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Danno 05-09-2018 09:05 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 801602)
Clearly not on B&G. Funny how many members suddenly come out of the woodwork to quickly lay blame whenever any negative news surfaces concerning the Saints. But, to be honest, I see it happen the same way on other team's forums, as well. Some people just enjoy thinking the worst. I never could understand that concept. It seems so counterproductive.

Always think the worst and you'll never be disappointed. Its weak

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 09:06 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 801603)
Always think the worst and you'll never be disappointed. Its weak

Agreed. I have brought up that very point on other occasions.

WillSaints81 05-09-2018 09:09 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by Audiotom (Post 801490)
bucs browns falcons giants

weak part of the schedule

and that is also the Ingram-friendly portion as well. When Ingram comes back, he'll have one primetime game against Washington before more rest. So he won't get to start his bounce back quest until week 7, and that's at Baltimore. Then he goes to Minnesota, and then plays at home against LA. I have a feeling we won't be able to exploit the LA defense without heavy use of Kamara, who is going to be needed in that game, like he was last time.

But when Ingram does well against the bengals, eagles(not a good run defense away from home and against good offenses), and falcons.....everyone will say he's back to his old self and that he never got a chance to get going because of a tough schedule.

I felt we were gonna take a step back anyway because we don't have the track record of having an even better season after having a bounce-back season. And when you were two to three plays away from having HFA, then you had your best effort that season and will have to wait your turn again. So losing Ingram those first four weeks is gonna hurt because now the saints will be giving the defense less rest passing the ball.

WillSaints81 05-09-2018 09:13 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by mapcow (Post 801532)
Cut Bait! Move on, like we did with dude. Can't remember his name.... Vascro or something like that.

Obviously did not leave a lasting impression.

We need another RB first for his style. RBs like him are crucial for our division games.

K Major 05-09-2018 09:16 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by mapcow (Post 801532)
Cut Bait! Move on, like we did with dude. Can't remember his name.... Vascro or something like that.

Obviously did not leave a lasting impression.

Saints aren't cutting Ingram.

On many occasions, Drew has labeled MI as the "heart and soul" of the team. I still believe in Mark & his ability. Unfortunate set of circumstances but I still see him as a Saint. He'll return in top form & run like his hair is on fire as he always do. Mark ain't that type of cat to take something intentionally he knew was banned.

Week #5 ... he'll be ready to go.

WillSaints81 05-09-2018 09:16 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 801568)
This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone anymore than bounty programs existing. You don’t stay competitive amongst elite competition in a brutal sport on whole milk, chicken, multi-vitamins, and a protein shake.

I am surprised at three suspensions in as many years but only because that’s a low number compared to reality.

Are we naive enough to believe that after 5-6 seasons a player just got good? It’s not a coincidence that the three suspensions were for players that had hot previous seasons, the league knows where to look.

Truer words have never been spoken.

billyt81 05-09-2018 09:19 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
This is unfortunately just part of the NFL. All players especially older ones are doing some form of PED. There's too much $ in it.

ChrisXVI 05-09-2018 09:20 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
We have a statement:

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 09:21 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 801612)
Truer words have never been spoken.


WillSaints81 05-09-2018 09:24 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 801581)
You angry about something? Your comments on my post about the release of Fleener had the same condescending aggressive tone. I was correct then, and I’m correct now with the exception of being 2/3 correct on the PED suspension number.

It’s almost as though you are trying to provoke something.

Have a great day.

He supports everything the saints FO and what the team does in games and no fan opinion even matters to him.

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 09:24 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 801615)

And then there is this ...

As we said, wait and see before spouting rabid speculations. But, that's just how some people roll.

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 09:26 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 801617)
He supports everything the saints FO and what the team does in games and no fan opinion even matters to him.

Uneducated, misdirected and faulty fan opinions clearly do not matter to me.

ChrisXVI 05-09-2018 09:28 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 801618)
And then there is this ...

As we said, wait and see before spouting rabid speculations. But, that's just how some people roll.

Very strange. Not a PED, not a recreational drug... I think there’s a good chance this suspension gets reduced.

44Champs 05-09-2018 09:30 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
I saw an Instagram post that hinted towards the use of marijuana. Sheesh - that should be taken off of the banned substance list.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 09:32 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by 44Champs (Post 801624)
I saw an Instagram post that hinted towards the use of marijuana. Sheesh - that should be taken off of the banned substance list.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

That's what I mean about reading crap and believing it. If it was marijuana wouldn't have been a PED suspension as the league clearly announce. Therefore, it is false. Don't believe everything you read, especially off instagram. :rolleyes:

CheramieIII 05-09-2018 09:33 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
They may just alternate Edmunds and Scott? Ingram is a dumbarse for doing it. It's not like he didn't know he would get caught.

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 09:38 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 801621)
Very strange. Not a PED, not a recreational drug... I think there’s a good chance this suspension gets reduced.

Therapeutic Use Exemptions

The NFL recognizes that within the list of prohibited substances there are medications that are appropriate for the treatment of specific medical conditions. For athletes who require the use of a prohibited substance to treat an appropriately diagnosed medical problem, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) may be requested. In reviewing a TUE request, the Independent Administrator of the NFL Policy for Anabolic Steroids and Related Substances and the Medical Advisor for the Policy and Program for Substances of Abuse have sole discretion to require medical evidence beyond that normally necessary to initiate treatment by the medical community.

TUEs may be granted by the Independent Administrator and/or Medical Advisor after review of a player’s TUE application. The TUE application should be filled out and submitted by the player’s treating physician and should include all pertinent medical records documenting the diagnosis.
After review of each case, the advisors may require further diagnostic testing or previous medical records, and/or may utilize the services of expert consultants. The advisors will have the final decision whether to grant a TUE.

The following general requirements apply to all TUE requests:
1. The medication must be necessary and indicated for treatment of the specific medical problem for which it has been requested;
Acceptable alternative treatments with medications that are not prohibited were attempted but failed, or reasons for not prescribing these alternative treatments have been presented;
2. Appropriate evaluation has been completed and all medical records documenting the diagnosis have been submitted for review; and
3. The applicant may not begin use of the prohibited substance until after the TUE is granted.

Effective immediately, a TUE may be granted retroactively only if emergency use of the prohibited substance is necessary to avoid morbidity or mortality of disease or disorder. TUEs for draft eligible players will continue to be reviewed and granted prior to or following pre-employment tests at Combine or during visits to individual team facilities.

In addition, specific requirements have been established and must be satisfied in order to obtain a TUE for the following conditions:
• male pattern baldness
• hypertension
• hormonal deficiency due to either primary or secondary hypogonadism and/or hypopituitarism.

Any player who seeks to be treated by a physician with a prohibited substance for any
condition must have that physician file a TUE application with the Independent
Administrator. If a player tests positive for a prohibited substance without having been
granted a TUE, this constitutes a positive test and will be referred for administrative action.

SmashMouth 05-09-2018 09:38 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 801615)

An email address AND phone number... hmmmmm, should we call or email for updates?:bng:

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 09:40 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by CheramieIII (Post 801629)
They may just alternate Edmunds and Scott? Ingram is a dumbarse for doing it. It's not like he didn't know he would get caught.

It doesn't appear to be anything nefarious. It was something that falls under Therapeutic Use Exemptions. That could be something like Rogaine for male pattern baldness.

SmashMouth 05-09-2018 09:41 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

SmashMouth 05-09-2018 09:58 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
The first part of the defense, that the substance is “permissible with the proper use exemption,” doesn’t mean much. If Ingram had the proper use exemption, the NFL wouldn’t have moved to suspend him in the first place. All sorts of banned performance-enhancing substances, from Adderall to testosterone to human growth hormone, can be prescribed by doctors and used legally. But that doesn’t mean that a player who tests positive for them without having first obtained a therapeutic use exemption is going to get anywhere by noting after the fact that he theoretically could have used the substance legally.

The second part of the defense, that Ingram “has vigorously challenged the test results,” would seem contradictory with the first defense. If Ingram is going to claim he was using the banned substance for a therapeutic reason, then there would be no need to challenge the test results because he would readily admit that the substance was in his body. If Ingram is claiming that the test was invalid and he didn’t use the substance, then what difference does it make if he could have used it with a proper use exemption?

An arbitrator’s ruling is expected within a week. Unless there’s more to Ingram’s appeal than his agents’ statement suggests, it’s hard to see him avoiding the suspension. Ingram was the leading rusher for the Saints last season but is reportedly unhappy with his contract and not planning to participate in voluntary offseason work.

jeanpierre 05-09-2018 10:05 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
Here's Ingram's camp's first public response...

Update: Apologies Chris, saw you posted this - guess this thread is really hot this a.m. - life moving fast in the B&G...

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 10:09 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 801636)
The first part of the defense, that the substance is “permissible with the proper use exemption,” doesn’t mean much. If Ingram had the proper use exemption, the NFL wouldn’t have moved to suspend him in the first place. All sorts of banned performance-enhancing substances, from Adderall to testosterone to human growth hormone, can be prescribed by doctors and used legally. But that doesn’t mean that a player who tests positive for them without having first obtained a therapeutic use exemption is going to get anywhere by noting after the fact that he theoretically could have used the substance legally.

The second part of the defense, that Ingram “has vigorously challenged the test results,” would seem contradictory with the first defense. If Ingram is going to claim he was using the banned substance for a therapeutic reason, then there would be no need to challenge the test results because he would readily admit that the substance was in his body. If Ingram is claiming that the test was invalid and he didn’t use the substance, then what difference does it make if he could have used it with a proper use exemption?

An arbitrator’s ruling is expected within a week. Unless there’s more to Ingram’s appeal than his agents’ statement suggests, it’s hard to see him avoiding the suspension. Ingram was the leading rusher for the Saints last season but is reportedly unhappy with his contract and not planning to participate in voluntary offseason work.

Consider the source on that one, Michael David Smith. A Chicago based blogger with no legal expertise. Once again, let's wait and see. If a suspension does come down it doesn't mean it was anything of an egregious nature.

papz 05-09-2018 10:10 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
In a statement, Ingram's agent said his client had a "proper use exemption" for the substance which Ingram tested positive. "At the end of the 2017 season, as a result of a NFL mandated random drug test, Mark tested positive for a substance that was not a performance enhancing substance, nor an illegal substance, but a substance in fact permissible with the proper use exemption with the NFL," Ingram's agent said. A decision from an arbitrator is due by May 16.

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune

Garry42 05-09-2018 10:41 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
Hope this all works out for Ingram.....we need him the first 4 games. If his Agent's statement is correct, it seems very unusual it would have gotten to the point of handing down a suspension. Something tells me that the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. Guess we wait to hear from the arbitrator.....

Danno 05-09-2018 10:49 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
Its disappointing that so many people assumed Mark was snortin coke, smokin crack, and shootin roids all at the same time.

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 11:00 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 801653)
Its disappointing that so many people assumed Mark was snortin coke, smokin crack, and shootin roids all at the same time.

Yes it is. Not surprising, but very disappointing.

K Major 05-09-2018 11:17 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 801653)
Its disappointing that so many people assumed Mark was snortin coke, smokin crack, and shootin roids all at the same time.

Character assassination...

Tough crowd :rolleyes:.

st thomas 05-09-2018 11:17 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
If mark had an exemption for the product why did the NFL hand cuff him if they know he would be set free ? Chew on that. Let your people get with my people and then we’ll schedule a lunch meeting in Tahoe . Mark I’m on your side till .

jeanpierre 05-09-2018 11:25 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 801653)
Its disappointing that so many people assumed Mark was snortin coke, smokin crack, and shootin roids all at the same time.

Well, unfortunately that is our culture of #fakenews - it was initially reported as a positive test for a banned PED and toothpaste doesn't go back in the tube so easily...

What's amazing to me is that several news sources reported Ingram seeking a new contract in a low-key blurb a few weeks after the playoffs...

Those same media outlets now say he's asking for a raise like he did it after the positive test - I'd like to see the actual chronology accurately reported...

Then I'd like to see these kids who erroneously reported or shaded the facts receive a public @sswhopin' on a three-manned gallows (one white, one black, one asian)...

More public @sswhopin's would put an end to a lot of this schite - they use to tar and feather cowards that did this back in the day - again our forefathers were wiser...

Disclaimer: Again, I've never been a big Mark Ingram fan; I don't want to see his contract redone that I expect him to honor in full faith and participation...

When his current contract was negotiated - I was in favor of keeping him as he finally was performing well and he was our best free agent option in that market...

And I wouldn't have a problem if we let him walk at the expiration of his contract if we have a back who can split the load as he and Kamara have...

turbo_dog 05-09-2018 11:31 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
I hate this! At first I was thinking about the balance of tough running Ingram and silky smooth Kamara, and how this will change it for the first four games. Then I remembered we had Peterson at the beginning of the season last year, and it wasn't until later that we got the first glimpses of our dynamic duo. Maybe this won't be as bad as I was thinking.

Beastmode 05-09-2018 11:39 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
I was thinking the same. We could have a more capable RB. Would not be the first time we found this out; PT, happens.

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 11:41 AM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by st thomas (Post 801657)
If mark had an exemption for the product why did the NFL hand cuff him if they know he would be set free ? Chew on that. Let your people get with my people and then we’ll schedule a lunch meeting in Tahoe . Mark I’m on your side till .

To be precise, the release doesn't say there was an exemption in hand. It said it was "a substance ... permissible with the proper use exemption". That was explaining that it wasn't any of the bad stuff. If they were fighting the case it may have something to do with a legality. Perhaps it was deemed necessary, but his agent screwed up on the submission of the paperwork. That could explain the abrupt firing of the agent. Unfortunately the fine-print says a retroactive submission can only be accepted if the was danger of mortality and such.

Garry42 05-09-2018 12:15 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 801664)
To be precise, the release doesn't say there was an exemption in hand. It said it was "a substance ... permissible with the proper use exemption". That was explaining that it wasn't any of the bad stuff. If they were fighting the case it may have something to do with a legality. Perhaps it was deemed necessary, but his agent screwed up on the submission of the paperwork. That could explain the abrupt firing of the agent. Unfortunately the fine-print says a retroactive submission can only be accepted if the was danger of mortality and such.

Good point! I read the statement closer after my earlier post and think you are correct. I originally read it to say he had an exemption. Guess that's why I'm not a lawyer.....:)

papz 05-09-2018 12:19 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games
Updating a previous item, suspended RB Mark Ingram's appeal has already been heard and denied by the NFL.

There was apparently some confusion on this Wednesday morning when Ingram's agent released a statement, saying they planned to appeal the four-game PEDs ban. That's already been done, which is why the league announced the suspension on Tuesday. Ingram will be sidelined Weeks 1-4 (vs. TB, vs. CLE, at ATL, at NYG), leaving Alvin Kamara locked into RB1 duties.

Source: Josh Katzenstein on Twitter

44Champs 05-09-2018 12:35 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 801627)
That's what I mean about reading crap and believing it. If it was marijuana wouldn't have been a PED suspension as the league clearly announce. Therefore, it is false. Don't believe everything you read, especially off instagram. :rolleyes:

If you read your own post above, it says he was suspended for a NON-PED substance. That's why I think it would make sense that it was marijuana.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

jeanpierre 05-09-2018 12:37 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by papz (Post 801671)
Updating a previous item, suspended RB Mark Ingram's appeal has already been heard and denied by the NFL.

There was apparently some confusion on this Wednesday morning when Ingram's agent released a statement, saying they planned to appeal the four-game PEDs ban. That's already been done, which is why the league announced the suspension on Tuesday. Ingram will be sidelined Weeks 1-4 (vs. TB, vs. CLE, at ATL, at NYG), leaving Alvin Kamara locked into RB1 duties.

Source: Josh Katzenstein on Twitter

Confirmed, second source...

73Saint 05-09-2018 12:38 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)
Bring AP back for 1st 4 games. Kidding.

jeanpierre 05-09-2018 12:46 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games(Update: Appeal denied)

AsylumGuido 05-09-2018 12:50 PM

Re: Mark Ingram Suspended Four Games

Originally Posted by 44Champs (Post 801675)
If you read your own post above, it says he was suspended for a NON-PED substance. That's why I think it would make sense that it was marijuana.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

No. The league said the violation was "PED", not "substance abuse". PED is basically anything that is on the banned substance list and not an illegal substance or alcohol. Not all things on the banned list are truly "performance enhancing". Things like fertility drugs and hair-growth drugs are on there.

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