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hitta 05-09-2018 05:41 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)
There is nothing to suggest that Ingram was purposely using PEDs to try to cheat. It could have easily been an accident. Airheaded yes, but tbh there are so many things on the list that it's incredibly easy to do. I've seen Ingram go out there and lay it all on the field week in, week out. This isn't the time to withdraw our support for the guy. All players have their issues. One thing I know for sure is that Mark bleeds black and gold. Being able to stick with these guys that give so much to the team even in their most trying moments is the hallmark of a strong and dedicated fan base. It is that sort of solidarity that wins championships.

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 06:06 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 801720)
There is nothing to suggest that Ingram was purposely using PEDs to try to cheat. It could have easily been an accident. Airheaded yes, but tbh there are so many things on the list that it's incredibly easy to do. I've seen Ingram go out there and lay it all on the field week in, week out. This isn't the time to withdraw our support for the guy. All players have their issues. One thing I know for sure is that Mark bleeds black and gold. Being able to stick with these guys that give so much to the team even in their most trying moments is the hallmark of a strong and dedicated fan base. It is that sort of solidarity that wins championships.

While I agree wholeheartedly, there are those that relish in the opportunity to pounce upon any possible negative event to spread their venom.

And we all know who you are.


spkb25 05-09-2018 06:33 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)
I wish Mrk was using his roids and coke on this play

spkb25 05-09-2018 06:35 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)
Ingram Interview if he wins the lottery

saintsfan1976 05-09-2018 07:12 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 801720)
There is nothing to suggest that Ingram was purposely using PEDs to try to cheat. It could have easily been an accident. Airheaded yes, but tbh there are so many things on the list that it's incredibly easy to do. I've seen Ingram go out there and lay it all on the field week in, week out. This isn't the time to withdraw our support for the guy. All players have their issues. One thing I know for sure is that Mark bleeds black and gold. Being able to stick with these guys that give so much to the team even in their most trying moments is the hallmark of a strong and dedicated fan base. It is that sort of solidarity that wins championships.

Well said. Extend the man for 4 more years. He’ll be around 31. You’ll have to pay Kamara anyway do MI’s contract will expire around the same time.

SmashMouth 05-09-2018 07:13 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)
Simply ask yourselves this:

WWBBD ... What Would Bill Belichek Do?

I think we all know the answer! :popcorn:

nola_swammi 05-10-2018 02:10 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)
Kamara and Ingram both ran up the middle and caught passes. The only differ was Kamara was more reliable on deep pass plays and Ingram was more reliable in protection.

Now that Ingram is out 4 games Kamara will be more counted on protection and Scott will take on more of Kamara plays for relief. If everything works out and Scott turnout to be a doppelgänger of Sproles, Kamara shows he can be reliable protecting Brees, this might turnout to be a blessing in disguise

Crusader 05-10-2018 02:33 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)

Originally Posted by NonieT (Post 801697)
How do you know he didn't take Sudafed. Sudafed is harmless and it's also banned by the NFL. Don't jump to conclusions. We don't know what he took.

I don't care if he took sudafed, cocain or steroids, it doesn't matter, he is suspended anyway. It is his job and personal responsibility to know what he puts in his body and if it is allowed or not.

I played 18 years and got tested 1-2 times every year (WADA rules), that made me have to be very aware of everything I ate. The only time that was even remotely an issue thou was regarding medicines or supplements. And if i could do it as an amateur I would expect him as a pro to be able to.

AsylumGuido 05-10-2018 06:41 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 801758)
I don't care if he took sudafed, cocain or steroids, it doesn't matter, he is suspended anyway. It is his job and personal responsibility to know what he puts in his body and if it is allowed or not.

I played 18 years and got tested 1-2 times every year (WADA rules), that made me have to be very aware of everything I ate. The only time that was even remotely an issue thou was regarding medicines or supplements. And if i could do it as an amateur I would expect him as a pro to be able to.

That highlighted sentence is right at the crux of the matter. It sounds like he may have used some medication that he was sure was permissible. As I surmised before, if his agent was supposed to send in the TUE form giving him permission and didn't it would explain why Ingram fired him shortly after the results were relayed back to Ingram.

AsylumGuido 05-10-2018 06:43 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 801729)
Simply ask yourselves this:

WWBBD ... What Would Bill Belichek Do?

I think we all know the answer! :popcorn:

It would depend upon the circumstances.

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