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Football 101:Salary Cap, Free Agency and Franchise Tags

Posted 12-18-2008 at 08:46 AM by hagan714

The NFL salary cap is calculated by the current CBA to be 59.5% of the total projected league revenue for the upcoming year. This number, divided by the number of teams, determines an individual team's maximum salary cap. For 2008, this was approximately $116 million per team. For 2009, a minimum 6% increase raised this number to at least $123 million. For all of you nerds out there, here is the actual mathematical calculation:

Projected revenue x CBA Percentage...
LB Mentallity
Posted in Sports, NFL
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At Least We Aren't INSANE

Posted 12-17-2008 at 03:16 PM by Halo (Nose Bleed)

Guys and Gals,

I know the Saints aren't going to the playoffs, and I know it has already rained on everyone's Superbowl Party before it started. But consider this, everyone should be thankful that they are not an insane screaming woman.

Watch this video, and God Bless Them Please...

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'Delgo' Has Worst Release Opening Ever

Posted 12-16-2008 at 02:26 AM by Halo (Nose Bleed)

Don't feel too left out if you missed seeing the animated adventure movie "Delgo" this past weekend. No one did. In fact, the movie broke a record for having the worst opening ever for a film in wide release. "Delgo" earned a measly $511,920 this weekend on 2,160 screens, not even breaking the top ten. That's an average of $237 per screen for the three days. If you figure there were five screenings a day, and assume ticket prices are about $8, that comes out to two people in the theater per showing....
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Rating: 2 votes, 3.00 average.

Donation Feature and other site suggestions.

Posted 12-13-2008 at 06:40 PM by stevie777
Updated 12-13-2008 at 07:08 PM by stevie777

Some members eventually like to donate to a website to help the cause, i have nothing against donating as long as it's not setup to only be monthly like some other sites "i wont mention:" are starting to do.
If this can help remove some of these Banner ad's eventually that would be great, a Donation button with a indicator of how much has been donated and how much need to be donated would be pretty cool..

This site seems to be ran like a real fan site and not like...
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The Saints not politics is our common ground!

Posted 11-05-2008 at 10:44 AM by SapperSaint

After reading the various threads dealing with the Presidential election, I have noticed one thing... Division among us on this site.

This is a New Orleans Football site. Yes, we do talk about other things here, but Religion and Politics should be two subjects that should be avoided. At all cost.

I know why JoeSam and many others love this site so is because of the people that make up this site. Yes, we are different but the one common ground that we share...
Pink Nightmare
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