

And you can just better believe they're going to arrest the man 9 times out of 10.

I know it is difficult to believe such a law exists, because it's effing insane, but it does, and just you go and take a look at the rights that can be lost if a person is convicted, and then go find out just how easy these convictions are, and how DAs pressure people to plea out rather than go to trial by adding BS charges.

Dude I'm not trying to yang your chain. I believe people like you (most people are like you) just don't understand how effed up this domestic violence nonsense truly has become. Women's groups openly lobby politicians, police, Judges, DAs, and so on.

PM me if you're really interested in learning just how disgusting it is, because I honestly don't want to start anything with you, but it is clear you're in denial. I was too, to some degree, until it happened to me.

My ex and I lived together for 4 years, when I moved she was still finishing working on her degree so she remained where we previously lived. When I moved the lease was fully in my name. She came up to stay with me for the summer (she had family an hour away in both directions). When I finally got tired of her **** I kicked her out. While she was packing her stuff I sensed another long drawn out battle so I asked her to get enough for the night, leave, and while I was at work the next day to come back and get the rest. She had the key. What does she do? Calls the cops. When they got there what were they doing, trying to find something I had done wrong so they could arrest me. I was down stairs near them at the door, she was on the second deck so I raised my voice loud enough for her to hear and asked her to please hurry. They told me to stop yelling or they'd have to arrest me. They were itching for an excuse. Until men start forcing, like women do, politicians to cut the ****, this is going to continue.

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