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Artie Lange tells it like it is, takes over Joe Buck's brand new HBO show

Posted 06-16-2009 at 08:14 AM by saintsfan1976

Joe Buck, Tony "Homo" and Jessica Simpson get it from Artie...priceless!!

Edit: YouTube dropped the clip for copyright issues, again, and obtained a new video from TMZ. Joe Buck’s debut edition of his new HBO show has already achieved infamous status… thanks to his guest comedian Artie Lange. Lange is known for roasting his hosts and off the wall comments that can clear a room, but taking Artie on was not a smart move foe Buck, especially seeing this was the maiden...
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Posted 06-10-2009 at 01:15 AM by B_Dub_Saint
Tags Insomnia, sad, sleep

Many people all over the world suffer from this terrible issue insomnia. I for one am one of those people. Are there any other members on here that have this problem? I find that my mind cannot wind down at night and there are constant things running through my brain all night long. I've had to go drastic and start taking Ambien. It works a little bit but I can take a pill and still stay up on it; as I am doing right now All I want to do is have a good night sleep so I can feel normal the next...
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Live Action Role Playing

Posted 06-08-2009 at 10:59 PM by CantonLegend

Recently i was introduced to the huge world of LARP(live action role playing) is probably the nerdiest thing i have ever seen next to dungeons and dragons....but it is probably one of the funnest(i know thats not a word) things ive done in my entire life.....

i found a park near my brothers home that does LARP twice a month and consists of a group no more than 30 players....i went this past sunday to see what it was like and i found myself completely enthralled by this crazy...
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Rating: 1 votes, 5.00 average.

First and Gold 25th Edition!

Posted 05-24-2009 at 12:53 PM by CheramieIII

Hello sports fans,

It's been sometime since I've written an article but I've been bitten by the writing bug again, so here goes:

When I heard and even read rumors that Michael Vick maybe reinstated and maybe land in New Orleans, I really didn't know what to feel. The Saints have come such a long way in the character issue column that at first I thought it could never happen. Then I just got mad as hell that Vick still even has a chance to regain some if not all of...
Fan Since 1967
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Petition to bring back the Deuce!!!!

Posted 05-21-2009 at 10:50 AM by joker-saint

I know all of you don't want the Edge playing for our team. Lets get our voices heard. Deuce wants to come back and we can help him do that. Lets see how many of us can reply to this thread. Maybe we can somehow get this entire thread to Payton and Loomis. Deuce has been training here in Gulf Breeze and we all know there is nobody who works harder than the Deuce. I think if he comes back the team will work even harder because of his drive. Not to mention he really wants that ring. More...
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