this is a discussion within the Full Disclosure Community Forum; Originally Posted by D_it_up What? Getting snippy because I asked you the same question? I asked for proof and you couldn't produce. Do your own research into it. I did. Don't expect anyone to do the work for you. If ...
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#21 |
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
Originally Posted by D_it_up
Boy have you really chosen the wrong person for your accusations.![]()
I am going to assume you have yet to see who the original poster of this thread and the Sandy Hook conspiracy video is. Apparently you research before you accuse... FYI, in regards to Iraq and Kuwaiti... I do not need to do any research. I was there brother. |
Last edited by TheOak; 01-29-2013 at 12:49 PM.. |
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#22 |
Faqda Falcons
Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
Originally Posted by TheOak
1. I know exactly who the original poster of this thread was, and it amazes me that someone that posts this can't see more through the BS that was 9-11. ![]()
2. Just because you brought up Sandy Hook doesn't keep you from being one of the sheep if you think that there aren't other government cover-ups or having major roles in other things like 9-11. 3. I thank you for your service, but the whole "I was there" argument is tired. I've heard it from many. As much as I support the military, servicemen are nothing but pawns for the the government to use as a blood sacrifice for their own corrupt gain. It has very little to do with getting rid of the bad guys and policing the world. I know, because I was a pawn once, too. 4. I never once mentioned Iraq and Kuwait. You brought that up. All I said was that it was still none of our business to be over there anyway or any other overseas conflict that doesn't directly concern us. That's MY opinion. Whether you were there or not has no bearing on what I think. 5. As far as a country like Iraq gaining strength to try and attack us on our own soil, what do you think it is that makes them want to do that? Think about that one long and hard before you answer. |
People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.
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#23 |
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Cypress Tx.
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Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
I didn't serve my country for thanks, praise, medals, discounts on car insurance, or college money.
The "I was there" comment has nothing to do with your assumption. I was merely pointing out I do not need to watch the news, read a blog, or have secondhand information spoon fed to me by a third party. I saw with my own eyes the reasons we were there. It is fairly obvious that what I know has zero bearing on what you think. When you learn how to debate questions and issues like an adult and can refrain from emotional liberal assumptions and accusations we can continue. Until then you may want to leave the conspiracy area and venture into the political section of these forums. My beliefs are very well documented about how I feel about our government. The typical liberal response when asked to furnish proof is to attack the person asking for more information. I am not sure why you feel you need to be so defensive, I was inviting you to prove me wrong. Proving me wrong requires hard fact and not theory... its just the way I am wired. Your personality leads me to believe you are an ideolog, you once believed everything you heard from group, now you believe everything you hear from a different group. The truth rarely lays with one group or the other but rather somewhere in between. You have not seen the naked light, you are just looking through a different lens. |
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. ~ Henry David Thoreau
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#24 |
Faqda Falcons
Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
Originally Posted by TheOak
Pot and kettle. I invited you to do the same, yet you haven't done it yet. Oh, but it is I who just spews what I hear from one group or another. You saw with your eyes...yadda, yadda, yadda. I've heard from several other troops that were there and they believe the exact way that I do in that we had no business being over there. It wasn't our fight. Americans getting killed for a no-win situation just like Vietnam. So are you going to blast them for their opinion, too? Just because you "were there" and "saw it with your own eyes" doesn't mean you were given the full story of why you were there in the first place. Look at Desert Storm. Who was President then? George H.W. Bush, am I right? A man who was in a "not-so-secret society" in college that is to groom elitists for the future...and what they are groomed for aren't for the good of Americans, I can assure you. Who was the President during 9-11? His friggen' son who was a member of the same society! Elitist control is the name of their game. It's not to benefit their countries. It's to benefit their personal bank accounts and the bank accounts of their elitist cohorts. They could care less about the well-being of their own nation and who gets hurt or killed along the way. They are out for themselves. ![]()
As far as me being liberal, BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's probably the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. I won't even respond to that, because I'm still too busy laughing. |
People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.
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#25 |
12,000 BS Posts
Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
Oak... you're right within your context and lets stop calling each other names. We're all on the same side.
Still, the war actually started when we actually invaded Iraq. This war cost a fortune and we wouldn't have went in without 911. The war machine made money but so did the banksters who printed the money from nothing and charged the American Taxpayer the interest. That's what they do. Remember, Inflation didn't exist before the Federal Reserve in 1933. Today the result is OBAMA is a puppet for the powers that be or the New World Order/Cabal. Sadly you were a pawn in their game. It's about creating DEBT and POWER. It's not about being Rep or Dem. Once you understand that everything starts to make sense again. I know waking up is hard and painful. It will give you a headache. It's not easy to believe everything you've been taught is wrong. There's a reason they call it TV programming. The United States have been taken over by the powerful elite and has become a great evil in the world. It makes me sick that our forefathers gave so much to see it turn out like this. |
Last edited by foreverfan; 01-29-2013 at 09:42 PM.. |
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#26 |
12,000 BS Posts
Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
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#27 |
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2,894
Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
My eyes were opened somewhat when I visited Korea. I was informed that their country was over 5000 years old. It was then that I compared them to us...a country not even 250 years old...and I realized that we are just in our infancy. Anything can happen if we are not careful and it appears to be happening.
It's like D and FF were saying. This country is being taken over by the elitists and they don't give one rat's butt what happens after they get rich. I am pretty sure that all of their American money was converted to gold a long time ago. They see this country as nothing more than a platform for them to accumulate wealth and where the pieces fall is of no concern to them. |
Whether you think you can or think you can't...you're right!
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#28 |
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Cypress Tx.
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Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
Originally Posted by foreverfan
In regards to the first tree paragraphs, you cant find any where in these forums that I have said "I believe what comes out of Washington". I actually state quite the opposite many times. That war started when Iraq invaded Kuwait, then stopped short of Baghdad because the UN Security council only gave authorization for the liberation of Kuwait.... This is why we stopped short of Baghdad. ![]()
I watched the video in its entirety and fully understand the views of all of those soldiers. Those are the accounts and feelings of a dozen or so veterans, there are another 250+ thousand that do not feel that exact way. I also noticed the age range that they all fall into. The same happens after any war. War is death and destruction, and not everyone that becomes a soldier is mentally equipped to deal with what they will do after they do it. veterans of War have to live the rest of their lives with the guilt of what they did, guilt is mighty powerful and can cause irrational behavior, thoughts, and actions. That being said, to take a snapshot of the war in Iraq does not do justice to the cause that it was a part of. Much like taking a snapshot of the Revolutionary war does not do justice to the cause in its entirety. On August 2nd of 1990 the armies of Iraq invaded the peaceful country of Kuwait. If you need the reasons and what transpired you can read below. Invasion of Kuwait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia So while some Americans and a great % of the rest of the world say that the US went to Kuwait to steal oil and natural resources it is not the case. The truth is that Saddam invaded Kuwait to gain their natural resources and we prevented that. To this day Kuwait still has control of their own natural resources. Operation Desert-Storm Chronology: Important Events... The city of Kuwait was decimated. I saw this first hand. Key military points were not selected and attacked... The entire city was decimated. Testimony of the barbarianism of Iraqi soldiers on innocents. Read it in its entirety, it discounts many allegations that were drummed up as propaganda but also points out that some of what was said to have happened in fact did. Iraqi soldiers DID in fact target hospitals, etc... Nayirah (testimony) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I have personally seen the remnants of blown out hospitals, civilian apartments, immigration offices, sections of highways littered with pock marks from bullets and rockets, street lights cut down by small to medium arms. The driver and person responsible for everything that happened in Kuwait was Saddam Hussein. Lets also not forget what was learned about his sons Uday and Qusay and what they did to their own Iraqi people. Uday Allegations of crimes: Uday Hussein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Qusay and what was alleged he did to his own Shiite people Qusay Hussein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Allegations against Saddam, while the links to him and Alqueida are contested, no one contests what he did to Kuwait or his own people. Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Number of victims" section "According to The New York Times, "he [Saddam] murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead. His seizure of Kuwait threw the Middle East into crisis. More insidious, arguably, was the psychological damage he inflicted on his own land. Hussein created a nation of informants — friends on friends, circles within circles — making an entire population complicit in his rule".[9] Estimates as to the number of Iraqis executed by Saddam's regime vary from 290,000[10] to over 600,000,[11] estimates as to the number of Kurds he massacred vary from 70,000 to 300,000,[12] and estimates as to the number killed in the put-down of the 1991 rebellion vary from 25,000 to 280,000.[13][11][14] Estimates for the number of dead in the Iran-Iraq war range upwards from 300,000.[15]" Human rights in Saddam Hussein's Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the whole WMD issue. This is the question to ask your self. How do YOU define Weapons of Mass Destruction? In my honest opinion WMD is not solely nuclear... It is what we trained for in the military. NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical). As defined radiological or "dirty bombs" are also included but to me that falls into Nuclear for the sake of argument. So YES Saddam did have them before the Gulf War, he has used them before the Gulf War... some times on his own people. Chemical Weapons Recovered "On June 21, 2006 the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released key points from a classified report from the National Ground Intelligence Center on the recovery of a small number of degraded chemical munitions in Iraq. The report stated that "Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent." However, all are thought to be pre-Gulf War munitions.[115] These munitions meet the technical definition of weapons of mass destruction, according to the commander of the National Ground Intelligence Center. "These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee. The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, though agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said.[116]" Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I believe in the right of all humans to be able to pursue freedom and happiness. To say that the United States should not use its power and might to help that cause, and should just mind its own business... really flies in the face of what we stand for. If company X makes a profit as an unintended result of our efforts then that is just what it is, an unintended consequence. Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and he, his sons, his entire administration and regime needed to be eradicated. Were innocent civilians killed in the process, yes. Those deaths fall on him and ever Iraqi citizen that ever supported him and what he stood for. There is NO justification to strapping bombs to women and children. EVER. I could care less if the framing was not entirely accurate. Soldiers were not used as pawns for profit, they were a tool used to remove evil from this earth. In closing, do I believe that certain entity's profited from the war? YES Do I believe profit was the motive for everything from the start of the liberation of Kuwait until the end of the war in Iraq? No One side believes that what we have done is truly 100% justified, the other side believes that nothing we have done is justified. As I have stated before, reality is some where in between, and while the framing of our actions might not always be accurate the result is justified. The men and women that comprise our US Military also believe in the right of humans to be able to pursue freedom and happiness. That is WHY they join the military. To tell them all that they are just pawns of some solely for profit conspiracy is an insult, it makes them out to be mercenaries, and I caution anyone that thinks about doing that to their faces. The whole 9/11, Afghanistan, Binladen thing is another discussion. The actions of George H. W. Bush have little to do with the actions of George W. Bush and Barrack Obama with the exception that W. did what his father should have been allowed to do. FYI, I served under George H. W. Bush, participated in the liberation of Kuwait and am not proud of what I had to do, but I am very proud of what the out some was. Giving the Kuwaiti people back its country. |
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. ~ Henry David Thoreau
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#29 |
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Cypress Tx.
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Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
Originally Posted by Saint_LB
I agree. Korea is a product of no system of checks and balances. It is a country where the people have no choice in who rules over them. ![]()
The American people seem to be blind to history and hell bent on repeating it. They stand in line to sell their vote. |
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#30 |
12,000 BS Posts
Re: Sandy Hook Conspiracy video
Originally Posted by TheOak
No offense... but it looks like you bought their entire story. Wow. ![]()
![]() Listen, I don't want to sound ungrateful to you for serving our country. Believe me, I have nothing but respect for the guys and gals that serve this country. Thanks for putting your two cents into this thread. It is much appreciated. I really choose to look at this from two different points of view. That way you get the entire 3D vision of what really happened. Do you thing the Vietnam vets who are still alive today still look at that war in the same context in which it was presented 40 years ago? History will tell. ![]() |
Last edited by foreverfan; 01-30-2013 at 07:36 PM.. |
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