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A Tragic Day in American History

Posted 01-28-2012 at 02:06 PM by saintfan

It happened 26 years ago on this day. It was January 28th, 1986, and I was in the 11th grade. To many, Shuttle launches were no longer a big deal because, if memory serves, there had been more than 20 that preceded this one, but they still held my imagination. In fact I never lost that feeling - right up and until the program was retired.

Soon after the explosion word made its way around school. I and some others had access to insight other kids didn't. I couldn't wait to get...
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Goodell, The Dictator.

Posted 03-22-2012 at 03:26 AM by burningmetal
Updated 03-22-2012 at 09:47 AM by Halo

I am so freaking tired of hearing the national and even local media (Jeff Duncan for instance) telling us not to blame Goodell, that it's all the Saints' fault, that we fans basically know nothing and we're just a bunch of dopes who like to hear ourselves talk.

Sure, the Saints are responsible for whatever action, or inaction, that took place in this scandal. Nobody in their right mind would deny that. But what these superiorly intelligent people fail to realize is that we aren't...
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Posted in Sports, Saints
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Rating: 3 votes, 3.67 average.

Defending A. J. Klien from the National Media Hacks

Posted 12-16-2017 at 12:22 AM by hagan714
Updated 12-24-2017 at 08:12 AM by hagan714

Defending A. J. Klien from the National Media Hacks

I just finished reading some articles screaming about how they were right about AJ Klien being a free agent mistake the day we signed him and paid him as a starter. Granted I was a bit surprised at the contract and believe it was the results of a bidding war. Dennis Allen wanted him big time I guess and the way the contract is written Klien wanted to be here just as bad. Here are the links

Bust is too harsh a word,...
LB Mentallity
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Rating: 2 votes, 3.50 average.

Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.

Posted 10-02-2013 at 10:54 AM by xan

Sorry for not posting anything for a while. I'd offer half-hearted excuses, but it's only because there's been nothing inspiring to talk about. But joy is back!

As a college professor, I like to use examples of catastrophically bad decision-making as teaching tools. Examining the process and the reasons for failure teach us a great deal about how the world works, and how to identify when we might be in a similar situation. There is a side effect of also being very funny. It's easier...
Professor Crab and
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Rating: 2 votes, 3.50 average.

Jerry Jones fires Garrett and entire coaching staff

Posted 01-05-2020 at 09:02 PM by OldMaid

Originally Posted by OldMaid View Post
I wish would Sean Payton to please give a straight up, straight out answer that he and his staff are not going to DCowboys.

Or is he, would he consider depending on the zeros of an offer ?

The media is running with Sean P scenario back to DallasCowboys all night. It is going to be on all week, every , single day until JerryJones signs his next coach.
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