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AlaskaSaints 01-11-2014 09:51 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by limitless (Post 572566)
I can accept this more than I can accept simply "It's Drew's fault why we lost the game" or "I'm ready for a new QB." Just want to remind everyone that without Drew we are a 5 or 6 win team at best. Drew is 34 years old and some of you on here make him out to be 40. I'm watching Brady who is 36 going on 37 and he's doing pretty good. He make questionable decisions and throws INT's too, but without Brady, NE is a 7 win team.

Also, I get ticked off reading this about Drew because people don't remember how bad our QB's were before he got here. I'd much rather he finish his career a Saint. He11, I'd put a 41 year old Drew in there over the other 90% of the average or BAD QB's in the NFL.

Hate to break it to you, but there are 7 other QB's still in the playoffs at this moment not named Drew Brees. One of them will wear a Super Bowl ring. He's not even in the top 5 QB's in the game right now, you know. We've got the QB-Payday-Curse since '11.

He really needs to grow some legs when his bubble collapses. Maybe next year we can build him a better bubble.


pherein 01-11-2014 09:51 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 572571)
LL, this is the official moan and groan thread, but you can't really listen to what pherein and bandg say right now -- they are drowning their sorrows -- or have completely lost their minds if they are serious. If they are serious then -- ask them which available QB replacement they would bring in -- and on which planet Sean Payton would ever consider that move? His play-calling may be suspect this year but I can assure you SP has not lost his mind.

and you cant listen to what whodat says because it means nothing because hes a loyal homer with no original imformation. Seriously bad passes of the mark for entire ½, open moore, and dangerious throws. Brees was lucky he wasnt intercepted, and choked later.
To WHOidiot its blind. No one is saying to replace Brees and that is pretty stupid, but that has to be explained to you,because your simplistic.
Brees just played like crap, and you cant handle that, but thats exactly what happened. He lost that game.

saintsfan1976 01-11-2014 09:52 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread
Great job by the defense tonight.

13 first downs by Seattle - 25 by the Saints.

Wilson COMPLETED only 9 passes.

Lynch did his job, but we had our shots in the backfield.

Don't put this on our kicker.... Laces out and wind.

Should have converted on 3rd and 4th.

I can't be mad at Seattle with so much blame to go around our own locker room

saintsfan1976 01-11-2014 09:53 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread
Can't help but comment on how "scared" Brees looked tonight.

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 09:54 PM

Re: Clock managment
Ya'll do realize the crowd noise had a lot to do with it? They pipe noise into the stadium for a reason, you know...

NoZone504 01-11-2014 09:54 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by Mr.Riaton (Post 572572)
Drew isnt what he was two years ago because he wasnt protected this year like he was two years ago. I guess that goes to show that Drew does not make his linemen better like some people actually believe. Dumbest thing I've ever heard!

If he stops holding the ball waiting on Jimmy to come free the sack numbers would be different.

Cruize 01-11-2014 09:56 PM

Re: Clock managment

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 572583)
Ya'll do realize the crowd noise had a lot to do with it? They pipe noise into the stadium for a reason, you know...

But, you KNOW that going into the game. You've already experienced it one time this season. You adjust.

NoZone504 01-11-2014 09:56 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 572581)
Can't help but comment on how "scared" Brees looked tonight.

He's turns into Kurt Warner after taking a few hits

W. Kovacs 01-11-2014 09:56 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by NoZone504 (Post 572584)
If any of our receivers would fight to break free the sack numbers would be different.

Fixed it for you. ;)

Mr.Riaton 01-11-2014 09:57 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by NoZone504 (Post 572584)
If he stops holding the ball waiting on Jimmy to come free the sack numbers would be different. dice. Nice try though.

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 09:58 PM

Re: Clock managment

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 572587)
But, you KNOW that going into the game. You've already experienced it one time this season. You adjust.

You do realize, they are just human and mistakes are made? Like Drew not hearing the play-call on one of those plays and having to get confirmation... You can't adjust for lack of hearing...

WhoDat!656 01-11-2014 09:59 PM

Re: Clock managment

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 572583)
Ya'll do realize the crowd noise had a lot to do with it? They pipe noise into the stadium for a reason, you know...

So! You don't wander down the field after a long completion and act like you have 20 minutes!

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 10:00 PM

Re: Clock managment

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 572592)
So! You don't wander down the field after a long completion and act like you have 20 minutes!

Right, like you know exactly what was going on...

Cruize 01-11-2014 10:02 PM

Re: What's wrong with our coach?
If Thomas doesn't get hurt, Payton is still running the one play and out rotation with Thomas, Ingram and Sproles. He did it a couple of times today after Ingram and Robinson had gained six+ yards on first down. Ride the hot guy until he raises his hand or the situation dictates.

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 10:02 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by Mr.Riaton (Post 572590) dice. Nice try though.

Actually that's true... There are plays that are meant for certain players and Drew has a tendency to lock in on said player and wait for him to work himself open.

Sometimes it works, other times he should have thrown to another option...

WHODATINCA 01-11-2014 10:03 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 572579)
Brees just played like crap, and you cant handle that, but thats exactly what happened. He lost that game.

I disagree with you. One player does not win or lose a game ( that isn't an original thought either ). The thought that one player could lose a game for an entire team probably is an original thought because so few people, especially the intelligent ones, would think it.

And, Blackandgold bring that weak ass shineola about replacing Brees here one more time and I will start a thread naming you in it -- "BlackandGold wants to make Brees the backup".

WhoDat!656 01-11-2014 10:07 PM

Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
I guess he gets a pass for being outdoors?

saintsfan1976 01-11-2014 10:08 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
PK? Placekicker?

NoZone504 01-11-2014 10:08 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by Mr.Riaton (Post 572590) dice. Nice try though.

We winners now so stop making excuses for this,team like they the,Bobby Hebert Saints...I expect better from this group...Moral victories are for peewee

WhoDat!656 01-11-2014 10:09 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!

W. Kovacs 01-11-2014 10:09 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
Those were two BRUTAL kicks to try to make; over 40 yards in terrible elements. And the holder had the laces in on the first one.

saintsfan1976 01-11-2014 10:10 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
Shayne Graham is the LAST person I'd hold accountable for this loss....

4everSaint 01-11-2014 10:10 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
Why? You are grabbing at straws friend

pherein 01-11-2014 10:11 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 572599)
I disagree with you. And, bring that weak ass shineola about replacing Brees here one more time Pherein and I will start a thread naming you in it -- "Pherein wants to make Brees the backup".

really so 24-43 is really good? an entire ½ with 19 yards is good. We all saw him over and under throwing, and not seeing the open recievers. What game were you watching?

and when you learn to read a post let me know whodaty, like always, hell Im dyslexic, but you cant comprehend a simple thought. No one said that lol. You just waste time, because things have to explained to you.. try reading again

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 10:11 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!

Originally Posted by W. Kovacs (Post 572610)
Those were two BRUTAL kicks to try to make; over 40 yards in terrible elements. And the holder had the laces in on the first one.

30+ mph winds at 50 yards is hard to do, he gets a pass I think

limitless 01-11-2014 10:12 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
PK? Phat Krap?

Yeah I'd like to see us cut a phat krap. Count me in.... BTW nice tread title lol

Rell&Gold 01-11-2014 10:14 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 572578)
Hate to break it to you, but there are 7 other QB's still in the playoffs at this moment not named Drew Brees. One of them will wear a Super Bowl ring. He's not even in the top 5 QB's in the game right now, you know. We've got the QB-Payday-Curse since '11.

He really needs to grow some legs when his bubble collapses. Maybe next year we can build him a better bubble.


Are seven if those teams there soley because of their QB?

WhoDat!656 01-11-2014 10:14 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
If Hartley had missed those kicks, Saints fans would have met the plane with torches and pick forks!

Utah_Saint 01-11-2014 10:15 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
I don't think he's cemented his spot on the team. I think they'll have tryouts in the offseason. Graham will have as good a chance as any.

Mr.Riaton 01-11-2014 10:15 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by NoZone504 (Post 572607)
We winners now so stop making excuses for this,team like they the,Bobby Hebert Saints...I expect better from this group...Moral victories are for peewee

What excuses are we talking about here?

WHODATINCA 01-11-2014 10:15 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by pherein (Post 572614)
really so 24-43 is really good? an entire ½ with 19 yards is good. We all saw him over and under throwing, and not seeing the open recievers. What game were you watching?

and when you learn to read a post let me know whodaty, like always, I dyslexic, but you cant comprehend a simple thought. No one said that lol

Sorry, it was BlackandGold I was talking about not you.

But, I still disagree with you about Brees. Why don't you go get a few cocktails man -- you'll feel better and maybe your thinking will become clearer -- because I can assure you that Drew Brees did not lose this game all by himself -- and that assessment is idiotic.

WhoDatFan26 01-11-2014 10:15 PM

Re: What's wrong with our coach?

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 572594)
If Thomas doesn't get hurt, Payton is still running the one play and out rotation with Thomas, Ingram and Sproles. He did it a couple of times today after Ingram and Robinson had gained six+ yards on first down. Ride the hot guy until he raises his hand or the situation dictates.

That I will agree upon. We need to ride the hot hand at RB. Both of them had over 4 yards a carry and need more. Also Jimmy needs to learn how to block.

NoZone504 01-11-2014 10:16 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread
You don't replace Drew...You manage his arm throughout a game.I Love 9...But he didn't have to deal with injuries too we did on the other side of the ball...Look at the road numbers..And tell me we shouldn't turn him into a game manager to maximize his skills.

Halo 01-11-2014 10:18 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 572618)
If Hartley had missed those kicks, Saints fans would have met the plane with torches and pick forks!

That's because Hartley SUCKED!
I don't care who kicks for us, so long as they give us a chance to win.
If this kid doesn't return next year I don't give a rat's arse, just like I didn't give a rats arse what happened to Hartley. Who cares. Kickers are journeymen. I'd drop this guy in a heartbeat for a better kicker.

Mr.Riaton 01-11-2014 10:18 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 572596)
Actually that's true... There are plays that are meant for certain players and Drew has a tendency to lock in on said player and wait for him to work himself open.

Sometimes it works, other times he should have thrown to another option...

Yes thats true,but he made it sound like that was the primary reason for his sacks.

pherein 01-11-2014 10:18 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 572621)
Sorry, it was BlackandGold I was talking about not you.

But, I still disagree with you about Brees. Why don't you go get a few cocktails man -- you'll feel better and maybe your thinking will become clearer -- because I can assure you that Drew Brees did not lose this game all by himself -- and that assessment is idiotic.

dude your not even a challenge , sorry. Brees blew it.

4everSaint 01-11-2014 10:18 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
WhoDat, don't go there man. I want graham back next year. Don't try pinning this on him. There were so many other things that hosed us but I'm not tossing Shayne under a bus

WhoDat!656 01-11-2014 10:19 PM

Maybe the Saints should sign a QB for road games!
Since Brees is golden in the Superdome and sucks hind tit on the road, leave Brees at Jimmy John's on road games!

Rell&Gold 01-11-2014 10:21 PM

Re: The official ***** and moan thread
Some of y'all act like he's suppose to have a perfect game every week guess what it's not going to happen and we played the #1 ranked PASS DEFENSE w/ arguably the Best FS & CB In the league in rain and 30 mph winds seriously & with gloves on go take a seat somewhere

halloween 65 01-11-2014 10:22 PM

Re: Surprised I haven't seen a cut the PK thread yet!
Kickers go from hero to zero with a drop of a hat!! We do need to find a Morton Anderson type.

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