10-05-2009, 06:12 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Lafayette, LA
Posts: 2,345
Re: "I hope you're watching!"
Who gives a crap about the stats from yesterday. The OP talked about did you see Reggie get his ass chewed, not who had the better game stats wise. My point was not to point out stats, they all contributed in the win some how or another. The point I was trying to make is that everyone gets down on Reggie when he screws up but no one talks about other mistakes that other players make. It just so easy for people to jump on the Reggie Bush bash-wagon that they let other people slip away. When Mike Bell fumbled and it was returned for a TD all people talked about was Reggie. It just gets old after a while. Look I not saying the guy has played lights out by any means but the Bush bash-wagon gets old. Hey we won the game so get over it. This team is good... finally. Enjoy the win and quit all the *****ing.