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WhoDat 07-18-2005 06:14 PM


A guy can't even joke anymore. :) Good to see you around though Joe.

Oh, and Johnny - don't lump me in with those two lunatics! LOL

As for the AB v. Jake debate.... well, I just don't know what more there is to talk about. Unless and untill AB can put together a halfway decent year, there's really no contest. Delhomme has the leadership, heart, and character you want in any player, especially a quarterback. I don't know that anyone has ever been able to make a convincing argument otherwise. AB just doesn't have the intangibles.

AB's strength over Delhomme has always been his superior athleticism. However, Delhomme has progressed more rapidly in his two years as a starter and his stats this year were better than Brooks' in about every category... and he did it with his starting RBs out, his number one WR gone, his line beat up, and that great defense decimated by injuries. If those are all excuses for AB, why are they not for Delhomme.

So Delhomme is ahead in intangibles, has better recent stats, has a better winning percentage as a starter, and has proven that he can take a team to the playoffs and super bowl, and come up big when it counts. All AB has PROVEN is that he is physically gifted, but seemingly unable to translate those gifts into consistent quality play. Where people must make excuses and use "ifs" for Aaron Brooks, Delhomme has proven that he is capable already by his play. There's really no argument...

CHACHING 07-18-2005 06:21 PM

I feel ya saintfan.....Delhomme is regarded as some kind of God in this forum.
I like the dude too but HE IS NOT A SAINT!
Aaron Brooks is who we have and thats that.
Who's better?????who cares.
The decision was made and we got who we got.
Geez....some of you guys are like X-girlfriends who don't accept the breakup.

CHACHING 07-18-2005 06:24 PM

And for the record, I was born in LA but reside in L.A.....
I love the state of LA and love the history and passion of natives...BUT
I feel that alot of times "people" are blinded by the HOMER mentality.
Good is good and bad is not what we want the Saints to be.

BlackandBlue 07-18-2005 06:35 PM

Should rename this place "" :roll:

CHACHING 07-18-2005 07:20 PM

you funny dude......

saintz08 07-18-2005 10:05 PM


Should rename this place ""
What kind of rating would we get with :


I feel ya saintfan.....

CHACHING 07-18-2005 11:12 PM

A damn hi one.....smartass...

duece4pres 07-19-2005 12:32 AM

Local boy from a small college makes it to the NFL and capitalizes on his small opportunity to play. If you are from La., you would be talking about Delhomme. If you are from Ms., you would be talking about Favre. Two great players with the same story. Back your hometown hero!

dannymac909 07-19-2005 01:22 AM

Jake's been gone for quite a while now and he's not coming back. It would be nice if we still had Jake but we do not. Brooks is our guy for the time being like him or not. I understand people from the area following his career but I root aganist him every game he plays. He is a QB for a division rival just like Vick and Griese and I hope he plays poorly every time out. Jake has been with the Panthers long enough now that I rarely even think about his time as a Saint. I do think that there is some resentment towards Brooks implied when there is a post commending Jake. No one ever mentions Willie Roaf who is a local guy who we could have really used the past few years.

RockyMountainSaint 07-19-2005 04:47 AM

Just to get back on topic,

I just watched the QB Challenge on NFL Network. Jake looked really good. Afterwards his comments seemed to sound like his comments during the season. "The receivers caught the throws well even when I didn't deliver them correctly" (paraphrased).


CERTAIN QBs understand that they are not the whole team. Some don't get that. Maybe that is why the ones who do get it are more endearing to fans. I loved the fact that Bobby Hebert was a local guy but his attitude turned me off as much as the BRATTY attitude my 9 year old nephew displays. Perhaps if our current QB acted more like a teammate instead of thinking he is the team then we would rally around him more.

That being said: Joe Horn is the man! AB is POO without him.

OBTW, Jake LED his team to a Super Bowl.
Don't we have the most talented but underachieving team in the NFL?
Isn't the poster boy AB? :shock:

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