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saintfan 09-01-2016 05:27 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715566)
Want to know what happens to a guy like me who chooses to exercise his 'rights' and walk down certain streets in Oakland, CA after dark?HOW CAN I ANSWER THAT? I DONT LIVE IN OAKLAND, IF YOU TOO SCARED TO WALK ASK A FRIEND OR A TRUSTWORTHY OFFICER TO WALK YOU *STUPID OR IRREVELANT QUESTIONS, GOOGLE*


Simply acting right will keep you and your kids out of most trouble, even in the face of corrupt cops. Sure works for me and my kids, and all my black friends and their kids too. Just acting right will do it. That's color blind. Black. White. Orange. Yellow. Yes sir Mr Officer. No sir Mr Officer. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF CORRUPT COP? THAT IS STUPID, IF YOU THINK A CORRUPT COP CARE IF YOU ACT RIGHT

You appear to be capable only to see only what you've been programmed to see and you're not enlightened enough to get out and take a universal stand - you only see color and you can't even admit it to yourself. IS THIS LATEST EXCUSE AGAINST PEOPLE WHO SPEAK OUT, THAT I AM PROGRAMMED, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM READING ANYTHING I WRITE AND I WILL DO THE SAME FOR YOU ;)

Exhibit "A". Have a nice day swami, and do yourself a favor and see what happens when you use your own brain.

Thirty3 09-01-2016 06:38 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Go MARCH if you want. Disrespecting an entire nation and it's soldiers who served and or died for you = CLASSLESS and totally ignorant.
America is the most diverse nation on earth and everyone goes about their daily lives for the most part in peace and security except in gang run neighborhoods. 300,000,000 people and a black guy gets WRONGFULLY shot by a policeman how often? Sure it happens, how often??? 10 times a year??? It happens to all races. How often does a black man get shot by a black man? In America only....guessing about 100 per DAY. 2,700 in Chicago ALONE so far this year. March on that dude. Boycott African businesses, neighborhoods and protest by occupying their streets like it's been done elsewhere. Publicly beat dads who abandon their children. Don't spit on the best thing that ever happened to you. Even dogs won't $**t where they sleep.

OldMaid 09-01-2016 09:12 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
The police are pigs. No good. None. Never. Down with the pigs! Down with the pigs!
Can’t you understand Colin’s protest , oh and girlfriends Nessa’s too. Wear your cartoonish, childish socks Colin.
I understand him. What is wrong with you all? Can’t you understand him, what he is saying and protesting?
Police are bad….EXCEPT FOR , WITH THE EXCEPTION OF, BUT OF COURSE for the SFPD officers who work with 49’s armed security to escort the teams ‘ buses to and from the home city hotel.
The SFPD who work with armed 49’s security guarding the 49’s hotel at home and the police in other U.S. cities guarding 49’s away team hotel and the floors of the 49’s and Colin too are fine. No problem!
Umm, the SFPD police working with the armed 49’s private security who escort the team’s caravan and Colin too after they arrive at their home base, blocking the streets, freeway ramps, until Colin in his expensive vehicle and the team are well on their way on the freeways going to their homes are ok, good.
The 49’s armed security who work with the city police in blocking the airport corridors as Colin gets to the gate to the private team plane, the tarmac, those armed guards taking care of that plane are all
And the personal armed security patrol where Colin lives, which he pays for, and demands security and the gate patrol officers of his neighborhood are good. Things can still happen so the if by some chance any crazed fan or crazed media get near his fortress of a house that has cameras and things , you bet Colin will have the city police there so fast, faster than you can say,
“ 49’s Suck!”
Colin is a :dunce: a confused child.

frydaddy 09-01-2016 09:52 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Not only did he sit again tonight, he convinced Eric Reid to join him. Way to go Eric, align yourself with that f**kin idiot. Just lost all respect for you too.

nola_swammi 09-01-2016 09:54 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Jeremy lane sit Colin and Reid took a knee

frydaddy 09-01-2016 09:56 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Ah, well then.. kneeling idiots.

pherein 09-01-2016 09:57 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
yep NFL is not the place to make statements like this. I dont want to see it and my kids dont. He can not stand. Thats fine. But you dont preach your personal agenda when at your job, and Colin is not that good to get away with this. He should be worried about his sucky PR.
Do it on your own time and shut up during the games kid. If you were smart you wouldnt be playing football usually , so no one cares.

nola_swammi 09-01-2016 10:02 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
It's going to be a interesting week

nola_swammi 09-01-2016 10:29 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Colin stand applaud for military

frydaddy 09-01-2016 10:46 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715737)
Colin stand applaud for military

Well I mean, he has to do something at that point. The whole thing is getting messy for him quickly and he's having to make concessions already. Kneeling was a concession, guaranteed. I think the reality that he's sabotaging himself is sinking in. If he's smart hell find other ways to try to promote his cause. This is just a spectacle, and not an attractive one.

nola_swammi 09-01-2016 11:00 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
I am all about the message. Like I said before I am a disable vet, I know what the anthem mean & I whole heartily wish he could've found a better way to have this message sent but if I see that by not standing could set a resolution and not a divide I'll sit my a** down as well. THE MESSAGE IS WHAT NEED TO BE OBSERVED

jeanpierre 09-01-2016 11:01 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Be informed.

Everybody is blaming the DJ; it's really this racist (Not Celtic Great Bill Russell, but the bald a**hole, see story link below) ...


Harry Edwards has a BS doctorate in Urban Mythology and he's the problem...

What I don't get is why multi-million dollar companies cave into the implied extortionist demands and give these jerks payoffs in form of hired consultants...

Harry Edwards: Kaepernick “a man suddenly becoming aware his house is on fire” | ProFootballTalk

No one has been minding the kitchen the past sixty years, metaphor being college faculty, staff...

Extremists with personal agendas have quietly gotten away with unchallenged pulpits via tenured employment; and only promote, hire those that join the chorus of their dogma...

Now they've branched out into legalized extortion in the form of pseudo applied theories and providing solutions as consultants...

hagan714 09-01-2016 11:20 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
he is allowed to his views and support of BLM

The fans have the same right to hate the guy and loot an burn his house like BLM also.


nola_swammi 09-01-2016 11:20 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Wow!!!!! I applaud the 49 franchise. I must admit during the days of Montana, I couldn't stand them. I applaud Harry Edwards for educating the youths and Kap. LETS GET THIS MESSAGE OUT SO I DONT HAVE TO WORRY EVERYTIME MY SON AND DAUGHTER LEAVE THE HOUSE. I strongly feel a change for the best is over the horizon.

nola_swammi 09-01-2016 11:24 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 715746)
he is allowed to his views and support of BLM

The fans have the same right to hate the guy and loot an burn his house like BLM also.


If people can't see this message as a sign of hate, what will? Did they target Trump this hard when he insulted P.O.W, I believe not? Looting and burning house is a crime. Protesting is a right

burningmetal 09-02-2016 12:21 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Colin Kaepernick did not start the conversation about police brutality. That garbage has been all over our televisions, radios and computers. He merely started a conversation about what a spoiled little child he is.

You don't make a difference by sitting down. You want to protest something? Go stand in front of capital hill, and say something to the people who have to power to make something happen.

But if all of these bleeding heart people would stop for a moment and think, they would realize something. There is only one way to change violence. People have to make the choice to stop killing each other for no reason. Simple, right? If only... But that absolutely is what has to happen. You can't give enough money, you can't say enough words, or do enough protesting to make anything change in people's attitude's.

There was something that could be done about segregation in the old days. But this isn't segregation anymore. You have people whose heads are on fire, for whatever reason, and they just have to be angry at somebody. People are shooting each other in the streets, and as a result no one trusts anyone.

So Let's all protest the flag and give the entire country one big middle finger. That's a GREAT way to change attitudes. Look how much outrage there is over what he did. Is that REALLY a good thing? There very idea that anyone would applaud this guy when the only thing he has done is perpetuate animosity.

A.8Manning 09-02-2016 12:25 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715490)
That's a pretty lazy way to look at it. It isn't merely the symbolism of standing or not standing for a flag. It was his reasoning behind it. And that is what we're discussing. Not standing up for the flag doesn't send a message to police or government. It says "screw you, America". If he had said that was his reason, we'd still be calling him a loser, but at least his intentions would be more clear. His reasons are instead very misguided, and he's just following along with this movement of playing the race card.

As far as him having the right. He was allowed to do it and wasn't thrown in prison, right? And we aren't saying to throw him in prison. That's all "rights" afford anyone. It doesn't shield you from criticism. People need to get that straight.

you are deciding to put reasoning behind it. There is no reasoning behind it.
Its a pointless action/symbolism.


Not standing up for the flag doesn't send a message to police or government. It says "screw you, America".
no,it just means you didnt stand up for a flag. I've not stood a few times because I didnt feel like it. It has nothing to do with anything else.
I dont worship bed sheets on poles. Is this 1984 type stuff now?

you dont need a right to stand up/not stand up for a stupid flag. Its the same as deciding to go here or there on a daily basis. Its nothing important to bother with.
If media says nothing,no one knows and life goes on. Media created this stupid story and people who dont think for themselves bit on it.
this is only a story because people waste time talking about it.
its meaningless to ultimate reality and anything in life that actually matters.

p.s. forgive me but... I dont see any editing tools to quote things and such above my post box when i edit or post or what ever...? where is it?

burningmetal 09-02-2016 12:33 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 715760)
you are deciding to put reasoning behind it. There is no reasoning behind it.
Its a pointless action/symbolism.

no,it just means you didnt stand up for a flag. I've not stood a few times because I didnt feel like it. It has nothing to do with anything else.
I dont worship bed sheets on poles. Is this 1984 type stuff now?

you dont need a right to stand up/not stand up for a stupid flag. Its the same as deciding to go here or there on a daily basis. Its nothing important to bother with.
If media says nothing,no one knows and life goes on. Media created this stupid story and people who dont think for themselves bit on it.
this is only a story because people waste time talking about it.
its meaningless to ultimate reality and anything in life that actually matters.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but unfortunately you're flat out wrong. If it means nothing, then why does it apparently mean something to everyone, be it positive or negative? YOU have decided for yourself that it means nothing to you. That sounds like a personal problem, and not something that the rest of us should take under consideration when having a conversation of what the flag means to us.

That flag is, IN FACT, our national flag. Not because I said so, and regardless of whether you care or not. So when you protest the flag, you protest the country. If you want to make a specific statement about something happening in this country, you go and speak to someone who it specifically pertains to.

It's like throwing a bucket of paint at the wall instead of painting the actual picture with a brush.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 12:35 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Hmm!!! No one answered why not standing for the anthem is more a "screw you to America than someone disgracing Prisoners Of War (POW) Who will you vote for?

burningmetal 09-02-2016 12:41 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 715760)
you are deciding to put reasoning behind it. There is no reasoning behind it.
Its a pointless action/symbolism.

no,it just means you didnt stand up for a flag. I've not stood a few times because I didnt feel like it. It has nothing to do with anything else.
I dont worship bed sheets on poles. Is this 1984 type stuff now?

you dont need a right to stand up/not stand up for a stupid flag. Its the same as deciding to go here or there on a daily basis. Its nothing important to bother with.
If media says nothing,no one knows and life goes on. Media created this stupid story and people who dont think for themselves bit on it.
this is only a story because people waste time talking about it.
its meaningless to ultimate reality and anything in life that actually matters.

p.s. forgive me but... I dont see any editing tools to quote things and such above my post box when i edit or post or what ever...? where is it?

If I forget to quote something in my original post, I haven't been able to figure out how to include the quote in my edit. It never works, so I'm not sure.

A.8Manning 09-02-2016 12:45 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715761)
I'm sorry you feel that way, but unfortunately you're flat out wrong. If it means nothing, then why does it apparently mean something to everyone, be it positive or negative? YOU have decided for yourself that it means nothing to you. That sounds like a personal problem, and not something that the rest of us should take under consideration when having a conversation of what the flag means to us.

That flag is, IN FACT, our national flag. Not because I said so, and regardless of whether you care or not. So when you protest the flag, you protest the country. If you want to make a specific statement about something happening in this country, you go and speak to someone who it specifically pertains to.

It's like throwing a bucket of paint at the wall instead of painting the actual picture with a brush.

its not my feelings,its cold hard logical fact. Feelings have nothing to do with whether staring at a flag has any meaning. Feelings dont make things facts or truth's.
no,it means nothing because it means nothing.
whether I or you think it does or not. Its just a piece of material on a pole.
it has no meaning and serves no purpose..unless you need an extra blanket.

lets put it this way..if you believe in God..the all knowing creator doesnt give a damn about any nations flag.Americans dont get any special treatment.

[[It's like throwing a bucket of paint at the wall instead of painting the actual picture with a brush]]

no,its like not looking at a flag/ not standing for flag,no more,no less.

what purpose does the flag serve when you are tired,cold,hungry? what did the flag do for Katrina?

A.8Manning 09-02-2016 12:48 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715763)
If I forget to quote something in my original post, I haven't been able to figure out how to include the quote in my edit. It never works, so I'm not sure.

forgive me again but..every site has these things,so why not here?

whats the deal guys? is it my firefox? what? its no fun without an editor,smileys n stuff

burningmetal 09-02-2016 12:59 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 715548)
You folks know what was a sizeable portion of the Haight/Asbury population in the 60s? Kids from Marin.

See, the rich kids from Marin used to come down to the Haight, smoke a little pot, dream about Utopia, then go back home to the parent's houses on hill sides overlooking the San Francisco Bay or the Pacific Ocean.

Not all of course. There were a lot of things that converged there as most of us know, and many who were there were truly trying to make change. After 67 it became a Heroin fest and the rest is a pretty sad history.

But there were some genuinely political people involved who did make some genuinely good arguments against the establishment. It got bastardized and that's pretty much that.

To Kaepernick, here's what we know:
  • Took the league by storm
  • league figures him out (like is usually does)
  • Looses his starting gig
  • has contract squabbles with Niners
  • Won't renegotiate his 11 million to leave and start with Denver
  • Gets involved with BLM DJ Hottie
  • Converts to Islam
  • Starts wearing Castro t-shirts but nobody cares because the Che Gueva ship sailed in the 60s
  • Starts wearing socks with pigs wearing police hats - nobody cares
  • Isn't getting enough attention so sits during anthem

And all over the internet people lose their damn minds. Look this kid is looking for attention and couldn't hold an equitable conversation on the subject of his protest even with someone like me. The hottie DJ probably has as much to do with his 'protest for the downtrodden' as any true activism he might have in his tiny, pea brain. Probably (likely) much much more.

So y'all keep on yelling back and forth. Few of you can see the forest for the trees, but some of you can, and I like you. The rest of you are sheep. This isn't a race thing this is a guy trying to please his girl who also craves the spotlight that shined on him briefly...before we all came to understand he's not a very good QB.

Simple simple. Here endeth the lesson.

I agree in principle with your statements. But while we understand Kaep is lobbying for attention, the fact remains that he is perpetuating a subject and narrative that is dividing this country. So what if he is just following his girl? It's irresponsible to make "statements" when you don't know what you're talking about, and especially if you don't even genuinely believe it... Don't you think?

So if I'm a sheep for trying to bring a little thought into a mindless finger pointing war, so be it.

burningmetal 09-02-2016 01:14 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 715764)
its not my feelings,its cold hard logical fact. Feelings have nothing to do with whether staring at a flag has any meaning. Feelings dont make things facts or truth's.
no,it means nothing because it means nothing.
whether I or you think it does or not. Its just a piece of material on a pole.
it has no meaning and serves no purpose..unless you need an extra blanket.

lets put it this way..if you believe in God..the all knowing creator doesnt give a damn about any nations flag.Americans dont get any special treatment.

[[It's like throwing a bucket of paint at the wall instead of painting the actual picture with a brush]]

no,its like not looking at a flag/ not standing for flag,no more,no less.

what purpose does the flag serve when you are tired,cold,hungry? what did the flag do for Katrina?

Again, you don't have to care about the flag. If your way of life is to sit back and say "eh, who cares, this isn't my problem". Go right ahead. This thread isn't for you, obviously.

Does the flag itself do anything for anyone? No, it doesn't. If you're sitting on your couch watching a game, no one expects you to stand up and place your hand on your heart. But when you are there, where the ceremony is taking place, and you purposefully protest it, you are giving the middle finger. Why else would he do it? He knows exactly what I'm saying, that he is in a public place where people can see him, and he is sitting where everyone else was standing.

It's no different from someone asking a crowd to partake in a moment of silence and one guy shouts "I'm glad he's dead!". The moment of silence was symbolism. Showing respect for the fallen. It doesn't mean anything in a tangible sense, but everyone has an understanding what it represents. So when one person decides he's going to be the one to break the silence and be a jerk, he's disrespected everyone else.

The flag doesn't have to have a tangible meaning. We all know what it represents, and why he is choosing not to stand for it. And it is his stance and the disrespect that he shows for his fellow Americans that people disagree with, and not simply the flag itself, a piece of cloth on a pole, as you've noted.

burningmetal 09-02-2016 01:24 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Oh and speaking of katrina, and what the flag didn't do for it. The flag didn't help anyone, but the people who reside in this country of which it represents gave money to the victims (all while many of the people were looting, raping and killing each other, no less). Just as they've given to victims of all sorts of tragedy. You won't see that in Africa, where they are too poor to support their own people. Nobody is saying our country is perfect, and I, for one, am sick of the political corruption. I have had plenty to say about that.

But I'm not going to take my issues out on the entire country as if they're all against me.

burningmetal 09-02-2016 01:59 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715558)
How does this help your argument? You might need to go back and read my statements if you think I said white people are not targeted, also! I can only come to a conclusion that you think IF WHITE PEOPLE ARE TARGETED WHY SHOULD BLACK PEOPLE PROTEST? ARE YOU SAYING IF WHITE PEOPLE TARGETED WHY IS IT A BLACK LIVE MATTER MOVEMENT INSTEAD OF A ALL LIVES MATTER? Well if you asking why is it a black live matter movement, the simple answer to this in MY OPINION is that after many complaints by blacks that police are targeting blacks many people refused to believe. people will say they must deserve what happen to them, the police was using self defense or the most ridiculous one is they cause the injury to themselves. well after the Rodney King beating was broadcast on T.V. people thought that will shed the light on the truth and justice will prevail but as you and I know the officers were acquitted of any wrong doing. Why would blacks believe in JUSTICE FOR ALL after that slap in the face? Then the assaults by pedestrian (STAND YOUR GROUND LAW) was causing a lot of blacks to be killed are assaulted (TRAYVON MARTIN tapes clearly was evidence that Zimmerman pursued Trayvon after the 911 responder told him not to follow) now you have a series of events that happening within the year with clear footage of what is happening, so that's started the BLACK LIVES MOVEMENT. Its not to say white people or other don't matter. Its to let people know we are tired of seeing our children, daughters, sons and men being slaughtered with NO JUSTICE NO PEACE


How does it help my argument? By proving how yours is totally ignorant and inaccurate, perhaps?

You want me to go back and read what you said? As you wish. Here's just one example of you talking about black, black, black and nothing about white victims.

"Listen clearly, I give a rat A** what you think about me. You try so hard to switch the conversation from the subject of the brutality toward blacks with no success. If you claim to be the spokesman for EVERYONE in America really prove how dumb you are. I have no hatred toward cops or whites and in your case other, I don't like you but no hatred. I am simply saying wrong is wrong and right is right. When cops think more in line that when they cross path with a black individual they need to be more aggressive thats were the injustice plays a part."

I don't know how to include a quote from multiple posts, so I had to paste it, but it's on page 7 for anyone who wants to look.

I don't remember you specifically saying that NO whites get killed, but that's not what I accused you of. You're whole argument has been about the brutality towards blacks. You have made it abundantly clear that you are of the belief that this is a racial war of cops against black people. My post was to show how incredibly inaccurate that is. Pretty simple stuff.

The Rodney King story is really outdated for this argument. But I'll play along. So Rodney King was seen being beaten by cops and nothing was done to them. Ok... And I showed you proof of white people being killed by cops and nothing happened to them. The difference? You never heard of those stories, did you? What's that word again? Equality?... Well there you have it.

Sometimes terrible things happen, and people get away with it. But you act like blacks are ignored, when they are getting WAY more attention. The lack of balanced coverage by the media is what's feeding this, as I've already said.

And it isn't just the White vs. Black death rates that are being exaggerated. It's this idea that the police force has some agenda. People like you try to say that you don't hate cops, but then you are putting all the blame on them. How does that work? There are bad people, and some are cops. Most are not. But if it really bothers you that much, you should be speaking up for the rights of ALL CITIZENS, not just blacks.

So yes, it shouldn't be the black lives matter movement. It SHOULD be all lives matter. Absolutely.

A.8Manning 09-02-2016 02:01 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715769)
Again, you don't have to care about the flag. If your way of life is to sit back and say "eh, who cares, this isn't my problem". Go right ahead. This thread isn't for you, obviously.

Does the flag itself do anything for anyone? No, it doesn't. If you're sitting on your couch watching a game, no one expects you to stand up and place your hand on your heart. But when you are there, where the ceremony is taking place, and you purposefully protest it, you are giving the middle finger. Why else would he do it? He knows exactly what I'm saying, that he is in a public place where people can see him, and he is sitting where everyone else was standing.

It's no different from someone asking a crowd to partake in a moment of silence and one guy shouts "I'm glad he's dead!". The moment of silence was symbolism. Showing respect for the fallen. It doesn't mean anything in a tangible sense, but everyone has an understanding what it represents. So when one person decides he's going to be the one to break the silence and be a jerk, he's disrespected everyone else.

The flag doesn't have to have a tangible meaning. We all know what it represents, and why he is choosing not to stand for it. And it is his stance and the disrespect that he shows for his fellow Americans that people disagree with, and not simply the flag itself, a piece of cloth on a pole, as you've noted.

((It's no different from someone asking a crowd to partake in a moment of silence and one guy shouts "I'm glad he's dead!". The moment of silence was symbolism.))

no,its nothing like that what so ever. You are choosing to give meaning to something that has none. It compares to nothing because it is nothing.
Only in your mind do you choose to create the importance.

how is the tread not for me? where was the thread limited to pro-flag worshipers ?

[[And it is his stance and the disrespect that he shows for his fellow Americans that people disagree with,]]

how in the hell is he disrespecting anyone by not standing and looking at a flag? welcome to Orwellian society people ! you are expected to worship the State!

{{Does the flag itself do anything for anyone? No, it doesn't. If you're sitting on your couch watching a game, no one expects you to stand up and place your hand on your heart. But when you are there, where the ceremony is taking place, and you purposefully protest it, you are giving the middle finger. Why else would he do it? }}

please tell me you are joking?
how the hell is not standing mean you are protesting anything? it means you are not standing. Why are you obligated to stand for a stupid meaningless ritual? who gives a damn if you dont?
The Anthem isnt a ceremony. Its a silly gap in waiting for a game.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 02:06 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss


burningmetal 09-02-2016 02:21 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 715772)
((It's no different from someone asking a crowd to partake in a moment of silence and one guy shouts "I'm glad he's dead!". The moment of silence was symbolism.))

no,its nothing like that what so ever. You are choosing to give meaning to something that has none. It compares to nothing because it is nothing.
Only in your mind do you choose to create the importance.

how is the tread not for me? where was the thread limited to pro-flag worshipers ?

[[And it is his stance and the disrespect that he shows for his fellow Americans that people disagree with,]]

how in the hell is he disrespecting anyone by not standing and looking at a flag? welcome to Orwellian society people ! you are expected to worship the State!

{{Does the flag itself do anything for anyone? No, it doesn't. If you're sitting on your couch watching a game, no one expects you to stand up and place your hand on your heart. But when you are there, where the ceremony is taking place, and you purposefully protest it, you are giving the middle finger. Why else would he do it? }}

please tell me you are joking?
how the hell is not standing mean you are protesting anything? it means you are not standing. Why are you obligated to stand for a stupid meaningless ritual? who gives a damn if you dont?
The Anthem isnt a ceremony. Its a silly gap in waiting for a game.

Guy, your interpretation of what has meaning and what doesn't is completely your own. I didn't make any of these things mean what they do. They mean something to everyone in here except you. People have differing opinions on whether sitting or standing is acceptable, but people all have an opinion on what the flag represents, based on how they feel they've been treated by this country.

If it isn't a protest to sit during the anthem, then why does Colin Kaepernick specifically acknowledge that he is protesting? So you get to decide what is a protest and what isn't, I guess?

How is this thread not for you, you ask? Because we're all talking about it and you're saying it means nothing, and that you don't care. So why are you here? I don't worship the flag, nobody does. The anthem is something that's meant for people to stand together as Americans. I didn't create that meaning. Read the words of the song.

But Colin doesn't want to stand with America because he thinks, or his movement thinks, that America is oppressing "his people". And that's where this argument began. If you say you stand for something, you better have knowledge for that which you stand. He comes across as very small minded and uninformed. He's a follower.

And the example I gave with the moment of silence absolutely pertains to the subject. Because it's something that you can't quantify it's meaning, but yet it means something to a lot of people.

The flag is no different. It's the same exact principle. It means nothing to YOU. When did you get the impression that anyone needed your permission to recognize a meaning of something, or what it represents?

Maybe if you fought in a war and watched your friends die in the name of freedom, you would have taken pride in sticking that flag in the ground when it was all over, announcing that the war was over and America was free. But that's all silly talk, because you and I weren't there, right?

Well I give a damn. And I don't apologize.

A.8Manning 09-02-2016 02:21 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715773)


protesting does nothing in the first place

burningmetal 09-02-2016 02:25 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 715775)
protesting does nothing in the first place

This is the only thing I agree on with you. Protesting, no matter the cause, doesn't change the attitude. Blindly protesting just looks worse.

A.8Manning 09-02-2016 07:39 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715774)
Guy, your interpretation of what has meaning and what doesn't is completely your own. I didn't make any of these things mean what they do. They mean something to everyone in here except you. People have differing opinions on whether sitting or standing is acceptable, but people all have an opinion on what the flag represents, based on how they feel they've been treated by this country.

If it isn't a protest to sit during the anthem, then why does Colin Kaepernick specifically acknowledge that he is protesting? So you get to decide what is a protest and what isn't, I guess?

How is this thread not for you, you ask? Because we're all talking about it and you're saying it means nothing, and that you don't care. So why are you here? I don't worship the flag, nobody does. The anthem is something that's meant for people to stand together as Americans. I didn't create that meaning. Read the words of the song.

But Colin doesn't want to stand with America because he thinks, or his movement thinks, that America is oppressing "his people". And that's where this argument began. If you say you stand for something, you better have knowledge for that which you stand. He comes across as very small minded and uninformed. He's a follower.

And the example I gave with the moment of silence absolutely pertains to the subject. Because it's something that you can't quantify it's meaning, but yet it means something to a lot of people.

The flag is no different. It's the same exact principle. It means nothing to YOU. When did you get the impression that anyone needed your permission to recognize a meaning of something, or what it represents?

Maybe if you fought in a war and watched your friends die in the name of freedom, you would have taken pride in sticking that flag in the ground when it was all over, announcing that the war was over and America was free. But that's all silly talk, because you and I weren't there, right?

Well I give a damn. And I don't apologize.

{{Guy, your interpretation of what has meaning and what doesn't is completely your own.}}

wrong,..its the fact that people buy into something being important that is not. media and govt portrayed to you that national pride is supposed to be a thing. Its a false reality created by people in power. God does not care who is waving what ever flag.

people dying in wars have/has nothing to do with national pride.
War was created by propaganda you choose to believe. It doesnt matter who died in what country,its all bad regardless.

you think people died for freedom because media told you thats why.
we have no freedom. A system was designed that forces you to get jobs to pay off debts. You have to live to work instead of working to live.
your work day causes you to be nothing but be tired so you watch a boob tube and believe everything you are told.Medical is now supposed to be a privilege instead of something we should all get without question.

this is the dumbest crap ever and its on national news. people are wasting time debating a dumb jock and saluting a flag.. I'm being redundant.
the fact I said this was Orwellian should have sunk in.
I dont need to be seen in public saluting a flag to prove I care about soldiers or dead soldiers. Its a waste of time talking about it. Its a waste of reality to think it means anything. They have to make people believe its for freedom so they tolerate being told to go die.

you dont get my simple concept because you believe everything media tells you.
its the perfect storm of stupidity. A stupid picture of a kid sitting during the national anthem..he says he's being pro black and anti police and boom,then someone has to bring up military and not saluting a flag means not respecting military and he happens to be playing a large military city in san diego and the announcers have to make sure they repeatedly say that he didnt do it properly during national anthem.
its the most pointless crap on earth but because it was on tv,everyone thinks its important.....

ok lol, no more about this. Thank you,have a nice day :)

burningmetal 09-02-2016 08:25 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 715783)
{{Guy, your interpretation of what has meaning and what doesn't is completely your own.}}

wrong,..its the fact that people buy into something being important that is not. media and govt portrayed to you that national pride is supposed to be a thing. Its a false reality created by people in power. God does not care who is waving what ever flag.

people dying in wars have/has nothing to do with national pride.
War was created by propaganda you choose to believe. It doesnt matter who died in what country,its all bad regardless.

you think people died for freedom because media told you thats why.
we have no freedom. A system was designed that forces you to get jobs to pay off debts. You have to live to work instead of working to live.
your work day causes you to be nothing but be tired so you watch a boob tube and believe everything you are told.Medical is now supposed to be a privilege instead of something we should all get without question.

this is the dumbest crap ever and its on national news. people are wasting time debating a dumb jock and saluting a flag.. I'm being redundant.
the fact I said this was Orwellian should have sunk in.
I dont need to be seen in public saluting a flag to prove I care about soldiers or dead soldiers. Its a waste of time talking about it. Its a waste of reality to think it means anything. They have to make people believe its for freedom so they tolerate being told to go die.

you dont get my simple concept because you believe everything media tells you.
its the perfect storm of stupidity. A stupid picture of a kid sitting during the national anthem..he says he's being pro black and anti police and boom,then someone has to bring up military and not saluting a flag means not respecting military and he happens to be playing a large military city in san diego and the announcers have to make sure they repeatedly say that he didnt do it properly during national anthem.
its the most pointless crap on earth but because it was on tv,everyone thinks its important.....

ok lol, no more about this. Thank you,have a nice day :)

You are just a bitter little person right now, aren't you? You think my mind is controlled by the media, despite the fact that I have been arguing the media-spoon fed lie of racism being at the core of every negative thing that happens in this country?

I pride myself in being the exact opposite of every thing you say I am. You and I do not see eye to eye on what the flag represents, but you also fail to understand that this subject only started with his refusal to stand. It was his reason that really agitated people like me. He is following what others want him to believe. The very thing you are trying to accuse me of. Yet here I am spending my time explaining how foolish all of this crap is about black oppression.

And all you can do is sit there and tell us that the flag is a meaningless symbol. Why don't you take the time to come up with a thought that actually does mean something. Why don't YOU take on the subject of racial bias?

No you just go with the typical basement dwelling sentiment of "everything is a lie and nothing anyone says is real". Well that really pinpoints the matter doesn't it? We're all just dust in the wind, with nowhere to go. I'm sorry you have such a defeatist outlook on life, but that's your problem. I don't like the way things are, but I'm not going to resign myself to the idea that I'm just stuck in a bottomless pit of misery. I could be living in a third world country, starving, diseased, and TRULY oppressed. But I'm not, and neither or you.

The media made us believe that America fought for it's independence over England? The media made us believe that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the Germans were slaughtering millions of people in it's conquest for world domination? So we just should have stood by, as the most powerful adversary to stop them, and allowed ourselves to become slaves or be slaughtered with the rest of them because the media just made it all up?

3,000 people died on September 11th, 2001, and we saw the devastation with our own eyes, but we should not have gone to war because the media somehow made that up, too?

You want to bring God into your argument? Well, I'm a christian. So allow me to illustrate something to you. You say God doesn't care who waves what flag. He also doesn't care who wins a game, or who has more money. What's your point? Does having financial security mean nothing to you, either? God said love thy neighbor. Did he say disrespect thy neighbor? If someone legitimately has something they need to take a stand for, that's fine. Calling out the country for it's treatment of black people, while white people are facing the same problems shows incredible ignorance and lack of true compassion. It's not as if he disrespected the the flag, itself, and nothing else. You know full well that when someone says "don't disrespect the flag" that means don't disrespect America. When someone burns a flag the people of that country get angry because it is clearly seen as a message of hatred towards their homeland. And that IS the exact intent of those responsible for burning the flag.

Now sitting down during the anthem isn't as extreme, but there is an intended message, and we all got the message and most of us don't appreciate the sentiment.

But as far as symbolism, itself... It is used in the Bible. Breaking Bread in remembrance of Jesus' body which was broken, and drinking wine in remembrance of His blood that was shed.

National pride isn't the same as worshiping Jesus, before you try to accuse me of suggesting that. But the point is that symbolism has it's place. No one is bowing for the flag. It's called observing. It's a sign of respect, something you clearly don't seem to believe in. The media never told anyone to recognize the flag. The flag, our freedom, our rights, and everything this country was founded on came long before there was ever such a thing as media.

Don't be a fool.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 09:09 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by A.8Manning (Post 715775)
protesting does nothing in the first place

It is slowly showing attention to the cause. Soon you will see more black, white, Hispanics and etc... take a knee. Maybe then a few of us will stop trying to speak on the RHETORIC THOUGHTS that Kap is looking for attention and focus more on the cause

burningmetal 09-02-2016 09:48 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715802)
It is slowly showing attention to the cause. Soon you will see more black, white, Hispanics and etc... take a knee. Maybe then a few of us will stop trying to speak on the RHETORIC THOUGHTS that Kap is looking for attention and focus more on the cause

It's not a real cause. "Back lives matter" and wearing socks with pigs in cop uniforms is nothing but divisive pity-seeking attention. And what he did to "voice" that stance does nothing to solve anything, even if it were a legitimate cause. Nobody will treat anyone better because of what he did.

The more people who follow his act, the more ridiculous it becomes. The barometer of "change" is looking out into the world and seeing results, or the lack thereof. Not how many athletes make a pointless attempt at voicing their disapproval.

exiled 09-02-2016 10:19 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715770)
You won't see that in Africa, where they are too poor to support their own people. .

Sorry, Pal, you do, The USA does not have a monopoly on community.

burningmetal 09-02-2016 10:43 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by exiled (Post 715816)
Sorry, Pal, you do, The USA does not have a monopoly on community.

Excuse me? Would you like to run that by me one more time in a way that maybe makes sense and in any way connects to the point?

What does monopoly of community or lack thereof have anything to do with the comment I made? Did I not say that when tragedy strikes in this country people donate from all over the country, millions of dollars. And I said you won't see that in Africa where they are too poor to support their own people.

Do you not see the poverty there? I'm not saying that the people of Africa wouldn't give if they had the means. But they don't have the means. In fact, our people also donate to them! Which is great.

The context was about who we are as a country. There are a lot of moronic people trying to ruin it, both from the government and citizen levels. But there is still a lot of good, and all this whining going on about rights is stale.

And that's the point, Pal.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 02:00 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 715807)
It's not a real cause. "Back lives matter" and wearing socks with pigs in cop uniforms is nothing but divisive pity-seeking attention. And what he did to "voice" that stance does nothing to solve anything, even if it were a legitimate cause. Nobody will treat anyone better because of what he did.

The more people who follow his act, the more ridiculous it becomes. The barometer of "change" is looking out into the world and seeing results, or the lack thereof. Not how many athletes make a pointless attempt at voicing their disapproval.

That's your opinion its not a real cause. If you stop crying about socks( Kap explain the socks) If you weren't too feeble minded and go off what he said instead of interpret it the way you want maybe you could understand BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Do I think it was poor judgement? yes, but the socks were worn before the protest and not one person mention anything about socks til his PROTEST was acknowledge. Any kind of way to deter from his message People are pulling out the bag. unpatriotic, selfish, attention seeker, what was said about Trump's rhetoric on P.O.W's? If PEOPLE could stay focus on the issues instead of trying to misguide others that this is senseless it wouldn't get so nasty. Don't blame Kap for standing to the issues.

The more people start speaking out for what they believe instead of listening to the ones who deter the message, the more what you(burningmetal) believe to be ridiculous will become relevant.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 02:07 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Do I think BLM will stop the aggression towards blacks or any minorities? no, but I think those who remain aggressive will be prosecuted instead of aquitted

A.8Manning 09-02-2016 03:21 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
{{I pride myself in being the exact opposite of every thing you say I am. }}

caring about saluting a flag proves you dont understand how insignificant it is.

Racism is never dying. these topics were meant to divide and thats all they ever do.They dont solve racism

((You are just a bitter little person right now, aren't you?))

definition-(of people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.

of course. Who likes people abusing power ? its quite healthy to feel that way

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