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rezburna 08-13-2018 12:12 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 808142)
Just so we're clear, I don't bear you any ill will. Even though we disagree, and even though I do think you're kind of a racist, I don't think you're a bad guy. And I realize that at this point I've probably made you angry, and you could care less about whether I think you're "good" or "bad" but I feel it's important to clarify.

I’m not mad at all. I’m passionate. I been Black my whole life. These conversations have always been unavoidable for me.

Good and bad is subjective and I’m completely aware of that. A large portion of my community champions my school of thought. Most of the White community doesn’t. Isn’t the first time we disagreed.

When these protests first started a doctor told me and a Black coworker that Thomas Jefferson owning slaves didn’t make him a bad person after going on a rant about disrespect.

I’m not mad at any of you. I expect these opinions and no longer have the desire to change them. I started on this forum 5 years ago at the age of 22. I tried convincing everybody for years that things are engineered to be this way. That’s dead, and it’s not personal.

frydaddy 08-13-2018 12:19 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808141)
I知 not begging you or your community for anything. I知 telling you I知 coming to get it and when I do just remember there were people who asked nicely first.

You could hate Black people, Muslims, or Hispanics. It wouldn稚 matter to me. I知 not here to convince you to think one way or the other. I知 here to tell you I知 coming, and you can experience the way the world is when it痴 made in my image.

Well man, I'm sorry you feel that way. That's an unfortunate outlook, and one that is doomed to fail. Sounds an awful lot like the words of some real evil folks throughout history. Didn't work out well for them, won't work out well for you. Again, not saying you're evil, but you seem to be setting yourself on a certain path that doesn't lead to anything good. One day you'll see that. I hope for your sake that that day comes while you're still breathing. We're all gonna face judgement on the other side eventually, and it'll be too late to change course when you're standing before God. And yes, I know from some of your past posts that you don't believe in the "abrahamic God" but that will change one day too, one way or another.

rezburna 08-13-2018 12:24 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 808144)
Well man, I'm sorry you feel that way. That's an unfortunate outlook, and one that is doomed to fail. Sounds an awful lot like the words of some real evil folks throughout history. Didn't work out well for them, won't work out well for you. Again, not saying you're evil, but you seem to be setting yourself on a certain path that doesn't lead to anything good. One day you'll see that. I hope for your sake that that day comes while you're still breathing. We're all gonna face judgement on the other side eventually, and it'll be too late to change course when you're standing before God. And yes, I know from some of your past posts that you don't believe in the "abrahamic God" but that will change one day too, one way or another.

We値l see.

vpheughan 08-13-2018 01:38 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
Don’t be so arrogant as to tell me what I do and don’t understand. You don’t know me.

saintfan 08-13-2018 01:41 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808118)
Tell your grandfather I said hello. And my respects to your grandmother.

We€™ll see. *セエキ*シソス*™‚ク

Part of your problem is you want to punish people now for sins for which they had no part. Sarcasm duly noted. When you can make a point that doesn稚 reference the color of a mans skin we can get somewhere. Until then you keep on believing what you believe. People (black and white) died for that right...or maybe only just for us white folk?

saintfan 08-13-2018 01:44 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808122)
You don稚 know what racism is.

But you do. You see it everywhere. You can tell Him what he doesn稚 know but how dare I or anyone else suggest you might not know it all? I don稚 think hypocrisy has a color...

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:07 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808152)
But you do. You see it everywhere. You can tell Him what he doesn稚 know but how dare I or anyone else suggest you might not know it all? I don稚 think hypocrisy has a color...

On the contrary. I am arrogant, and I do know more than all of you on the subject. Take that how you want.

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:17 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808151)
Part of your problem is you want to punish people now for sins for which they had no part. Sarcasm duly noted. When you can make a point that doesn’t reference the color of a mans skin we can get somewhere. Until then you keep on believing what you believe. People (black and white) died for that right...or maybe only just for us white folk?

The main problem is people are being punished today in conjunction with suffering for sins of which they had no part of, and you say one thing behind closed doors claiming to be some indifferent, ally but then you switch up in the public forum. I call that wishy washy.

Y’all continue to reference The Abrahamic version of God, and that’s cool. That God has taken real good care of your people for a few centuries, but he sits back why mine pray to him everyday and continue to suffer. Y’all can have that God. It amuses me. You’re convinced a man is sitting in the clouds counting your good and bad deeds like Santa Claus but you look at us with skepticism and scoff at an entire diaspora that tells you they’re going through something serious in a country that’s ENTIRE history along with current socioeconomic studies back up such claims. approach me knowing all this because we’ve talked about it before, and you want me to grab your hand and take a leap of good faith. Based on what? Because you say you’re colorblind and judge people on the content of their character? That MLK ****? Lol.

Don’t talk about race when the foundation of the protests are race? Stop it. You don’t give a **** about Black people. You just don’t want White people to be the blame...because you’re colorblind until the word White gets thrown out there. Then you finally remember, oh yeah, that’s me. Let ME defend ME.

saintfan 08-13-2018 02:23 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808155)
On the contrary. I am arrogant, and I do know more than all of you on the subject. Take that how you want.

You are arrogant. No doubt.

You don't know half of what you think you know because you don't consult the other half. That's the problem with you and a lot of other people just like you. Every word you type I've heard before, almost word for word. That's indoctrination. That is not education.

Here, thought is the tell all question regarding your "knowledge"?

Are you a racist?

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:28 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808158)
You are arrogant. No doubt.

You don't know half of what you think you know because you don't consult the other half. That's the problem with you and a lot of other people just like you. Every word you type I've heard before, almost word for word. That's indoctrination. That is not education.

Here, thought is the tell all question regarding your "knowledge"?

Are you a racist?

I live in America. The opinions and thoughts of White people shape my reality. You think I just started having these discussions when I joined the forum? I was in gifted as early as I could qualify for it. My life has been dominated by White thought. If anything, I should be indoctrinated into intense, Conservatism.

I’m Pro-Black. I’m Pan-Afrikan. I’m a revolutionary. Call that whatever you want. It makes no difference to me.

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