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jnormand 06-05-2020 04:05 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 890177)
It takes more training in the US to become a hair stylist than a police officer.

Chris I respect you, but that's just not true. I understand everyone's is all pissed off at cops right now, but a statement like that is ridiculous.

And if you and others feel that way, then call the hairstylist to come over when someone is breaking into your house, when someone is trying to hurt you or your family, when someone does something to your wife or kids. Or hell, call the the hairstylist when you or your family is in danger and need help. I'm sure they'll drop their scissors and come over.

I know a lot of officers. And 99% of them are wonderful and caring people who go out and put their ass on the line daily. They get **** on because of the deeds and actions of a small percentage of officers that made terrible mistakes or are just plain pieces of ****. That small percentage and the media and politicians have demonized police officers all over this country. It's awful.

Holding a large group of people responsible for the actions of a small percentage is just not right.

FinSaint 06-05-2020 04:24 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 890182)
Training is very important but I would say our programs lack sufficient periodic screening to determine who is fit for duty.

That's true for here as well. Cops here don't have periodic screenings nor have a scheduled chance to talk to a professional to unburden themselves.

Problem is that Finnish people tend to be quite introverted and we self-medicate ourselves with alcohol instead of talking to anyone about our problems, since we don't want to burden others with our problems.

Also, violence here tends to be directed at ourselves or our immediate family, not strangers.

We have our share of social and racial problems, but nothing compared to what you guys are going through.

All I'm saying is that being a law enforcement officer is a very difficult profession, which makes hard demands on an individual. It also is the kind of profession that draws in individuals who enjoy a position of authority and the prestige the job gives you, while others perceive it as a calling to help their community.

Long hours, high stress, budget cuts, being undermanned, and rarely getting the appreciation they deserve - sometimes I wonder how we have any cops to begin with.

spkb25 06-05-2020 04:34 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 890184)
Chris I respect you, but that's just not true. I understand everyone's is all pissed off at cops right now, but a statement like that is ridiculous.

And if you and others feel that way, then call the hairstylist to come over when someone is breaking into your house, when someone is trying to hurt you or your family, when someone does something to your wife or kids. Or hell, call the the hairstylist when you or your family is in danger and need help. I'm sure they'll drop their scissors and come over.

Danno 06-05-2020 10:02 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

ChrisXVI 06-05-2020 10:13 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 890184)
Chris I respect you, but that's just not true. I understand everyone's is all pissed off at cops right now, but a statement like that is ridiculous.

And if you and others feel that way, then call the hairstylist to come over when someone is breaking into your house, when someone is trying to hurt you or your family, when someone does something to your wife or kids. Or hell, call the the hairstylist when you or your family is in danger and need help. I'm sure they'll drop their scissors and come over.

I know a lot of officers. And 99% of them are wonderful and caring people who go out and put their ass on the line daily. They get **** on because of the deeds and actions of a small percentage of officers that made terrible mistakes or are just plain pieces of ****. That small percentage and the media and politicians have demonized police officers all over this country. It's awful.

Holding a large group of people responsible for the actions of a small percentage is just not right.

On average it takes 840 training hours to become a police officer. To become a barber: 1500 hours.

Many trades require hundreds of hours more in training than police. In Louisiana entry-level police require 360 hours in training. To be a licensed manicurist, you'll need 500 hours.

skymike 06-05-2020 11:51 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 890196)
On average it takes 840 training hours to become a police officer. To become a barber: 1500 hours.

FYI, I support Police.
I bought paid for 2 guys dinner 3 nights ago at a restaurant in my
Barrio, where a lot of you wouldnt live.
Just BECAUSE they are Police.
Thats how it is.

spkb25 06-06-2020 04:52 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments
Today is June 6 and I'm here to remind you that Drew Brees is now pathetic and some black American people have selective outrage. After all the protest, new laws, money flowing into those communities nothing will change and they'll still be killing each other. Have a great day.

saintsfan1976 06-06-2020 08:18 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments
Imagine the progress we could make as a nation by holding our communities and leaders as accountable as we do a few violent police officers.

I pray for the day we can all treat each other as brothers and sisters. Racism is not inherent, it’s taught. In today’s world it’s not only taught, it’s promoted at the expense of each other’s understanding of one another.

Rugby Saint II 06-06-2020 11:50 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments
Here's the thing. Anytime I see a policeman they are dealing with people who refuse to cooperate with the polices instructions. This leads to escalation and that never ends well. Sometimes these policemen are black and sometimes they are white. The problem is blacks seem to communicate better with blacks than white officers. I think a factor to consider is that black people are taught to fear policemen, which leads to distrust which leads to lack of cooperation, which leads to escalation, which leads to a volatile situation.

Also, let's not forget that white men shot by a black man get little to no attention. Personally, I believe that is unfair and highly prejudicial. I don't see color. I never have and I never will. Do the police need better training? Obviously. Do black people need to be more cooperative? It might just stop a lot of deaths.

I am talking about the majority of the people that the police encounter and not your average polite citizen.

Disclaimer. When I say black or white I'm talking about the people that the police encounter on a daily basis. Not your polite citizen of any color.:peace:

spkb25 06-06-2020 01:02 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 890212)
Here's the thing. Anytime I see a policeman they are dealing with people who refuse to cooperate with the polices instructions. This leads to escalation and that never ends well. Sometimes these policemen are black and sometimes they are white. The problem is blacks seem to communicate better with blacks than white officers. I think a factor to consider is that black people are taught to fear policemen, which leads to distrust which leads to lack of cooperation, which leads to escalation, which leads to a volatile situation.

Also, let's not forget that white men shot by a black man get little to no attention. Personally, I believe that is unfair and highly prejudicial. I don't see color. I never have and I never will. Do the police need better training? Obviously. Do black people need to be more cooperative? It might just stop a lot of deaths.

I am talking about the majority of the people that the police encounter and not your average polite citizen.

Disclaimer. When I say black or white I'm talking about the people that the police encounter on a daily basis. Not your polite citizen of any color.:peace:

The real truth is most cops are good people. Most of any group are good. But we all need protection from abuse due to the police. It is not a black issue, but when youre a self absorbed victim..everything is about your racial makeup. Well, all except the fact that your group commits more crime per capita and kill each other like the wind blows. Those things are never discussed. Because that's not the issue. And why would it be? Why would you worry if your killing hundreds of yourselves in each major city in America each year and the countless children hit by stray bullets.

I often say to my wife when I look at the pure innocence that is my son, all kids start this way, what the hell happens.

We need after school programs and rec centers for all kids to keep them off the streets. We need to alter the how education is funded from a local lever to a state level so the disparity in education ends. Lastly, we need to alter the thinking around protective sex, self respect, and value of family. It will take years to see dividends but it will pay off

The problem we run into as a society is that white people and black people ****ing love to steal tax payer money. So everytime we fund programs the money doesn't get used efficiently or for the purpose intended.

We need massive oversight and transparency or change is never going to come.

Thats my two cents and I'm sticking with it

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