04-12-2016, 07:08 AM
Hu Dat!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 6,819
Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I read (couldn't find the audio) the highlights of what Sean Payton said and I don't find it that inflammatory. He's speaking his mind about how he feels about guns. He's hurting right now. He's not simply repeating far-left sound bytes, which I respect. He's not saying they should come get everyone's guns a week from tomorrow. I'm cutting him some slack, at least for the time being.
I think addressing culture and mental health are the main issue, but I also think improved background checks for guns would help. If you're in a big hurry to get a gun and can't wait for a background check - not a good sign.
I support sensible 2A rights but I don't care for the NRA. They cloak themselves in 2A rights and their concern for the common man to defend themselves, but really it's all about the sale and movement of firearms and the easy money generated for them.