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AsylumGuido 06-07-2020 11:05 PM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments
These guys are professionals. Y'all are acting like they are children. They are grown up.


jeanpierre 06-08-2020 01:59 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 890283)
These guys are professionals. Y'all are acting like they are children. They are grown up.


Yeah, that was real grown up of Jenkins to do it on social media and not call his teammate Drew for a face-to-face to explain his feelings on the matter...

You can't spin this one - it was a schitt move on Jenkins' part who was supposedly brought in to show the younger players how to handle themselves...

SmashMouth 06-08-2020 02:40 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

nola_swammi 06-08-2020 04:54 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 890284)
Yeah, that was real grown up of Jenkins to do it on social media and not call his teammate Drew for a face-to-face to explain his feelings on the matter...

You can't spin this one - it was a schitt move on Jenkins' part who was supposedly brought in to show the younger players how to handle themselves...

That was real grown up for Brees to make those remarks after 2016 the team had a meeting to let the players know that kneeling wasn’t about disrespect the country, it’s about police brutality.

Now he make a statement at a pivotal time to change the narrative back to disrespecting the country. How do you expect us to feel?

AsylumGuido 06-08-2020 07:43 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 890284)
Yeah, that was real grown up of Jenkins to do it on social media and not call his teammate Drew for a face-to-face to explain his feelings on the matter...

You can't spin this one - it was a schitt move on Jenkins' part who was supposedly brought in to show the younger players how to handle themselves...

He mostly likely overreacted. I'm sure it pissed off others like yourself, but as long as the two of them worked it out behind "closed doors", it no longer matters what others think.

And I'm not the one spinning anything, JP. If Jenkins, and the others, said they have spoken with Brees and they have an understanding then it is those that are making it out to be something bigger that are doing the negative spinning. It goes both ways, my friend.


jnormand 06-08-2020 10:07 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 890292)
He mostly likely overreacted. I'm sure it pissed off others like yourself, but as long as the two of them worked it out behind "closed doors", it no longer matters what others think.

And I'm not the one spinning anything, JP. If Jenkins, and the others, said they have spoken with Brees and they have an understanding then it is those that are making it out to be something bigger that are doing the negative spinning. It goes both ways, my friend.


Do you really think it's all over? It's going to continue in the season if theres a season.

jeanpierre 06-08-2020 10:26 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 890292)
He mostly likely overreacted. I'm sure it pissed off others like yourself, but as long as the two of them worked it out behind "closed doors", it no longer matters what others think.

And I'm not the one spinning anything, JP. If Jenkins, and the others, said they have spoken with Brees and they have an understanding then it is those that are making it out to be something bigger that are doing the negative spinning. It goes both ways, my friend.


You referenced in the general tense...

jeanpierre 06-08-2020 10:29 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 890288)
That was real grown up for Brees to make those remarks after 2016 the team had a meeting to let the players know that kneeling wasn’t about disrespect the country, it’s about police brutality.

Now he make a statement at a pivotal time to change the narrative back to disrespecting the country. How do you expect us to feel?

Kneeling certainly didn't win over hearts and minds then, and it won't do it now, so find another way that doesn't disrespect others' values...

Best I've heard to date was to simply not play, not take the field, do not take that game check and show true sacrifice and solidarity with ALL people who've been on the business end of police brutality...

frydaddy 06-08-2020 10:29 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 890288)
That was real grown up for Brees to make those remarks after 2016 the team had a meeting to let the players know that kneeling wasn’t about disrespect the country, it’s about police brutality.

Now he make a statement at a pivotal time to change the narrative back to disrespecting the country. How do you expect us to feel?

What Drew said was perfectly fine. He said basically the same thing in 2016 and no one lost their **** over it. He worded it carefully and most importantly he was right. It is disrespectful. All kneeling ever did was make people mad. It didn't "raise awareness" or affect any sort of change. It was never even genuine. Your boy Kaepernick started the whole thing because he's a loser who was upset over being benched. He made it about "police brutality" because his psychotic SJW girlfriend told him to. This whole movement is propped up by a false narrative that black people are unfairly treated by police at a higher rate. We have the stats, it is demonstrably false. More than twice as many unarmed white people were killed last year as unarmed blacks (19 to 9) including a white guy who was killed in the exact same way as George Floyd. Of course any unnecessary death is tragic and wrong, and yes there are a few bad cops out there. But this whole situation was manufactured by the democratic party. They are the real oppressors of black people, have been for decades. They've told you that you aren't good enough to make it in the world yourself, that you need affirmative action and minority quotas. They have made it so that black families have no incentive to stay together (which is what the actual #1 problem for black folks is) by making it so that you basically can't get welfare or section 8 if you're married. They want your families separated and totally dependent on the government. They promise black people the world every election cycle and never deliver. Obama had 2 terms and a Democrat majority in both the house and Senate, as well as a majority in both branches of 27 state legislatures. What did he do for black people? Wake up. If you want to rage and protest, how about doing it where it counts? How about calling out the systemic racism inherent in the democratic party? They are your real enemy. Not saying Republicans are perfect, the party is stuck in the past in a lot of ways, but they aren't trying to keep you down. Republicans like it when everyone is doing well and making money because it makes the economy strong. White people aren't trying to make you less than, democrats have been force feeding you that idea for over a century. "You're not as good as the white man and he hates you for it. You need my help to ever have a chance at being on his level." Its despicable what they've done to you, ever since the slave days. Democrats had control in the south, it's their fault that you were ever slaves to begin with. And before anyone tries to come back with the bs that the Republican and Democrat parties switched platforms at some point, that is also demonstrably false, never happened. One more myth perpetuated by the democrats to keep your focus off the real problem. I want to see y'all break free from the shackles of your real oppressors. I wish the protests were happening outside Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi's houses. I don't advocate violence, but if anyone deserves to be dragged out and beaten its those 2 scumbags. The only way change will ever happen is if you quit believing the lies they're selling you and vote them out of office every chance you get.

Rugby Saint II 06-08-2020 10:36 AM

Re: Backlash from Michael Thomas, among others, forces Drew Brees to clarify comments

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 890306)
What Drew said was perfectly fine. He said basically the same thing in 2016 and no one lost their **** over it. He worded it carefully and most importantly he was right. It is disrespectful. All kneeling ever did was make people mad. It didn't "raise awareness" or affect any sort of change. It was never even genuine. Your boy Kaepernick started the whole thing because he's a loser who was upset over being benched. He made it about "police brutality" because his psychotic SJW girlfriend told him to. This whole movement is propped up by a false narrative that black people are unfairly treated by police at a higher rate. We have the stats, it is demonstrably false. More than twice as many unarmed white people were killed last year as unarmed blacks (19 to 9) including a white guy who was killed in the exact same way as George Floyd. Of course any unnecessary death is tragic and wrong, and yes there are a few bad cops out there. But this whole situation was manufactured by the democratic party. They are the real oppressors of black people, have been for decades. They've told you that you aren't good enough to make it in the world yourself, that you need affirmative action and minority quotas. They have made it so that black families have no incentive to stay together (which is what the actual #1 problem for black folks is) by making it so that you basically can't get welfare or section 8 if you're married. They want your families separated and totally dependent on the government. They promise black people the world every election cycle and never deliver. Obama had 2 terms and a Democrat majority in both the house and Senate, as well as a majority in both branches of 27 state legislatures. What did he do for black people? Wake up. If you want to rage and protest, how about doing it where it counts? How about calling out the systemic racism inherent in the democratic party? They are your real enemy. Not saying Republicans are perfect, the party is stuck in the past in a lot of ways, but they aren't trying to keep you down. Republicans like it when everyone is doing well and making money because it makes the economy strong. White people aren't trying to make you less than, democrats have been force feeding you that idea for over a century. "You're not as good as the white man and he hates you for it. You need my help to ever have a chance at being on his level." Its despicable what they've done to you, ever since the slave days. Democrats had control in the south, it's their fault that you were ever slaves to begin with. And before anyone tries to come back with the bs that the Republican and Democrat parties switched platforms at some point, that is also demonstrably false, never happened. One more myth perpetuated by the democrats to keep your focus off the real problem. I want to see y'all break free from the shackles of your real oppressors. I wish the protests were happening outside Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi's houses. I don't advocate violence, but if anyone deserves to be dragged out and beaten its those 2 scumbags. The only way change will ever happen is if you quit believing the lies they're selling you and vote them out of office every chance you get.

Right on brother! Most people don't know that he was sulking after he got benched and then changed the narrative to help him change his image from a sulking diva to a man looking for change. Pulease…..:brood:

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