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The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

this is a discussion within the NFL Community Forum; The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer Today’s headlines tell me that Kansas City Chiefs’ player Marcus Peters sat out the National Anthem during last night’s NFL opener. I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t watching. As consumers ...

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Old 09-11-2017, 09:46 AM   #1
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The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Today’s headlines tell me that Kansas City Chiefs’ player Marcus Peters sat out the National Anthem during last night’s NFL opener. I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t watching.

As consumers in America, we have a freedom to choose the products we purchase with the money we keep from our hard work after our government masters take their half. With that money, we buy the things we need and enjoy. It’s a simple concept; I don’t need or enjoy the NFL, so I do not participate in its offerings. I don’t go to games, I don’t watch them on television or the internet, and I don’t purchase NFL or player paraphernalia. I do this for a variety of reasons:

The NFL has become a bastion of political correctness and Leftist thought. It may be a small handful of players opposing their country’s anthem, but as long as it is accepted by the owners and coaches, then they have lost me as a viewer. Yes, in the U.S.A. you have the freedom to express your views however ridiculous they may be. I, too, have a right to express my disapproval of your views through my pocketbook.The NFL is a business that sells a product. I happen to now find that product unattractive, overpriced, and out of style - so I refuse to buy it.

The NFL has immersed itself in the hip-hop culture. Yes, I know this automatically makes me a racist according to the Left, but I simply don’t like the hip-hop culture and the things it represents that have nothing to do with skin color. I don’t approve of a culture whose music refers to women as “b**ches” and “h*s”, glorifies drug usage and violence, and encourages an illicit lifestyle. Plus, I don’t like the clothing. Pull up your pants, you look like an idiot. When this type of “music” blares out over the sound system in the stadium, as it did when I attended my last NFL game, I’m gone.

It’s a game. As I age, certain things become more valuable to me. Time is a resource and I refuse to give it up to something I don’t enjoy. I do still attend some college games and cheer for my alma mater, so it’s not the game I don’t enjoy; rather, it’s the commercialization and the culture. At the last professional football game I attended, I looked around at the people spending $9.00 for a beer wearing their $90 team jersey, and decided I didn’t want to be one of them. I can still enjoy the game by watching my local high school team. I can even walk onto the field afterwards and make a young person feel good by congratulating them on a good game, great tackle, or exceptional run.

The anthem. I served my country for six years, and the National Anthem brings a tear to my eye every time I hear it. Every. Time. It represents the collective sacrifice of my friends and colleagues and everyone who went before us. It’s the same flag that was draped over my former teammate’s coffin after being killed in Afghanistan. It’s personal to me, very personal. To sit it out, talk during it, raise your fist, or any other form of disrespect is unacceptable to me. Period. I’m simply not willing to look beyond that. There is no pass on this one. If you can’t stand still and respect the flag of this great nation and everything for which it stands, then you and everyone associated with you isn’t getting one dime from me.

When Chiefs fans replace the last word of the anthem with the word “Chiefs” I don’t find it cute or excuse the behavior. It’s disrespectful to the millions of brave souls who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that these slobs could swill their $9 beers and scream at players on a Sunday afternoon. It’s inappropriate, disrespectful and I’m not going to participate.


So, Colin Kaepernick, Marcus Peters and every other flag protesting twit, this American is done with the likes of you. And, I’m not alone. Welcome to the unemployment line coming soon to your future.

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Old 09-11-2017, 09:52 AM   #2
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Ratings are down yet another 12% so far as a consequence.

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Old 09-11-2017, 09:55 AM   #3
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

My reasons are different. I cannot stand Goodell's greedy and two-faced ways, and the stench of it is all over the NFL. Just watching the Saints this year, and pretty much nothing else. Yesterday I didn't even bother looking at the scores let alone turn on an NFL game. Watched the US Open and HS/college football this weekend and that was plenty of entertainment for me.
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Old 09-11-2017, 10:15 AM   #4
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

This is my second year playing fantasy football. Such a great escape from work, politics. I don't even watch the games anymore other than the Saints and highlights. Very engaging taking calculated risks, watching waiver wires, injury reports. I started Kareem Hunt for example this weekend. I don't know his politics nor do I care. He scored a massive amount of points. I could have watched the game but it was more fun watching my stats go up while doing other things. I will be watching the Saints tonight but I'm not going to watch 2-3 games a week ever again.
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Old 09-11-2017, 10:52 AM   #5
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by Beastmode View Post
This is my second year playing fantasy football. Such a great escape from work, politics. I don't even watch the games anymore other than the Saints and highlights. Very engaging taking calculated risks, watching waiver wires, injury reports. I started Kareem Hunt for example this weekend. I don't know his politics nor do I care. He scored a massive amount of points. I could have watched the game but it was more fun watching my stats go up while doing other things. I will be watching the Saints tonight but I'm not going to watch 2-3 games a week ever again.
Right. I will get my fill of commercials and political opining just watching the game tonight!
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Old 09-11-2017, 01:00 PM   #6
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Attention whores need attention. We need to stop giving these disrespectful turd holes a platform to push their personal agenda. While I'm glad the announcers made it a point to single Peters out when he did it, it's actually giving the turd exactly what he wanted. I was hoping someone would pop on the field.

Standing for the national anthem should just be a natural sign of etiquettecy like opening doors for other people, getting up and letting someone else sit who really needs it, covering your mouth when you cough... basic levels of etiquette/respect that should have been ingrained in our heads at an early stage in our lives. I would be embarrassed to see my son or daughter do such a thing on especially on national TV.

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

All little common sense goes a long way.
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Old 09-11-2017, 02:02 PM   #7
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Goodell does not work for "himself" he is an employee of the OWNERS!
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Old 09-11-2017, 02:43 PM   #8
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by vpheughan View Post
Goodell does not work for "himself" he is an employee of the OWNERS!
Right, and they won't hold him accountable for screwing things up until it really affects their bottom line. Best thing I can do is pretend that 31 out of 32 NFL teams don't even exist. My heart and soul won't let me boycott the Saints.
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Old 09-11-2017, 02:48 PM   #9
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Shoutout to hip-hop culture, Marcus Peters, Michael Bennett, and Beast Mode.
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Old 09-11-2017, 02:57 PM   #10
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Re: The NFL Is a Product I Refuse to Purchase Any Longer

Originally Posted by rezburna View Post
Shoutout to hip-hop culture, Marcus Peters, Michael Bennett, and Beast Mode.
Hip hop culture? Tf is that?
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