this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; The o-line is playing now, like people thought they would at the beginning of the season....
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#31 |
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Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
The o-line is playing now, like people thought they would at the beginning of the season.
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#32 |
5000 POSTS! +
Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Its really funny to me that people want to stop bashing Faine and in the same breath bash Mare, Jason David, Aaron Brooks. Those players are ok to bash but lord don't bash Jeff Faine. Its not bashing its pointing out a player who isn't doing his job... like Mare, Jason David ect ect.
When Faine has a good game I'll say it. But right now he's the worse player on that line and so far his back up has played better when he's in period. 1 plus 1 eqauls 2. |
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#33 |
5000 POSTS! +
Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Originally Posted by dasaints26
Yes, If I have to to see whats going on read the play and see who is suppose to be doing what. Its pretty obvious when your center is running out wide as a lead blocking on a sweep or screen play and doesn't hit someone. He wouldn't be doing that if his assignment wasn't to block someone - anyone out there. Why would he be out there at all unless he was trying to find gatorade on the sideline or his moma to take him away from the linemen who are trying to run past him to get to his QB/RBs. If you study the game and the plays you'll be more in tuned to whats going on and may see a bigger picture to whats going right and going wrong. ![]()
Originally Posted by dasaints26
What??? its about match ups! You create mis-matches to get advantages. Yes give me a big linemen to block a little CB - KNOCK HIS ASS IN THE DIRT... advantage 300 pound guy. Hell you don't really have to him hit does he??? no all he really has to do is force the CB to run around him it'll slow him down and let our rb take the other side...free. Advantage Lineman. You try and swing Bush out and see who covers him... You see a LB on him guess what you are going to bush with the ball on a deep route and let bush outrun him. advantage - MISS MATCH.![]()
Originally Posted by dasaints26
We can be better and need to get better. I am sorry not going to settle beating up on teams that are hurt and then turn around and get turkey based by good teams. If we are a supposedly good team then we need to beat good teams. ![]()
Each player is graded and evaluated. Faine is being called out because he makes MANY mistakes. He is getting by becuase the others play well but when they need some help he isn't there. I totally give lots of credit to Bree's game for our offense looking so good in the passing game, he's quick release gets rid of the ball fast, short drop backs. He doesn't take the long drop backs very much. Its not just sacks you need to worry about its the rushes and hits he takes as well that really aren't recorded so much as stats. That will mess with him mentally. Stats are for girls. You can make stats read anything you want them to. You might look at Brees INTS and think damn he sucks this year he's lost it but you don't See the stat that says this INT was because the WR/TE didn't catch the ball and bounce out of his hands into the defenders hands. You don't see the stat where a 300 pounder DT hanging on the end of his arm as he throws the INT. You seriously have to study the game to get an idea of whats really going on and wrong with FAINE. |
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#34 |
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Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
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#35 |
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Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Originally Posted by Euphoria
1 Haven't heard anyone bashing him lately. (Mare)![]()
2. Your opinion,which we've all known for quite a while now. (Faine) 3. Oh my God, Brooks doesn't even play the game anymore, so who cares? You're stirring again! Please stop it. |
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#36 |
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Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Originally Posted by Euphoria
Right, you're not negative... you just point out the obvious. I hope you're not implying I force my opinion on you... didn't you say earlier somewhere I never have anything insightful to say? So what is it? Make up your mind. It's obvious you can't debate with me w/o feeling backed in the corner and whining all the time... maybe I should leave you alone. I can tell you have trouble handling it. And I'm glad you clarified yourself WhoDatQB, because that first post of yours was not the same as the second. I'm glad someone agrees with Euph on Faine being completely useless.
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
All little common sense goes a long way. |
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#37 |
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Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Originally Posted by WhoDatQB
Yes, I've watched him and I don't think he's as bad as you and Euph make him out to be. Maybe I can understand you're talking about him once in a while but with Euph it's just pure and simple haterd of the man. He's shown that to many times. He also uses it to start trouble with other members. ![]()
What ya'll seem to forget is as a moderator I have to read EVERY post on here. I see what he's doing even though he tries to hide it in his words. I see what he's doing and don't really like it much. His day will come and soon. I'm just tired of it all. |
Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot, than to open it and remove all doubt!!!!!
"Every time you think, you weaken the nation!" Moe Howard...The Three Stooges. |
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#38 |
5000 POSTS! +
Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Originally Posted by papz
I ask you... what is this post all about? Expalin this to me. A thread going good. I pointed out an outstanding game a linemen had against a pretty reputable Defensive lineman. I gave my opinion from what I saw and I got facts to back it up. This is the crap I get. I have nothing against Nesbit he didn't stick out to me this game not to say he did anything wrong either. I get called for having an agend??? Please tell me what agenda I have against Nesbit. I don't recall ever really talking about him specifically. This post is the one that made this go personal. ![]()
When someone starts name calling and hitting below the belt I get blamed for it??? BS. I discuss the games, players, and plays. I don't sit here and single any member out nor start talking bad about them. Someone may want to do some investigating. If I talk bad about a player and back it up. I think I have that right as a fan. Anyone who doesn't want to read it then don't. There is a lot of threads here I don't read because I don't care about. If I have nothing more to say on a subject... I won't say anything. I have no agenda. As soon as I see someone standing up and playing football, I'll be the first to point it out. I think you sir is the one with the agenda. What still mad I stuck up for JD last week and this week he comes out and has a great game. So you're mad and want to stirr trouble up with me any where you can. Stinchcomb made some good blocks and kept his a damn good linemen from making any tackles. Thats impressive! Jeff Faine did nothing to stand out. Never said Jeff Faine didn't make any blocks but he didn't make any key blocks and had several missed key blocks causing plays to get blown up. He was the worse OL out there this past week if that is bad or good you decide. But I know what I saw and someone else even piggy backing on to what I have pointed out. What arrogance. Why don't yall stop acting like little girls in a cat fight, stop bashing a member and bring some insight to a discussion. If you saw something different -Hey glad to hear is say it but I don't see where either of you are doing that. What play??? I'll go look at the tape to see what you are talking about. But to sit here and make a thread out about me is just losing track of what this thread is ment to be about and that is my friends - JON STINCHCOMB. GREAT JOB - JON STINCHCOMB!!! for shutting down Julius Peppers. |
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#39 |
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Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Ok boys, this is it. Last chance to stop. If it doesn't stop the thread will be locked. Act like grown ups please.
"Anyone who doesn't want to read it then don't." Euph said. Well I don't have that option, as I said as a moderator I have to read all of them. I can't tell ya'll how sick this is making me. I'm about to put a stop to all of it. And right now I really don't care who's fault it is. Again this is the last warning. |
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#40 |
5000 POSTS! +
Re: GAME BALL: Jonathan Stinchcomb
Everyone has options in life. I mean you can be a member of the site. You can be a mod or not. Its all about choices, my man. Its all good though I do appreciate you being a mod, someone should do it.
Next time when someone starts to make something personal out of a thread I'll point it out to you so you can deal with it. I do want to clarify one thing though. When someone starts bull here the thread gets moved to smack or is the policy to just lock it? |
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