10-23-2004, 09:05 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 2,894
Brooks and Saints are losers
Always have been, always will be, it seems. In order to salvage some respect for this organization, there is only one thing that might work. The first step is to quit going to the dome. Once Benson gets the message that the party is over, he will do something, probably sell. When they get new ownership, they might have a chance to win...depends on who the owner is. Right now, with our current owner, he is satisfied with things the way they are....as long as the dome keeps selling out. If he is satisfied, Haz stays. If Haz stays, Brooks plays. If Brooks plays, we lose. I mean, just take a look at what they have already accomplished this year. A loss to Arizona, who had not won previously, followed by a loss to TB, who had not won previously. How can some of you guys keep supporting this kind of bull. GET A CLUE!!!