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NFL, Saints Cuts

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I was really surprised about this one. I figured they may have done it to keep Ozigbo on the 53 but apparently not. What Payton said doesn’t make much sense....

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Old 09-02-2019, 06:23 PM   #201
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Re: NFL, Saints Cuts

I was really surprised about this one. I figured they may have done it to keep Ozigbo on the 53 but apparently not.
What Payton said doesn’t make much sense.
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Old 09-03-2019, 11:01 AM   #202
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Re: NFL, Saints Cuts

I think they already knew Banjo was gonna get cut, that's why they had him lead the Who Dat chant in the Dome against the Dolphins. As a good-natured way of saying goodbye.

But "the door is open," meaning if he doesn't get signed by another team, he will be on the couch, only a phone call away. Remember in 2009 when we had all those injuries in the secondary, and Mike "Predator" McKenzie came back off the sofa to play for five games at the end of the regular season? Chris Banjo could very well end up being THAT GUY for us, in 2019, if we get into an injury pickle later in the year, he could come back in and plug in quickly, without having to relearn everything. And if the guys we have who beat out Banjo this year don't work out, Payton could also bring him back for a tryout and kick the tires on him, at anytime during the season. We'll see if somebody else at another team scoops him up. But he's kind of a borderline player at this point, rather than a hot commodity.
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