Originally Posted by frydaddy
(Post 808246)
I'm gonna jump back in the water for a moment to quickly address a couple of things. Rez, you talked about how God apparently ignores/doesn't care about black people. Allow me to point out that the Jews, who were his first chosen people have been enslaved numerous times in their history. They've also been hunted to the point of near extinction and didn't even have a land to call their own for a very long time. To this day, they are surrounded by people who hate them, want them dead and are actively seeking means to complete what Hitler couldn't. You, like a lot of folks, even a lot of Christians mistakenly believe that following God means life is gonna be great. Just sunshine and rainbows everyday. Even though the bible clearly says that that isn't the case. It talks about it being the narrow way that few will find, it talks about having to take up your cross daily, about having to be patient and long suffering. Yes, black people went through some terrible times in more recent history, doesn't mean there isn't a God and that he doesn't love black people. This life is a very brief flicker in the scope of eternity. And while I don't doubt that it hurts His heart to see anyone suffer in this life, his main concern lies in what happens to you after. Because whatever that ends up being for a person, its forever, without change. And let's be real here, if a person doesn't like the situation they're in, it's up to them to change it. Sometimes it takes a lot of work, but literally anyone can do it. I don't like the situation I'm in at all, and I've felt stuck and without a way to change it for a really long time, but I kept at it until something came along. Which brings me to something else I wanted to say. You've got this idea, much like your ideas about God, that being white automatically means that life is gonna be great. Let me give you a quick view into my life. I grew up one of five children. My parents struggled to give us the best life they could while also keeping a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. They couldn't afford to send any of us to college, or buy us our first car, or anything of the sort. Fast forward to today, I am married and a father of 7 (yes, seven) kids. We struggle to pay our bills. We live month to month, week to week, sometimes day to day. In the past month alone I have befallen a number of financial hardships that have put me in a position of near desperation. There's no magic "yo it's cool, I'm white" button I can press to get my bills or my creditors off my back. Or to give me some easy path to financial stability. I've been working 2 jobs for years now and we still mostly just scrape by. I've tried to go to college twice now to get a degree so I can get a better job, had to drop out both times because I couldn't keep up with classes and homework and working enough to keep my bills paid. Being white hasn't helped me with any of that, and it won't. Now I'm gonna make it out, but only because I wouldn't give up until I found a way. So, working together with my wife, her going to school and getting a degree and getting a good job so that I can quit working and go to school so I can get a better job, we're gonna work our asses off and make our situation better. I know this is getting long and rambling, I guess what I'm trying to say is if there were some inherent white privilege I could've tapped into to bail me out I would've found it by now. Cause buddy, I've been looking for any way out of this for what seems like forever.