saintswhodi |
07-18-2005 06:13 PM |
Originally Posted by saintfan
Stir the pot all you want, you have nothing better to do then to start petty arguments that falls back into how much you love Aaron, and how much you hate Jake.
Excuse me, but I didn't start this one. I called you to the floor for your intensions -- the very reason that you started this thread, and you've crawfished your way into a corner you can't get out of. It's ok. I tee'd you up and took a swing, I admit that. Maybe you can admit why you REALLY started this thread now, but I doubt you're capable. Either way, I think we all know why you started it, at least those of us that read your posts know why.
For the record, and you can look it up, I have nothing against Jake, not now and not ever. I simply recognize where all the Jake love comes least most of it, and the reason you and a very select few others start threads like this one, and you apprear to be guilty as charged. Go check my post just after the 2004 Superbowl and quote me. After you've done that, THEN come back here and type "Brooks Lover" and "Jake Hater" and all that other crap followed by my name...IF you can. Know your facts before you start in with me k? In fact, how about I post it for you and save you the work. You've been searching in vain most of the day I'm sure for those "ghost" posts of's mine:
As much as I have wanted to see the Panthers lose his year (and I wanted to see them lose REALLY REALLY BAD) I wanted to see them loose the Superbowl even more. I was frolicking in Glee early in the game yesterday cause 'ol Jake the lucky snake was playing so poorly. He looked out of place in that game early on, and all my suspicions were being validated. I was already plotting my comments for this site.
As the game went on I began to see something in Jake. I'm still not convinced he's the great QB some say he is, and I'm still not convinced he's this specimen of a leader some say he is, but GOD he has heart. They had no running game and their line wasn't blocking very well at all, and Jake kept comin' back. In my opinion, had it not been for Jake the Panthers would have been out of that game early in the 3rd over.
I'll go on record and say that Jake Delhomme is one hell of a football player. He played his guts out yesterday, and it was sad to see him on the sidelines after the game. I thought the guy was gonna cry, and I couldn't have blamed him if he did. No question he left it ALL on the field, and that's really all you can ask of the guy. Had the Panters won that game (and Jake didn't loose it for 'em) there's no question who the MVP of the Superbowl would have been.
Finally, in a game that was supposed to suck, I think it was one of the best Superbowls I've ever seen, and Jake is the guy, in my opinion, that made that happen. He just woulnd't let his team lose. For those of you who have stubbornly supported Jake, let me say I still think Brooks should be the Saints QB, but as I've said before, I'm all about credit where credit is due, and Jake Delhomme deserves a LOT of credit. More than winning or losing yesterday, Jake proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he belongs in the NFL as a starting QB. I'm still glad the Panthers lost, but I have a new respect for Jake Delhomme. I still think he and his team were incredibly lucky this year, and I think their luck finally ran out on 'em, but I can't take a thing away from Jake Delhomme. Congradulations to JAKE DELHOMME. He represented himself VERY well in the biggest sporting event in the world...what more can you ask?
You better believe I've argured the Jake/Brooks argument. You have no idea my man...none a'tall, but there you have my feelings on Jake Delhomme all summed up nicely for you. Before you start in on callling me a "Jake Hater" or a "Brooks Lover" you might check and make sure you're not standing on shaky ground. I know why you started this little thread and you know why you started this little thread. Your opening comment pretty much says it all, substantiated by today's crawfishin'.
Your Brooks love agenda isn't gonna change that.
Hey Whodat, he used that "A" word. What are you gonna do about it? Got your RED MARKER handy? Bias much? LMAO
My work here is done...'til next time ya'll. 8)
I get it now, you are back to ASSuming. You ASSumed why I started this thread, then ASSumed a repsonse that really had no place in the discussion. I started a thread to congratulate a guy from Louisiana. Sorry if that offends you. Every other player I named went to LSU, if I went just hometown, threre would only be about two out of actual New Orleans. But LSU is within my state and happens to be the college I love, and their players play FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA, therefore, they are hometown boys form me. I am sorry I can't make you understand that Louisiana Stae University is in Louisiana, but I am sure everyone else understands that. There's always one though. Just so you are straight, I previously reported a rumor that a player from my home state won the NFL QB challenge, and after it was over I confirmed it. NOTHING in my original post says ANYTHING at all about Brooks, but all you have to do is ASSume right?
And who cares what you wrote about a Superbowl two years ago? You readily admit you were happy when he was playign bad.
I was frolicking in Glee early in the game yesterday cause 'ol Jake the lucky snake was playing so poorly
And so cause he played fantastic, you want me to believe you started liking him? And I am crawfishing? Tell me about the bridge you have for sale, it's about as believable as that drivel. IF you can't accept congratulations for a player form our home state, I don't know what to tell you. My state ain't the greatest, but I am glad I grew up there, and like to see success stories form there, cause there are so few. Too bad your Jake hate doesn't allow that.