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nola_swammi 09-02-2016 04:27 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Lets see if Kap's Protest matter
Upcoming trials:

The case drew national attention last April with the release of a video of the encounter that was taken by a bystander. The video showed Officer Slager, 34, who is white, shooting Mr. Scott, 50, after a traffic stop. Officer Slager had pulled Mr. Scott over for a broken brake light, and said he had fired because he feared for his life after Mr. Scott grabbed his Taser.

But the video showed Mr. Scott running away, and Officer Slager firing eight times, hitting Mr. Scott five times, according to the coroner’s report. The video also show Officer Slager planting evidence, attempting to drop the taser in the facility of Mr.Scott to collaborate with his false allegations.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 04:40 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Last year West Monroe Police Department (WMPD) Officer Jody LeDoux fired his weapon at an unarmed homeless hispanic veteran Raymond Keith Martinez. He was indicted on charges of negligent homicide by a Ouachita Parish grand jury in January.

Martinez was shot in front of a convenience store on North 7th Street in West Monroe. LeDoux reportedly responded to a call from the store to have Martinez removed from the premises.

If convicted, LeDoux faces a possibility of up to five years in jail. Do you think 5 years worth a man's life!

frydaddy 09-02-2016 04:42 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Racism only survives because people won't let it die. It was clinging to a thread just a few years ago. Then came Obama, determined to divide this country so he could bring it down. Well he hasn't quite succeeded yet, but we're teetering on the edge of it. People need to wake up and realize that we're being played like pawns, all of us. Our government is creating division where none existed and it's working because we let it. Everyone, whether black, white or f**king purple polka dotted has to stand up and say no more. Furthermore, we need to stop putting our faith in politicians who, even at their best are flawed, and put it back where it belongs - in God. The world isn't in trouble because of racism, terrorism or any other trumped up BS that the media tries to force feed us. We're in trouble because we've turned away from God and we're getting further away all the time. If each of us focused on doing what HE put us here to do to the best of our ability, we could change the world. I strongly suggest we each examine ourselves and just what have we done lately to honor our Heavenly Father. We're all going to have to answer to Him one day for what we did or did not do with the life He's given us. I'd like to be able to tell him I did the best I could to love the way He loves. That's really all that's going to matter at that point. I don't think He's going to be very impressed by political stances.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 05:00 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
This is not about racism, or blaming Obama. This issue was before Obama was born. People seem to always try to pivot the issue towards something else, now it's politics? No, people are tired, frustrated, and anger that evidence that can been seen by the naked eye, audio that can be heard from foolish individuals with high authority and no repercussion for those individuals. Like the old saying, which is TRUE! If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. This unpatriotic, selfish, need attention, political propaganda I will not fall for. Especially when I have much to lose, people don't know what lies around the corner, with all this abuse of authority it might just be your mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter at the wrong end of a barrel.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 05:43 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Original Report:
Hearings continued Tuesday for Jody Ledoux as the attorneys on both sides of the case work to throw out some of the evidence before the trial. Ledoux is facing a charge of negligent homicide.

The state called several people to the stand who claim Ledoux used excessive force or was violent with them. Donald Harger is the former Interstate Battery owner, he's the man who is shown in the video where Ledoux throws him into a rack of batteries.

The state questioned Harger about what happened and he stated he was never aggressive toward Ledoux and he just wouldn't comply. The defense countered trying to diminish Harger's credibility saying he has had several run ins with the law, and saying Harger has an aggressive history with people and cops.

Two others were also called to discuss their experiences with Ledoux saying he lied on their arrest reports. The state says their testimonies were meant to show Ledoux's pattern of retaliation and how he responds to people who aren't compliant.

The defense argued in those instances Ledoux never pulled out a weapon and these people weren't under the influence. They say it doesn't compare to what happened with Raymond Martinez.

A detective who talked with witnesses after the shooting in December 2014 was also called to the stand. He discussed how witnesses told him Martinez's stance wasn't seen as threatening, but for an officer seeing someone put their hands in their pocket is a bad sign.

West Monroe Police Chief Jeff Terrell was also called to the stand to discuss Ledoux's three years with the force, and how he's only arrested 110 people in that time.

The judge says he is going to make a ruling on the evidence by Friday and he is absolutely not going to move the date of the trial set for September 12th.

frydaddy 09-02-2016 07:20 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715915)
This is not about racism, or blaming Obama. This issue was before Obama was born. People seem to always try to pivot the issue towards something else, now it's politics? No, people are tired, frustrated, and anger that evidence that can been seen by the naked eye, audio that can be heard from foolish individuals with high authority and no repercussion for those individuals. Like the old saying, which is TRUE! If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. This unpatriotic, selfish, need attention, political propaganda I will not fall for. Especially when I have much to lose, people don't know what lies around the corner, with all this abuse of authority it might just be your mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter at the wrong end of a barrel.

Obama has done more to bring racism back to life than any corrupt cop or activist group ever could. Regardless, you missed the real point of my post, which is that we need to turn to God. Not people, not stupid protests or political posturing. He alone can fix this world, and we are supposed to be his vessels. If you can't see that then nothing you do or say will matter. Same goes for anyone.

skymike 09-02-2016 10:23 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
.... and yet... I see no one fleeing the country in terror.

oh yeah... other countries dont have fat people on welfare, with big screen
tv's and air jordans. The benefits are too sweet here. but you hate it here.

nola_swammi 09-02-2016 11:34 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 715934)
Regardless, you missed the real point of my post, which is that we need to turn to God. Not people, not stupid protests or political posturing. He alone can fix this world, and we are supposed to be his vessels. If you can't see that then nothing you do or say will matter. Same goes for anyone.

We (BLM) turn to god, he united us into(BLM) god using vessels (Kap, Reid, Lane, the media, etc..) soon this will end with prosecutions or maybe he have another plan to serve justice, I don't know, but he gave us a voice and we are using it.

Romans 8:28 Or that all things work together for good to those who love God, who; or that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good

pherein 09-03-2016 02:48 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 715773)


Innocent? Are you talking about the 12.6% of a population committing 50% or more of the crime?

Not that Colin even understands the real issue. Bad parenting. Just by saying "His People" means he had decided long ago people are seperiated by race black/white/asian/etc.. By definition thats a racist.
What, Im not his people ? Theres Americans and his people? Im sorry who are these people Colin ?

Hope this doesn’t come out the wrong way, but always thought these kinds of problems stem from an unwillingness to talk about the real social problems. For fear of being called a racist. Why is 12.6% of a population committing 50% or more of the crime?
I dare say that if I was a cop and saw a white,asian, and black person running from a robbery, I would call in the other 2 but go after the black guy. I don’t consider it racial profiling. I consider it experience learned on a daily basis. Even the black cops do it.
Really seems to be a social problem to me.
The huge disproportion of crime in black communities has to be acknowledged publicly in order to deal with the problem, and the blame everyone else for your actions has to stop. Glorifying guns, thug life, and putting down women in songs should not be a celebrated thing.

I do not completely agree with all of the link below, but know the stats are pretty accurate, and it has some good comments at the end for people on both sides to think about. Couple of my black friend have had discussions on it.
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

I remember my black friend Andrey when we hung out in college told me one day. “You see that security officer looking at me”, as we walked into a store. “yeah sure”,I said “why he looked at me also”. “Yeah, but thats was what I was talking about”. “I was taught he’s looking at me because I am black,” Andrey said “you were taught he’s just doing his job, you don’t even notice it.” “Thats the same hatred that fires the middle east, but no one talks about the parents or social up bringing.” Andrey like most of my friends had broken homes. I think something like 70% of black kids come from single family homes, thats crazy, and a break down of a family structure.
lol he also made me look like and idiot when I called him to see if he was going to the farrakhan million man march rally so we could go to dinner and talk old times. Andrey said “Really Chris ? Like I’d expect you to go to a David Duke Rally,” and I apologized.
Point is the fact that what I learned from him and other black friends, girl friends, is that there is a very big social problem on the black side of the fence thats never talked about, and its not going to go away with programs and throwing money and free jobs at it. Frankly Im not sure how to solve it. Im not that smart.
I’m guessing that some personally responsibility for your own actions, including parenting might be a good start. The vast majority of the american black population are brilliant, hard working, loving people, and I love they are a part of the united states. Would hate if I dint ever meet my friends.
I guess I’m just putting out there you cant blame everyone else for your problems. When so many of those problems are made by you. Just something to think about that I learned from my black friends.
The middle east is happening, I think, yes because Europe and Britain started it, but the parents are the ones teaching the hate, and for kids to throw rocks. Watching their friend shot by and Israel solder, because he wants to go home to his family that day, and a rock can kill, only affirms thats child hatred, and so it goes on and on and on.
Until people start talking about whats really happening, and we try to help eachother get over it. Until then, I do not see this kind of thing stopping.

Saying all this, its easy to see why Colin should keep his mouth shut. His ignorance on the real issues only makes the problem worse and dumber.

Not only that. Can you imagine if this is allowed to continue ? Whats next ? Players dumping tuna on the field to protest dolphines?
Showing up in bikinis to protest the miss america pagent ?
showing up in ewoke mask to promote the new Star Wars movie ?
Its simply not the place for it, and I dont feel like explaining theses idiots to my kid before the game. I came there to watch a football game.

This can get way out of hand.
Godell never does the right thing, and should have suspended him for 1 game.
Not for his view, but because he used his job to promote a view he knows very little about, and its not the place for it.
Protest like every one else. In the street on your off time.

OldMaid 09-03-2016 03:12 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
I made a joke earlier ,pg. 1 , about ColinK.
I think I made the point I believe he is wrong.

Why am I jumping in this mess to post my opinion when I already made mine in a sentence or two...
Some of ya'll comments are way off in left subject. OJ? Really?
*I'll get to that later.
The US flag to me represents all of the men and women , White and Black, Other , who fought and died since 1776 to now, to make this country of freedoms that we all have. To disrespect the country's flag is to not honor all those people who fought and died for you to have the freedom and life here that you can have in this country. The words are important. It is an important, unitfying symbol of the U.S.A.
I say the pledge to the US flag and to the state of Texas everyday. Work related.
The US flag and the pledge unites people. It is a common link. The USA is not perfect. Where is it perfect? * I’ll get to that later.

Really, ColinK is contradicting himself. What he is doing is , is due to having those freedoms.
He is very confused. Troubled. I feel more sorry for him, no I don't!! No. LOL!! I can see why he is troubled and he needs to accept himself and be thankful for all he has and how his life turned out. Like some people have that White guilt thing , well, some people have Black guilt too.
I do believe his has some issues with being adopted and his White bio mom, who was not in his life, is out there now on twitter talking against him about sitting down and his Black bio father is unknown, I think. He is engaged to that radical woman. He grew up in a good family, just happened to be White, and lived a Mid Class lifestyle and in Wisconsin. Wearing Fidel Castro ,a Communist oppressor of the his people, was odd, crazy. CK tried to fit with some of the NFL's finest, LOL, the thuggish ones, and that was a mistake he made. Remember the incident a while back when he and some 49's and some trashy woman and she filed a lawsuit or something. Now he is turning Islamic. He is all over the place. He needs therapy. He needs to STFU too and stand up and salute this country and the people who fought then and now for him to have all these freedoms he has. His protest is in the wrong way. As for protesting, you, whoever, ColinK, can protest here in this country, unlike other places all you want for whatever. The price of tomatoes , Trump, Hillary, the police, whatever. Again, ColinK is misled.

Do you ever notice that the people against the police are the ones who need the police or the ones who can get the police and better access to the police? I left a post about that. Again, he is confused.
Racisms, ageism sexism, nepotism, classism, etc. , you will always have. I DID NOT say these things are right, so do not misread me. However, our flag and anthem represents our country and in our country, wrongs can change. You have a transparent justice system, laws for all, citizens being allowed as jurors, etc. Wrongs can change. You have the freedoms to change wrongs. You have rights here. Disrespecting the U.S. flag and anthem and THE country is not the way to protest or prove a point. CK is defeating his purpose.
He is doing like what 2 years old do when they do not get what they want and they just drop to the floor and fall out. Tantrum. The 2 year olds learn that tantrums do not work.

You guys and name calling each other and your views on other cases and bringing up OJ, way off subject. I said I would get back to that. In my opinion, OJ should have stayed with his wife instead of picking that 18 year. Opps, sorry . It is true.
I am not , NOT for DV. I think DV is very serious and pity those women in that situation who need help to get out. He killed that girl.
Then you guys are calling each other dumb and brining up OJ and are way off base.
Everyone brings something different here.
I am Black American, female , and Catholic. I am a big proponent of the Back to Africa Movement and the Back to Europe Movement and Back to whatever you come from or say you to come from or want to move to movement. Please go. Go live where it is better for you. The USA is not for you and the flag and anthem bothers you, go.
Me….ummmmm , The Middle East and Africa would not be so good for me.
Hmmmmm, Mexico is ok for the vacation places, but nooooooo. No thank you. I would not to live in Mexico. Well, where else? Eastern European countires…..eeehhhhhhh, NO! Not for me .No thank you.
Central and South America, again for me, NO!! Carribean vacation places are ok for vacations, but nah. Not a place there for me!!!
Hmmm, what places are left on Earth good for me? Western European countries, so-so. Good for a vacation, but not, nah, me living full –time for life and wanting my USA rights there, no. Too expensive and crowded in The UK and there is really that classism over there.
Swistezland! Oh, I am tens of millions of dollars short so that would not work for me.
Japan is expensive, tight and nah. Not for me. Australia, ehh, same as Japan. I like my rights here.
Well, what is left?
THE USA. I ‘m good. I am going to stay right here. nolaswami, burningmetal, who ever else here, ya’ll go. Move where ya’ll want to.

nola_swammi 09-03-2016 05:34 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
This is not about who commit crimes, it's about standing against the injustice.

I don't need to write a book to deter the message. THE BIG QUESTION THAT NEED TO BE ASK!!!!!!!!


pherein 09-03-2016 07:14 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716103)
This is not about who commit crimes, it's about standing against the injustice.

I don't need to write a book to deter the message. THE BIG QUESTION THAT NEED TO BE ASK!!!!!!!!


Do you think its right for Black and white cops to fear for their life every time they pull over a black male because they are in the field every day and know theirs a 50/50 chance they could be shot and not go home ? Fix the crime in the black community and youll see cops trusting more and more, promise.
But oh no thats asking to much. We just want to cry about it , have no personal resonability, and blame everyone else.
Hmmm amazing they dont fear asian males ,errr wonder why ? hmmm

nola_swammi 09-03-2016 07:39 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716128)
Do you think its right for Black and white cops to fear for their life every time they pull over a black male because they are in the field every day and know theirs a 50/50 chance they could be shot ? Fix the crime in the black community and youll see cops trusting more and more, promise.
But oh no thats asking to much. We just want to cry about it , have no personal resonability, and blame everyone else.
Hmmm amazing they dont fear asian males ,errr wonder why ? hmmm

They volunteered for the job. No, I don't feel sorry for them if they fear BLACK male or women or any other minority. In that case, if they have so much fear they shouldn't apply for the job. I am not saying they shouldn't take precautions and follow procedures, they should treat EVERY perp with the same precautions and proper procedures.

In the case of fixing crime in the black community. You sound ingnorant and like a bigot. No one have the right to take someone life cause they fear the color of their skin. People like you should never be a jury with your bias thoughts. It sound like you're saying it's ok to kill a black person cause they're most likely to kill you. That is why I am calling you a bigot. Judge a person on the contents of their character not the color of their skin, that is why BLM IS SO IMPORTANT cause of ingnorant people. Definition of ingnorant: lacking acknowledge or awareness.

pherein 09-03-2016 08:21 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716130)
They volunteered for the job. No, I don't feel sorry for them if they fear BLACK male or women or any other minority. In that case, if they have so much fear they shouldn't apply for the job. I am not saying they shouldn't take precautions and follow procedures, they should treat EVERY perp with the same precautions and proper procedures.

In the case of fixing crime in the black community. You sound ingnorant and like a bigot. No one have the right to take someone life cause they fear the color of their skin. People like you should never be a jury with your bias thoughts. It sound like you're saying it's ok to kill a black person cause they're most likely to kill you. That is why I am calling you a bigot. Judge a person on the contents of their character not the color of their skin, that is why BLM IS SO IMPORTANT cause of ingnorant people. Definition of ingnorant: lacking acknowledge or awareness.

They fear what they learn , and that is what they trust and dont trust. You cant be a fisherman and not fear a shark more than a tuna. Its common sence.
To you I might, but the figures are correct and Im pretty sure you were trained to be a bigot from birth or why dont you explain the disparity in crime and single family homes? No you just want to cry about cops and dont really care al all.
Im black their cops and its that simple huh.
Well thats what the Black community is teaching the cops. Dont trust us. They go to work every day and learn that lesson over and over, and after a while it sinks in, including the black cops.
Though no officer has the right to shoot anyone unarmed. They are simply not that well trained in my opinion. I know because I worked with them for 4-5 years, and most are fresh from the army MP core.

Your asking cops to be Pure, yet you wont take the personal resonsability thats cascaded these events into what that are. A crumbling Black community, massive crime difference, and what does my people mean ? Thought we are all americans ?
Then you are truely ignorant. Race is illusional and dosnt exsist. I care about stats and why its happening, and people like you are much like Colin. You dont really care about the problem or you would be protesting the black on black killings in the streets which are waaay more of a problem. No you just want to blame everyone else for your problem and point to a minority of wrong killings by officers. Where your uproar about the crime in your community ? Why do you even care about cops shooting blacks ? I thought it was cops shooting unarmed people, what does being black have to do with anything ?
It doesnt and thinking that way is racist. Your already programed like a middle eastern kid. Its all black and white to you, and youll never let go. Thats why it goes on and on, and nothing will change it until people stop blaming and start working together to fix the real problems.
You can train the cops better all day, but what do you think will change them when they hit reality on the streets ? Oh right worry about those asian guys they might pull a graph out ot pencil. It is what it is, and nothing going to change until the black community deals with the crazy crime rate and broken homes. You can cry all you want. Has to be fixed and no one is trying to.
How about not throwing out the race card every 5 minutes and fix the real problems. Like study the Black graduation from college rates and get back to me. Its not good.

nola_swammi 09-03-2016 08:51 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716133)
They fear what they learn , and that is what they trust and dont trust. You cant be a fisherman and not fear a shark more than a tuna. Its common sence.
To you I might, but the figures are correct and Im pretty sure you were trained to be a bigot from birth or why dont you explain the disparity in crime and single family homes? No you just want to cry about cops and dont really care al all.
Im black their cops and its that simple huh.
Well thats what the Black community is teaching the cops. Dont trust us. They go to work every day and learn that lesson over and over, and after a while it sinks in, including the black cops.
Though no officer has the right to shoot anyone unarmed. They are simply not that well trained in my opinion. I know because I worked with them for 4-5 years, and most are fresh from the army MP core.

Your asking cops to be Pure, yet you wont take the personal resonsability thats cascaded these events into what that are. A crumbling Black community, massive crime difference, and what does my people mean ? Thought we are all americans ?
Then you are truely ignorant. Race is illusional and dosnt exsist. I care about stats and why its happening, and people like you are much like Colin. You dont really care about the problem or you would be protesting the black on black killings in the streets which are waaay more of a problem. No you just want to blame everyone else for your problem and point to a minority of wrong killings by officers. Where your uproar about the crime in your community ? Why do you even care about cops shooting blacks ? I thought it was cops shooting unarmed people, what does being black have to do with anything ?
It doesnt and thinking that way is racist. Your already programed like a middle eastern kid. Its all black and white to you, and youll never let go. Thats why it goes on and on, and nothing will change it until people stop blaming and start working together to fix the real problems.
You can train the cops better all day, but what do you think will change them when they hit reality on the streets ? Oh right worry about those asian guys they might pull a graph out ot pencil. It is what it is, and nothing going to change until the black community deals with the crazy crime rate and broken homes. You can cry all you want. Has to be fixed and no one is trying to.
How about not throwing out the race card every 5 minutes and fix the real problems. Like study the Black graduation from college rates and get back to me. Its not good.

If you scared of sharks get stay out the water. Simple for you, if you scared of black or minorities find another profession. If I am scared of people like you does it justify me killing people like you if we were to ever cross path cause I feared you might kill me?

pherein 09-03-2016 10:04 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716141)
If you scared of sharks get stay out the water. Simple for you, if you scared of black or minorities find another profession. If I am scared of people like you does it justify me killing people like you if we were to ever cross path cause I feared you might kill me?

Or shot them. Your not a minority, your a majority of the probelm and crime in america, and quite frankly we are all getting sick of the excuses and hearing about it. Either fix the problem or it will be fixed for you. Who cares if you dont like it. Not like you have any ability to do the right thing or change it yourself. So baby siting because you wont grow up and work together.
The black community separates itself on purpose dude , no one makes them segregated, you do it to yourselves. Dont see anyone else doing that do you?
Listen to them, its all black, black , black, black , black, black this, black that, black tv, black chrismass, lol, you ever see others doing the same, um no. Its sad, looks stupid and racist and it is.
Be funny to see whites or asians say white , white, white this, white tv, asian , asian this etcc. yeah would not be accepted right ? so why are you ? you shouldnt be. But you dont get that.

nola_swammi 09-03-2016 11:21 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716156)
Or shot them. Your not a minority, your a majority of the probelm and crime in america, and quite frankly we are all getting sick of the excuses and hearing about it. Either fix the problem or it will be fixed for you. Who cares if you dont like it. Not like you have any ability to do the right thing or change it yourself. So baby siting because you wont grow up and work together.
The black community separates itself on purpose dude , no one makes them segregated, you do it to yourselves. Dont see anyone else doing that do you?
Listen to them, its all black, black , black, black , black, black this, black that, black tv, black chrismass, lol, you ever see others doing the same, um no. Its sad, looks stupid and racist and it is.
Be funny to see whites or asians say white , white, white this, white tv, asian , asian this etcc. yeah would not be accepted right ? so why are you ? you shouldnt be. But you dont get that.

You feel that way, I feel sorry for you. To justify killing innocent people because the color of their skin. I pray for you my brother that god touch you from your misguided conception of miniorities. I hope and pray that people can come together and judge a person of their character and not their color of skin.

pherein 09-03-2016 11:30 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716164)
You feel that way, I feel sorry for you. To justify killing innocent people because the color of their skin. I pray for you my brother that god touch you from your misguided conception of miniorities. I hope and pray that people can come together and judge a person of their character and not their color of skin.

you have a mental problem, I never said that, but we already established your a little messed up. Seek help.

nola_swammi 09-03-2016 11:37 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716165)
you have a mental problem, I never said that, but we already established your a little messed up. Seek help.

yes or no,,,,do cops have the right to kill without probable cause if the perp is black

pherein 09-04-2016 12:11 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716167)
yes or no,,,,do cops have the right to kill without probable cause if the perp is black

See your a racist. Doesnt matter what color he is, your messed up. No cops has the right to shoot unless provoked.
But if Im right that guy had 28 prior arrest for violence?
They were called in 911 because he was aiming a firearm at other people, and then refused arrest ? Resulting in a fight ?
Atttacking an officer ?
Sound about right and this is your pure black dude? you back ?
Pick someone better next time ok. Hell I might have shot him when I heard gun from the other officer , knowing his rap sheet.
The guy was a loser, jerk, and idiot. Im pretty sure he wasnt working to be a loved member of the community later, and probably would have killed more inocent people later. This is the same a Rodney King, what a coked out loser he was. Driving at 120 mph and grabbing an officers gun. I would have shot him if he grabbed for my gun.
No one shot that man because he was black, they shot him because hes stupid.
But you dont care about the crime or the real problem.
you know what ,, fire all the cops and replace them with black cops only. You know what that will do ? increase black on black shootings by 100%
There have been black cops shooting unarmed people, but you dont see riots.
Rodney kings was so sad. The black community destroyed their own environment, jobs,stores, and had no work the next day, because they burned it. Really smart. Over a loser like rodney.

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 01:00 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716169)
See your a racist. Doesnt matter what color he is, your messed up. No cops has the right to shoot unless provoked.
But if Im right that guy had 28 prior arrest for violence?
They were called in 911 because he was aiming a firearm at other people, and then refused arrest ? Resulting in a fight ?
Atttacking an officer ?
Sound about right and this is your pure black dude? you back ?
Pick someone better next time ok. Hell I might have shot him when I heard gun from the other officer , knowing his rap sheet.
The guy was a loser, jerk, and idiot. Im pretty sure he wasnt working to be a loved member of the community later, and probably would have killed more inocent people later. This is the same a Rodney King, what a coked out loser he was. Driving at 120 mph and grabbing an officers gun. I would have shot him if he grabbed for my gun.
No one shot that man because he was black, they shot him because hes stupid.
But you dont care about the crime or the real problem.
you know what ,, fire all the cops and replace them with black cops only. You know what that will do ? increase black on black shootings by 100%
There have been black cops shooting unarmed people, but you dont see riots.
Rodney kings was so sad. The black community destroyed their own environment, jobs,stores, and had no work the next day, because they burned it. Really smart. Over a loser like rodney.

I asked a simple question yet you twist here and there. Officer Slager shot a man six times in the back while he was running away. I assume you mean fear or threat to their life when you say PROVOKE. His trial is coming up

I ask the question again, do a officer have the right to use lethal force if the perp is black? JUST YES OR NO?

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 01:04 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716169)
See your a racist. Doesnt matter what color he is, your messed up. No cops has the right to shoot unless provoked.
But if Im right that guy had 28 prior arrest for violence?
They were called in 911 because he was aiming a firearm at other people, and then refused arrest ? Resulting in a fight ?
Atttacking an officer ?
Sound about right and this is your pure black dude? you back ?
Pick someone better next time ok. Hell I might have shot him when I heard gun from the other officer , knowing his rap sheet.
The guy was a loser, jerk, and idiot. Im pretty sure he wasnt working to be a loved member of the community later, and probably would have killed more inocent people later. This is the same a Rodney King, what a coked out loser he was. Driving at 120 mph and grabbing an officers gun. I would have shot him if he grabbed for my gun.
No one shot that man because he was black, they shot him because hes stupid.
But you dont care about the crime or the real problem.
you know what ,, fire all the cops and replace them with black cops only. You know what that will do ? increase black on black shootings by 100%
There have been black cops shooting unarmed people, but you dont see riots.
Rodney kings was so sad. The black community destroyed their own environment, jobs,stores, and had no work the next day, because they burned it. Really smart. Over a loser like rodney.

pherein 09-04-2016 04:32 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716174)

We can youtude all day, and I can find way more black on black shooting and blacks shooting at cops then youll find the 20-30. I can find 100's easy, again avioding the real probelm.

Morons cops have to deal with every day. Just follow the law. Shes obviously stoned or just dumb. I think the spider tattoo gives that away. Typical stupid mom training her kids to be stupid.She has the brain of a child,and got this from her parents. Whats sad is she recorded herself being an idiot.
Shes obviously breaking the law and would have walked away with a ticket, but no its all about violence, escalate. My ****** ? You pigs ? yeah
Shes the problem. Her Poor kid is the victom and shes using them as a shield to save her like a coward. I never would have been this nice with her.

Im sorry do you need people of your own color to listen ? yeah its a problem. We all know that, but like Colin you dont know what the F your taking about and centralize on a single mistake or murder, Im sure you heard the same things growing up she said. People need to work together to solve this.

and like cowards they always shoot when no officer is ready, in the back.
Until you fix the problem it will never matter what officers you hire or fire. 12.6% of the population doing 50% or more of the crime. but we can youtude all day if you want, but you wont watch because you dont care about solving the problem, you just want to cry about it. You should be so proud it turned out really well huh.
Black power, Panthers, etc.. and seperating yourself from the rest of americans by color. How did that work out huh ?
Its going to get worse. There is no place in america for racisim. Or idiots who have no idea what they are talking about.

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 08:56 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716176)
We can youtude all day, and I can find way more black on black shooting and blacks shooting at cops then youll find the 20-30. I can find 100's easy, again avioding the real probelm.

Morons cops have to deal with every day. Just follow the law. Shes obviously stoned or just dumb. I think the spider tattoo gives that away. Typical stupid mom training her kids to be stupid.She has the brain of a child,and got this from her parents. Whats sad is she recorded herself being an idiot.
Shes obviously breaking the law and would have walked away with a ticket, but no its all about violence, escalate. My ****** ? You pigs ? yeah
Shes the problem. Her Poor kid is the victom and shes using them as a shield to save her like a coward. I never would have been this nice with her.

Im sorry do you need people of your own color to listen ? yeah its a problem. We all know that, but like Colin you dont know what the F your taking about and centralize on a single mistake or murder, Im sure you heard the same things growing up she said. People need to work together to solve this.
Korryn Gaines died because of Korryn Gaines. VIDEOS ARE IN THE DESCRIPTION. - YouTube

and like cowards they always shoot when no officer is ready, in the back.
Until you fix the problem it will never matter what officers you hire or fire. 12.6% of the population doing 50% or more of the crime. but we can youtude all day if you want, but you wont watch because you dont care about solving the problem, you just want to cry about it. You should be so proud it turned out really well huh.
Black power, Panthers, etc.. and seperating yourself from the rest of americans by color. How did that work out huh ?
Its going to get worse. There is no place in america for racisim. Or idiots who have no idea what they are talking about.

Seriously! ARE YOU THAT DUMB? I ask you a question and you deflect the question to Rodney King! I ask you again and illustrate what I am referring to and you deflect once again to black on black crimes! THIS CONVERSATION IS ON WHAT THE BLM STAND FOR AND TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH! If you just don't like blacks just say it! Stop hiding and say you give a rat a$$ if black man die in America.



pherein 09-04-2016 10:43 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Your a meesed up liitle boy, and going nowhere,and no one should take you seriously. .You have a childs mind like her and not important. Silly for anyone to waste time even communicating with you. Your just a stupid person.

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 11:03 AM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 716217)
Your a meesed up liitle boy, and going nowhere,and no one should take you seriously. .You have a childs mind like her and not important. Silly for anyone to waste time even communicating with you. Your just a stupid person.



Danno 09-04-2016 03:39 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
I'll bet there are thousands of instances where a black man should have been shot by police but wasn't.

Question... Should the actions of less than 1% of a group be used to condemn the entire group?

That's what you're doing, and that's why people think you're a fool.

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 06:46 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 716288)
I'll bet there are thousands of instances where a black man should have been shot by police but wasn't.

Question... Should the actions of less than 1% of a group be used to condemn the entire group?

That's what you're doing, and that's why people think you're a fool.

To answer your question, YES when that group do not hold that person accountable for their action. The police force ready to condemn the NFL for Kap wearing the socks, people ready to condemn the NFL for allowing him to protest, go back and read ALL THE STATEMENTS if you don't believe me including yours




blackangold 09-04-2016 07:07 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716318)
To answer your question, YES when that group do not hold that person accountable for their action. The police force ready to condemn the NFL for Kap wearing the socks, people ready to condemn the NFL for allowing him to protest, go back and read ALL THE STATEMENTS if you don't believe me including yours




No the cops don't have that right, black, white or brown it doesn't matter.

However, it's important to understand the LEO's position, their job is harder and more stressful than anything you can imagine. In those stressful situations some officers make poor judgement calls. Just like you at your job, sometimes you screw up, however if a LEO screws up it's often someone's life that is impacted.

Are there bad/corrupt and racist LEOs? Of course but that isn't the true issue. Fact is that more white males are shot by police every year than another race, and some of those are bad shootings too. Regardless of race your best bet is to comply and file a complaint/lawsuit after the issue is resolved and your still breathing.

On the BLM movement, it's a joke and distraction from minorities actually making a change in this country.

Here are a few short videos I highly encourage all to open their mind to:

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 07:16 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 716323)
No the cops don't have that right, black, white or brown it doesn't matter.

However, it's important to understand the LEO's position, their job is harder and more stressful than anything you can imagine. In those stressful situations some officers make poor judgement calls. Just like you at your job, sometimes you screw up, however if a LEO screws up it's often someone's life that is impacted.

Are there bad/corrupt and racist LEOs? Of course but that isn't the true issue. Fact is that more white males are shot by police every year than another race, and some of those are bad shootings too. Regardless of race your best bet is to comply and file a complaint/lawsuit after the issue is resolved and your still breathing.

On the BLM movement, it's a joke and distraction from minorities actually making a change in this country.

Here are a few short videos I highly encourage all to open their mind to:

was the MILLION MOM MARCH a joke?

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 07:20 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 716323)
No the cops don't have that right, black, white or brown it doesn't matter.

However, it's important to understand the LEO's position, their job is harder and more stressful than anything you can imagine. In those stressful situations some officers make poor judgement calls. Just like you at your job, sometimes you screw up, however if a LEO screws up it's often someone's life that is impacted.

Are there bad/corrupt and racist LEOs? Of course but that isn't the true issue. Fact is that more white males are shot by police every year than another race, and some of those are bad shootings too. Regardless of race your best bet is to comply and file a complaint/lawsuit after the issue is resolved and your still breathing.

On the BLM movement, it's a joke and distraction from minorities actually making a change in this country.

Here are a few short videos I highly encourage all to open their mind to:


blackangold 09-04-2016 07:30 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716327)

You clearly have your mind closed to any factual evidence on the broad problem. I stated that there are racist police officers just as there are racists in every community. You should actually watch the videos and try to debate with facts, outside of that your opinion is not intelligently based, however don't feel the need to get defensive because your mind won't be open at that point.

BLM stands for nothing, they support no specific policy change and cling on to the political side that has supported racism and poverty for blacks since the civil war. Slavery still exists today, unfortunately it's minorities enslaved by liberal policies because we fail to educate ourselves...

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 07:38 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss
Those studies about zero probability of a black man being shot or killed by officer are bogus. Two police shootings, two videos, two deaths - 2 days apart. Really! Protest don't matter if pertaining toward blacks or miniorities. THIS OFFICER NEED TO BE PROSECUTED FOR MURDER

blackangold 09-04-2016 07:44 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716333)
Those studies about zero probability of a black man being shot or killed by officer are bogus.

I am sorry you feel that way, perhaps some day you'll realize that studies and factual data is the best way to base your opinion rather than snippets of time or subjective selection of information.

It's a true shame, too many people (you included) are focused on the wrong thing. What about the thousands of blacks shot by blacks this year alone? Since 2008 more blacks have been murdered in Chicago than US deaths during the Iraq war, all black on black violence. Where is the outrage? Where is the outrage on liberal policies that encourage this environment?

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 07:50 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 716338)
I am sorry you feel that way, perhaps some day you'll realize that studies and factual data is the best way to base your opinion rather than snippets of time or subjective selection of information.

It's a true shame, too many people (you included) are focused on the wrong thing. What about the thousands of blacks shot by blacks this year alone? Since 2008 more blacks have been murdered in Chicago than US deaths during the Iraq war, all black on black violence. Where is the outrage? Where is the outrage on liberal policies that encourage this environment?

Been proven by the link I just displayed but I am the closed mine one


blackangold 09-04-2016 08:02 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716339)
Been proven by the link I just displayed but I am the closed mine one


What was proven?

I agree he should be prosecuted. Then what?

You didn't answer any of my previous questions.

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 08:13 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 716342)
What was proven?

I agree he should be prosecuted. Then what?

You didn't answer any of my previous questions.

what was proven that zero probability that a officer will murder a black man

Then what, you ask, more Americans can feel like that their some sense of hope in our judicial process. This victim and other families come together in their communities and start the process of building a bridge to unite citizens with the police, to work together against crime


blackangold 09-04-2016 08:21 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716343)
what was proven that zero probability that a officer will murder a black man

Then what, you ask, more Americans can feel like that their some sense of hope in our judicial process. This victim and other families come together in their communities and start the process of building a bridge to unite citizens with the police, to work together against crime


Why would you need to prove that? You seem to be mislead. It's fairly obvious that this is possible.

Why do people need to be prosecuted so the community can come together to fight crime? You realize that LEOs fight crime, right?

You are buying the narrative being fed to you. If the community would come together to find crime and poverty they would need to understand who they are fighting. You clearly don't know whom is actually your oppressor.

Keep buying what the media is selling you though...

nola_swammi 09-04-2016 08:36 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 716348)
Why would you need to prove that? You seem to be mislead. It's fairly obvious that this is possible.

Why do people need to be prosecuted so the community can come together to fight crime? You realize that LEOs fight crime, right?

You are buying the narrative being feed to you. If the community would come together to find crime and poverty they would need to understand who they are fighting. You clearly don't know whom is actually your oppressor.

Keep buying what the media is selling you though...

after all the murders of black men,women and boys with NO JUSTICE for their families. In Houston a young lady was place under arrest to be found dead in her cell,,her family. For the young boy playing with a toy gun, his family,,,,For the man in N.Y. that was trying to break up a fight being place in a choke hold I CANT BREATHE! For the many people out there that been affected by POLICE OFFICER or STAND YOUR GROUND LAW and wrongly lost their lives. BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT is no joke, just like anyone that use their AMERICAN & GOD GIVEN RIGHTS to protest, it is no JOKE


blackangold 09-04-2016 09:00 PM

Re: Colin Kaepernick-discuss

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 716358)
after all the murders of black men,women and boys with NO JUSTICE for their families. In Houston a young lady was place under arrest to be found dead in her cell,,her family. For the young boy playing with a toy gun, his family,,,,For the man in N.Y. that was trying to break up a fight being place in a choke hold I CANT BREATHE! For the many people out there that been affected by POLICE OFFICER or STAND YOUR GROUND LAW and wrongly lost their lives. BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT is no joke, just like anyone that use their AMERICAN & GOD GIVEN RIGHTS to protest, it is no JOKE


It is a joke.

Where is the outrage on the black on black crime that has killed more than most wars?

You are apart of the problem.

If you are willing to answer any of my questions or use data/stats to support your debate thereby forming thoughtful solutions to the problem, great I'll continue to banter with you. However you seem incapable, or more likely unwilling to, support any position or state real policy driven solutions. So, until then, good night and good luck.

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