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Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

this is a discussion within the NFL Community Forum; I'm against homosexuality, and have said it on here before. But I'm not going to talk about the morality or immorality of sexual orientation right now. There is something else that bothers me about these kinds of articles, which reflect ...

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Old 03-07-2013, 06:14 AM   #41
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Re: Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

I'm against homosexuality, and have said it on here before. But I'm not going to talk about the morality or immorality of sexual orientation right now. There is something else that bothers me about these kinds of articles, which reflect the real attitude problem in America.

If people want to cry about equal rights all day long, then why do so many take issue with a simple question? If being gay is supposed to be accepted, then why can't people just calm down and answer the question? Or you, or aren't you? You can complain all you want that the question is somehow wrong, but it is every bit as much the teams right to ask the question, as it is for someone to be gay, bi, straight, or whatever.

The fact is that not all people agree with today's society, myself included, about what is right or wrong. I'm sick of hearing and reading the word "intolerant" every time someone says anything about a gay person, or asks a question about it. As a Christian, I hear jokes about Jesus and all Christians with tremendous regularity. Where are all the writers at when that happens? What about my preference?

That being said, I don't get all butt hurt about it when someone makes fun of my faith. I don't appreciate it, but I don't let it eat at me either. I bring up the comparison only to make a point. You can ask me a question and I'll gladly answer it for you. Can I say the same for the rest of America? Absolutely not. Hypocrisy has gone through the clouds.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 03-07-2013, 07:02 AM   #42
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Re: Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

Originally Posted by Danno View Post
... Its a business decision and a very gray area ...
That's where I'm at on the whole thing. Technically, they're not asking T'eo his sexual orientation, they're simply asking him, "do you like girls?". He could be homosexual and still answer, "yes". It's the same way, I believe, that employers cannot ask you your age (?), but can ask when you graduated high school/college and basically get a rough estimate. Employers can ask for credit checks. Employers can give those 64-question psychological evaluations to determine a potential employees compatability within a company, why can't you ask a potential draft pick 'if he likes girls' to determine his compatibility in an NFL lockerroom?. Especially when you're investing millions of dollars.

So Danno, other then the whole Michigan vs Alabama, union vs non-union, right-to-work vs union, domestic vs foreign automakers, aerospace vs automotive, U of Michigan vs U of Alabama, Les Miles vs Nick Saban, NFC North vs NFC South, oatmeal-for-breakfast vs grits-for-breakfast stuff ... we're not so different, you & I.
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Old 03-07-2013, 07:16 AM   #43
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Re: Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

Originally Posted by burningmetal View Post
I'm against homosexuality, and have said it on here before. But I'm not going to talk about the morality or immorality of sexual orientation right now. There is something else that bothers me about these kinds of articles, which reflect the real attitude problem in America.

If people want to cry about equal rights all day long, then why do so many take issue with a simple question? If being gay is supposed to be accepted, then why can't people just calm down and answer the question? Or you, or aren't you? You can complain all you want that the question is somehow wrong, but it is every bit as much the teams right to ask the question, as it is for someone to be gay, bi, straight, or whatever.

The fact is that not all people agree with today's society, myself included, about what is right or wrong. I'm sick of hearing and reading the word "intolerant" every time someone says anything about a gay person, or asks a question about it. As a Christian, I hear jokes about Jesus and all Christians with tremendous regularity. Where are all the writers at when that happens? What about my preference?

That being said, I don't get all butt hurt about it when someone makes fun of my faith. I don't appreciate it, but I don't let it eat at me either. I bring up the comparison only to make a point. You can ask me a question and I'll gladly answer it for you. Can I say the same for the rest of America? Absolutely not. Hypocrisy has gone through the clouds.
It's political correctness gone awry. I often wonder at what point did one individual's rights to freedom & the pursuit of happiness trump another individual's right to privacy, the pursuit of happiness and/or expressing an opposing viewpoint.
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Old 03-07-2013, 08:20 AM   #44
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Re: Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

Originally Posted by SloMotion View Post
It's political correctness gone awry. I often wonder at what point did one individual's rights to freedom & the pursuit of happiness trump another individual's right to privacy, the pursuit of happiness and/or expressing an opposing viewpoint.
I wonder the same thing. And that is what is TRULY troubling, in my opinion.
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Old 03-07-2013, 01:18 PM   #45
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Re: Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

I still don't see how someones sexual preferance has anything to do with
Football. Don't kid yourself gay people have been playing and showering in locker rooms for a long time now. You'd be ignorant to think otherwise.
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Old 03-07-2013, 03:13 PM   #46
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Re: Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

Originally Posted by Jamessr View Post
I still don't see how someones sexual preferance has anything to do with
Football. Don't kid yourself gay people have been playing and showering in locker rooms for a long time now. You'd be ignorant to think otherwise.
It doesn't. How about the NFL adopt a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, similiar to the one the military had & which I thought worked pretty well?

Would that resolve the issue?
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Old 03-08-2013, 04:19 AM   #47
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Re: Team asks prospect, “Do you like girls?”

If people weren't so hyper sensitive about things, maybe they could use a little common sense to figure out how sexual orientation can have an affect.

For instance, I couldn't play on an all girls team and keep my concentration. I pride myself on not being a gawker, as I am a married man, but if I had to play for a team like that I would say no. It's one thing to work with women, but playing sports with them? Nah.

So then, if you have a gay man playing with a bunch of men in tights, you can see where some uncomfortable feelings might come in. Does it have a direct impact? I couldn't tell you. But the possibility exists, and it is the employers right to inquire. Maybe they are just asking to see how the guy reacts to something unexpected. Who knows? It's just a question.
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If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 03-08-2013, 04:05 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper View Post
I don't buy that.

A suit asking you questions and a dude calling you names in the locker room are 2 different things. The suit, he's a prospective employer and you are going to BS him whether he asks you if you are a peanut popper or if you smoke crack. The dude in the locker room you punch in the mouth, even if the question doesn't bother you, just to show you are alpha.

I am pretty sure the great majority of players interviewed during the combine (if any at all) have never been in that setting, i.e., being interviewed to that degree by a suit in an office, but all of them have been in locker rooms, played in front of large crowds, been called names by opposing fans, etc...
You don't have to buy anything you don't want to. They are all run through many mock interviews before the real one.

You can go punch Laurence Taylor in the mouth.
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