03-19-2010, 12:05 AM
Faqda Falcons
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Ruston, Louisiana
Posts: 3,465
Re: Back-up QB options?
Originally Posted by saintfan
It doesn't tie together. If a guy grades as a starter he gets starter money. Backups get backup money. Look at who the backup is on other teams. Mark Brunell is plenty smart and he's been in the system for a while. What's the better option? And can't we at least agree that there are bigger needs on the team? Cause if Brees goes down we're in trouble, and I don't care who the #2 guy is...
I will only things I will agree with you on is that if Brees go down we are screwed and that the team has bigger needs. As far as the rest? Not at all, because you apparently have missed my entire point. I'm not concerned about who is getting payed what for what position. What does that even have to do with my point? That has absolutely no bearing on my point. My point is, and I will state this again, that if Brees is injured for a number of games, who would be starting those games? If Brunell is the back up, then that would mean he would be starting the game. I don't care how much knowledge he has in the system or how smart he is. I don't care how many Pro Bowls he's been to or anything from his past. If he can't physically perform well in a back up role, then what makes anyone think that he would physically perform if he had to work with the first team? Knowledge of the system would get him nowhere. The Saints offense would struggle and they would more than likely lose more than they would win. That is why I think the back up QB spot needs to be addressed. Maybe not top of the list, but it definitely could be upgraded. I don't know how much more simple I can say this to get my point across.