this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; WhoDat -- Your problem is you just can\'t seem to make up your mind on Brooks. Last year if it were up to you, Brooks would have been cut. Then a few weeks ago you said you were wrong about ...
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#51 |
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 842
WhoDat -- Your problem is you just can\'t seem to make up your mind on Brooks. Last year if it were up to you, Brooks would have been cut. Then a few weeks ago you said you were wrong about Brooks. Now, where do you stand. Do you still want to cut him? Probably since your solution to EVERYTHING is \"fire \'em all and rebuild.\"
WhoDat, are you familar with the history of most QB\'s in this league? I\'m not talking about the Tom Brady\'s and Kurt Warner\'s of the league. I\'m talking about the Aikman\'s, Elway\'s, McNair\'s, and a 100 other QB\'s that have been in this league. This is Brooks 3rd year as a starter and while he isn\'t perfect, he is definately an above average QB that is struggling no worse than the QB\'s I just listed. Can you deny that? Not if you are honest!! But, you go ahead and say that Brooks is the MAIN reason this team is losing and I\'ll keep right on blaming Brooks when it\'s called for and at the sametime spreading the blame around. I know some fans think the blame starts and ends with Brooks, but one day they will learn. Maybe, right after you do......... |
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#52 |
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 26
Hello to anyone, just found this site and I would like to be able to give you guys my feeling about our team. I\'m a true Saint\'s Fan, not a hard core fan but I love and \"hate\" the Saints.
I would like to say first that I respect everyone opinion and I\'m not going to make any comments about anyone personally. With that said, way would someone have to back up there opinions in the first place. This board is here to discussion opinions and feelings about the Saints good or bad. If someone here feels Aaron Brooks is playing like crap and needs to go, that is their opinion. If someone here feels Deuce is not living up to his end of the bargain for the team, again their opinion, be it be right or wrong. Now, something I think everyone would agree on is that it is the quarterback\'s job to lead his team. I don\'t care what style of leadership, but he must be a good leader. And in my opinion Brooks\' is not a good leader. Yes, I believe Brooks has ability to be a great QB and can develop into a good leader, but he his to also have a good, or should I say a GREAT, leader to follow. Haslett is not the leader for Brooks. I believe in order for the Saints to become a better team one of those guys most go!!! They have two totally different styles of leadership. Brooks\' attitude doesn\'t match with Haslett. I\'m not saying Haslett isn\'t a great leader either; just the two of them are not made for each other. I don\'t know if the problem resides with Brooks and his unemotional disposition. Or is it Haslett fault for not spending more time with Brooks trying to mold him into a great QB. Now, I\'ve never been a Brooks fan. I just never got a good feeling with him. But he is our QB and I have no choice but to like it. So if one of them would have to go I would say Brooks. If Brooks would have that fire in his eyes and desire to win that shows though his actions and his play on the field I would say different. I just don\'t see it and would like someone who has it. That would change to whole chemistry of the team in which I believe would be for the better. Brooks has shown us time and time again on the sidelines and after bad plays how it effects him and that to me is not the kind of leadership this team needs. So, there you have it. That is what I think. Either get raid of Brooks or get raid of Haslett. As long as one goes. We should be better next year. I don\'t accept everyone or even anyone to agree with me, but please don\'t attack me for my opinion. |
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#53 |
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I\'ve continued to say that I am on the fence with Brooks. However, more often than not in the last three years I\'ve been on the \"find another option\" side of the fence. Billy, you admitted in another post a day or two ago that if Haslett doesn\'t make the playoffs that will be enough for you to want a new coach. How long will it take for you to feel the same about Brooks? 3.5 years as a starter enough? How do you rate him as a QB? You talk about me going one way then the other - this offseason you said I had an agenda b/c I said Brooks\' completion percentage, efficiency rating, TD to INT ratio, and other comparitive numbers were poor. You said that the only thing that matter were yards and TDs. Now that those two measures are down for Brooks, you\'re using the EXACT measures that you argued tooth and nail against me about less than 6 months ago. So you tell me - what is it Billy? Completion percentage? Efficiency? TDs? Yards? TDs to INTs? Yards per attempt? What? How do we rate Brooks? |
\"Excuses, excuses, excuses. That’s all anyone ever makes for the New Orleans Saints’ organization.\" - Eric Narcisse
\"Being a Saints fan is almost like being addicted to crack,\" he said.[i]\"You know you should stop, but you just can\'t.\" |
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#54 |
1000 Posts +
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Cuting Brooks would be stupid.
We should do all we can to grossly overinflate his numbers so we increase his trade value. |
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#55 |
Join Date: Apr 2004
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The problem with the way you view things WhoDat is you have tunnel vision. You do realize that there are 22 players between the offense and defense? I\'ve counted \'em, so I know this is true. I know you probably don\'t believe there is anyone but Aaron Brooks on the field, but just hurmor me and let\'s PRETEND there are 22 players. OK?
During the course of the season Brooks has had his ups and downs, but what about the other 21 players? Let\'s look at the Titans game, or the Colts game, of the Eagles game. Which one of those games did Brooks\' lose for us? Now, please don\'t avoid the question, like you are so famous for doing. Did he cost us the eagles game? He fumbled the ball at the goal line, (but let\'s not put any blame on Terell Smith) but didn\'t the Eagles offense have to drive 80-yards for a TD after that fumble? Did Brooks commit 12-penalties during the course of the game that put us in long down and distance situations? Did Brooks miss any tackles? Did Brooks cause Carney\'s field goal to get blocked? But, yet Brooks is the main reason we lost the game? After EVERY loss WhoDat, you and just about EVERYONE else on here comes crying that Brooks lost the game for us !! There is no denying that. I can pull up post after post showing where this is true. I\'ve never heard a bigger bunch of whining fans in my life. Then when myself and Saintfan points out that there are acutally 21 other players on the field (we\'re still pretending, OK?) we are some how crazy because we don\'t see ONLY Aaron Brooks on the field. I can and HAVE said that Brooks play has been erratic at times, but I also ain\'t so STUPID that I can\'t see OTHER problems that don\'t have a DAMN thing to do with Brooks. Let\'s just forget about the 1000 dropped passes and the 1000 penalties and the bad games the defense has had and let\'s come on this board and blame Brooks for EVERYTHING. Short sighted folks posting short sighted opinions. Why fans can\'t place blame on Brooks when it\'s called for and still see the BIG piture is WAY beyond me. Then you guys have the nerve to say that you don\'t blame Brooks for EVERYTHING, but..... Is pathetic. It\'d take a damn blind and man to believe that. Not only do the short sighted posters come on here after each loss and blame Brooks, we have some fans that come on here at half time and pin a loss on Brooks when we actually go on to win the game !! [Edited on 26/11/2003 by BillyC] Are you really going to start this again? [Edited on 26/11/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
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#56 |
Resident antediluvian
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Billy, I think you will notice that the members here are actually singling out only the high paid palyers at impact positions that are not living up to performance expectations. Tebucky, Stallworth, Gandy, etc. get as much flak as Brooks when they fail to produce. As a fan, I feel it is warranted to give slack to a low paid player that doesn\'t play at a high level of effectiveness since that\'s why he is paid so low. Do you not feel that Tebucky Jones warrants criticism moreso that his salary is so high compared to the free safety market and his performance is not reflecting good value at this rate of pay? Brooks is a high paid QB in this league and he should be consistently performing to a relative level for this pay. If Deuce, Horn, Grant were inconsistent performers, they too would get criticism for not showing up all of the time since they are big contracts and expected to be foundations of this team. Brooks, for his level of pay, is expected to be a top 5 producer and will earn the criticism when he doesn\'t. If Brooks was the 15th highest paid QB in this league, I would not expect more than him being the 15th best QB. If we were paying Tebucky Jones $350K a year and gave up nothing to get him you wouldn\'t hear people talking about what a bust he is. But because he earns so much money and isn\'t one of the best free safeties in the game it is highlighted.
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#57 |
Join Date: Apr 2004
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LummOx -- Certainly I think that players that earn high salaries should be held to a standard for which they are paid. But, the level of unwarranted critcism that Brooks receieves on this board in not justified. Whether Brooks makes one dollar or one-hundred million dollars, his play is affected by the other players on the team.
Deuce Mcallister has had a great year, but in the Titans\' game he was held to 12-yards rushing. Was this Deuce\'s fault? Only if someone is so short sighted that they don\'t realize he can\'t do it by himself. But the fact of the matter is, Deuce\'s performance is not dependent on as many players as Brooks. While Brooks has not been consistant as I would like, I know that some of that is not his fault. I know that throughout this year that the rest of the offense has contributed more to the lack of success on offense than Brooks has. If ANYONE wants to think that Brooks has stalled more drives than the 10-other guys on offense, then they either have blinders on, or they just plain out hate the guy. I can sit here and place blame on Brooks for MANY things, but unless I come out and say that Brooks is a BUM and an IDIOT, then it\'s never gonna be good enough for some of the posters on here. Period !!! I can show \'em where their critcism is completely wrong. YES, I said WRONG !! But, until Brooks\' takes us to the Super Bowl and wins it, it\'s never gonna be good enough, because to them, it starts and ends with Aaron Brooks. Like I said -- Short sighted fans !! [Edited on 26/11/2003 by BillyC] |
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#58 |
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OK, let\'s start with what you just said Billy. AB has 15 turnovers. Please provide me with proof of 15 drive stalling f-ups by the other 10 players on offense. This should be VERY easy given our offense\'s play, and is step one of your little proof. Go ahead. You told me that I have blinders on, that I\'m short-sighted, and wrong. Obviously, you see the big picture where I do not, so go ahead a straighten me right out. Show me why I\'m wrong. Can you even do this? If not, then you have no business making such bold statements... unless... oh, I see. You\'re a comedian. I get it now.
Go ahead Billy. Back all your talk up. You were wrong about the offense this season, wrong about the defense, wrong about special teams, wrong about the team\'s record and overall play, and now you\'re saying that you were wrong about Haslett. So go ahead, show me why you\'re not wrong about Brooks too. |
\"Excuses, excuses, excuses. That’s all anyone ever makes for the New Orleans Saints’ organization.\" - Eric Narcisse
\"Being a Saints fan is almost like being addicted to crack,\" he said.[i]\"You know you should stop, but you just can\'t.\" |
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#59 |
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 842
At least you finially come out and admitted that you are blaming Brooks more than all the other players on offense COMBINED !! Maybe now folks will realize how you think. Just like your little poll where the really knowledgeable fans on here didn\'t agree with you !! Now , you can\'t say \"see Billy, everyone see\'s it but you.\" Drop back 10-yards and punt WhoDat -- [Edited on 26/11/2003 by BillyC] |
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#60 |
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 26
No, there are a lot more people who believe Brooks lost a few games for the Saints. BillyC, take just one game and count each mistake by each player, than go to the next game and count each mistake by each player. I bet you will than see that Brooks will be in the lead in almost all those games of player with mistakes. Sure everyone make mistake in some games, but Brooks just makes too many.
I believe I read on this board that Brooks has to play a flawless game in order for the Saints to win, I don\'t agree with that. Everyone else has to play flawless in order for Brooks to look good and the Saints to win. |
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